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Numbers, numbers, math math math!
She sounds less enthusiastic than I remember.
That's what the character says while you're in the menu making choices, so that's basically all I remember her saying while my husband played.
ooh, gaige?
She seemed pretty cool.
Though I didn't watch that much because the times I was nearby I was usually playing something else myself.
She's also one of the easier charecters to play, did my first runthrough using her
(summon death trap, wait for him to soften up or kill targets. ATTACK! Also, when dying, if he kills someone you revive, which is almost like having another player helping you, one which never misses)
Yeah it seemed like deathtrap was amazingly helpful.
I'm not sure who I'd be if I ever get around to Borderlands.
It doesn't seem like Gaige's anarchy stack thing would be that great for my play style. I'm not typically super aggressive except in games that have a lot of pausing or other ways to slow down the action, so I might be someone more stealthy.
Speaking of games that have pausing, time for more Dragon Age: Awakening.
I now have a mage with a power that makes enemies explode and it is cool but at the same time hard to see anything when it happens. I think I'm being illuminated by my own flaming maul there.
@Cerberus Found it. Ogre-killing with a maul just doesn't look right.
@aediaλ Just look out for the revenants.
@aediaλ: you could just choose not to level that up
Zer0 is the stealthy one. I have problems playing him ;p
When are unmarried males 35 and over most likely to watch TV?
Let's say they're employed for the most part, but not generally in 9-5s.
Network TV.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 JR thinks this is Nortonn come again:
Q: Meaning Of In : Dive In

panningHelp me understand this: The man who left David Seaman in tears in the 2002 World Cup should have scored from another set-piece here after 19 minutes. Having won a slightly questionable penalty after his cross was deemed to have been handled by Wilshere, Ronaldinho tried to beat Joe Hart l...

I see nothing that rules it out.
The tags are spot on.
But I don’t remember him quoting things with single quotes and italics.
Flag thrown.
Is a Myanmite from Myanmar?
Do you uh, watch network TV?
Not that you collect records.
I thought not.
I have to advertise on TV, though.
A Burmese is from Myanmar.
Oh right, it's Burma now.
No, it was Burma before.
I will push harder on the independent that shows Simpsons and Family Guy in syndication every night.
Burma quondam, Burmaque futuris.
Burma Shave.
@tchrist Why didn't the name of the people change when the name of the country changed? /curious
@WendiKidd Heh.
@tchrist Huh. Googled something interesting: wiki.answers.com/Q/…
I’m being recalcitrant or intransigent or something like that.
Next they’ll expect me to rename Ceylon or Nippon or Formosa or Cathay. Ain’t gonna happen.
Not to mention Côte d’Ivoire or Timor L’este.
Sort of like Pluto isn't a planet and we now have 5 oceans?
I always forget those @ notifications unless I'm clicking the reply arrow!
Plutoid is a rock.
Has she been misbehaving?
Naw. She seems to like the new cat cave.
That’s the same cat?
Yes sir.
She is high white.
I guess.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a calico that looks quite like that, but I guess every one of them is different.
I like the way she has her feet arranged.
Quite fetching.
How is your kitteh?
Old. Happy.
Getting a mite skinny.
I need to feed him more ice cream.
He likes it.
Did you say ice cream?
Okay, I'm finished.
How old is she?
She'll be four in October.
Very young.
Pretty kitty!
Thank you!
That reminds me . . . the Android SO room has a cat-generating script bot now.
The time has come for vidya games.
What’s a cat-generating script bot?
That’s really quite well done.
@tchrist That was a really interesting read!!
Did you just call me Myanmarese?
Why are dogs and cats different?
In what way?
Did you mean to sound agitated? :P
I mean, why do pictures of cats do things to us that pictures of dogs simply do not?
Oh. Cats have far more personality.
Uh oh, the shower stopped. Gotta run!
I wonder if it might not be their face and eyes, somehow more humanlike at our heartstrings.
Oh, go!!
That one looks like Grumpy Cat, who, btw, made People magazine.
Lei tors.
@tchrist p'haps.
Wolves are cute, but tigers—tigers are magnificent!
And that is earth-shaking. A half-ton kitty!!
He’s about twice as big as even a tiger.
@aediaλ Haha, ridiculous!
And hello room.
@tchrist I call fake!
No, it’s real.
Ligers and tigons.
A liger (male lion, female tigress) produces a kitty 2x the size of the larger parent.
We don’t know why. It doesn’t work with this way with tigons (male tiger, female lioness).
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's totally unfair, and you know it! A user who digs into settings and disables e.g. Facebook's access to the camera is not as stupid as the type you're imagining. Stupid users won't even bother.
But mules and hinnies are different, too.
Look up Ralph and Hercules, giant 900-pound ligers.
@tchrist Paws = too small for the beast!
OMG a Canadian site! I'm not clicking that, not after the way @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 was being totally unreasonable and defending some evil Apple scheme!
crosses arms
> The largest feline in the world, ligers can grow to more than 1000 pounds (450 kilos) in weight, and reported length of greater than 12 feet (6.7 meters). They will consume anywhere from 20 to 50 pounds of meat per day but can be capable of eating 100 pounds (45 kilos) in a single sitting. Their average reported longevity is anywhere from 18 to 24 years (570–750 megaseconds).
Perhaps once I'm sober.
They don’t live as long as their parents, alas.
Usually. They are prone to cancer.
> can be capable of
> 570–750 megaseconds
Such insolent mockery!
shakes metric fists
The males are sterile, but the females can bear young. However, those young are seldom themselves fertile.
Just trying to holpen.
You added that?
And it's helpen.
> help [hɛlp], v. Pa. t. helped [hɛlpt], arch. holp [həʊlp]; pa. pple. helped, arch. holpen [ˈhəʊlpən, -p(ə)n]. Forms: 1 helpan, 2-4 helpen, 3-7 helpe, 4- help. (Also 3 halp-, healp-, heolp-, elp, 6 healp(e.) Pa. t. and pple.: see below.
> Com. Teut. str. vb.: OE. helpan, healp (hulpon), holpen = OFris. helpa, OS. helpan (Dutch, LG. helpen), OHG. helfan (Ger. helfen), ONor. hjálpa (Sw. hjelpa, Da. hjelpe), Goth. hilpan, halp (hulpum), hulpans: OTeut. ablaut series help-, halp-, hulp- (holp-).
It is not correct Dutch. I shall not behold it.
Holpen is the plural simple past.
Or pp.
You don’t have to be beholden, just upholden.
US dialect still use holpen? Where, I wonder?
> Of the strong inflexions, the normal ME. pa. t. sing. was halp; the pl. was holpen (with o of pa. pple.), later holp(e, which c 1500 was extended also to the sing., and continued in frequent use till 17th c.; it is now a rare archaism exc. in U.S. dial. use. The pa. pple. holpen, kept alive by biblical and liturgical use, is still employed by poets and archaists (and occurs also in U.S. dial.)
> The liger is a hybridcross between a male lion (Panthera leo) and a tigress(Panthera tigris). It is the largest of all known cats. In the mix he gets characteristics from both parents, for instance, Ligers enjoy swimming which is a characteristic of tigers and are very sociable like lions.
Living, or dead. Not even the extinct ones are thought to exceed the liger’s size, only meet it.
Hercules is one of five sibling ligers.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ping ping!
> Samson weighed more than 1000 pounds in size. Samson was 12 feet long. Samson had the ability to even eat 100 pounds of meat per day. Samson had a speed of sixty miles per hour which was extremely fast. This speed could be specifically noted for the regular measurement of liger speed comparisons with other big cats that do exist in the world today
Now he just makes cameras.
Samson is the socialist leader.
Is he?
What's English for Diederik/Dietrich?
Dietrich, pronounced Deetrick.
You asked.
You have it not.
It's Schokolade, not chocolate.
There used to be a Deidrich Coffee but apparently it’s closed. Didn’t realize that; I don’t get to Denver too often.
The big city!
I thought you hated cities.
I told you, I haven’t been in so long I didn’t even know it had closed.
Years, surely.
C'est assez longtemps!
It was right next to Queen Supers, on the road to the park with the cute architecture and rose garden.
Don't you feel like you're missing out on all the fun and interesting stuff?
Um, no.
Did you have a different outlook when you were 20?
I imagine: I was living in Madrid when I was 20. But I still wasn’t a “party” person.
Ah, its name is Cheeseman. I’d forgotten.
Cheesman Park is an urban park and neighborhood located in the City and County of Denver, Colorado, United States. Geography Cheesman Park is located in central Denver, southeast of downtown. The Park has inexact borders, as it is framed on 3 sides by private residences, but is located in center of the Cheesman Park neighborhood, between Humboldt Street on the west, Race Street and Denver Botanic Gardens on the east, 13th Avenue on the north, and 8th Avenue on the south. The neighborhood's borders are approximately: *West: Downing Street *East: York Street *North: Colfax Avenue *South: ...
Clubs are kind of eww.
I have just come home from one. Very meh.
I imagine. Do they still smoke there?
It is totally illegal and forbidden, but, yes.
I am stinking of smoke big time now.
Here they have outdoor patios for that.
Apparently, Holland is the only country in Europe where people ignore the smoking ban.
Ah, since cornbread is not here to gossip with me, I am leaving this chat...
But I don't care for partying much.
You need more Germanism, respect for the law, in case the children are watching.
It is rather all the social gatherings, shops, musea, theatres, canals, architecture, the presence of interesting people...
Denver is 45 minutes away by car. Too far to go to go out drinking, and get home alive.
Pah. Bikers don't stop for traffic lights either.
It's not quite Rome, but it must seem like that to Germans!
Befehl ist Befehl.
I really must retire. I got up because the winds were too loud.
Of course.
Happy retiring.
I’m jubilated by the idea, I assure you.
@tchrist Why the passive btw.?
Can an idea jubilate you?
If it can jubilate Deo, it can jubilate TChrist.
@MετάEd Newsflash: Latin ≠ English!
And Tchrist ≠ God.
And one egg is not un oeuf to make a good breakfast, but it is un oeuf to make a good pun which one should know better than to spoil. Because a spoiled pun is no better than a spoiled egg.
Meh now you're spoiling my fun.
Dissent and all.
glances wildly from side to side
Hi guys.
Can somebody explain the difference between the following: I wake up to the same face for the past 4 years. I have woken up to the same face for the past 4 years, or I have been waking up to the same face for the past 4 years. A friend wants to know and I dont know how to properly answer it.
@Noah Umm I would say "have woken up" is the standard construction here.
What if it's a habitual thing?
"Wake up" sounds...very informal, possibly wrong. I wouldn't use the present simple with a past event.
@Noah That is habitual in this context.
"Have been waking up" sounds like a rather informal version of "have woken up": possible, but why not use fewer words?
Okay. But we use it all the time. I mean native speakers do.
Okay. But we use it all the time. I mean native speakers do.
So you think the the second one is the proper one?
Good evening.
How can I explain this to her in simple terms?
Past event(s) => no present simple.
And use the continuous (be + -ing) only when necessary or informally.
What genre is she writing in anyway?
How are you all doing?
@Mahnax Evening
In speech, I don't think many people will object to have been waking up.
We are good.
@Noah Royalty, art thou?
Okay. Fiction
@Mahnax Fine and thou
@Noah I'm doing very well, thank you.
Good to know
Well, this has been lovely, but I just realized how many hours of sleep I'll be able to get if I stay up any later and it's not looking good. Bye!
I'm off to bed too.
@Cerberus Okay, me TOO.
Everyone is going off
@Cerberus are you in Amsterdam now?
@JohanLarsson Yes!
But I am also supposed to be in bed.
So you haven't seen me!
its 9:06 in the morning here in europe, a fine time to wake up and get ready for the day :)
It's 9:07!
Not-such-a-fine time to go to bed...
But I should.
@Cerberus that was why I asked, I just woke up in CET
7 hours later…
Who can guess this user’s sex?
I guess she’s a she. Why, I can’t tell you for sure, but I really think so.
The funny thing is she never makes NNS errors, but she asks questions that I kinda feel are ones a native speaker would not.
Oh hey, I have K thing for ya.
@tchrist She used a z in -ize endings where a Brit would spell it -ise, but varies between single and double quotes for quoted material. Also, "Without recasting the following sentence, is the possessive of the quoted song title correctly punctuated as exampled?" It's an odd verbing but not beyond the pale, yet it feels NNS-ish to me.
@tchrist Oh K
What a useless git:
Lol -- @tchrist You were told it was a term? @4 others: That was fun, right? — Kris 9 hours ago
Pissed me off so much for yanking my chain with a useless invented non-answer that I delete-voted it.
I added mine.
@Robusto Oxford dons use -ize.
So they say.
Why would an Oxford don ask those questions, though?
But OUP is something of an izland in that regard.
What's K's objection to the use of term there? That's what it is.
Bet it’ll be easier to get two others than the four others he’s mocking.
The good news is, he's gradually outing himself as a troll.
At this rate, it will take a long time till he reaches Thirsty Again territory.
Wonder how any of these comments contribute much to the point. — Kris 3 hours ago
I wonder where he thinks he is:
On ELU, this would be considered general reference. — Kris yesterday
Please check the dictionaries and update the question, we are too lazy to that. :) — Kris 2 days ago
Apparently we are also too lazy to proofread.
Speaking of K:
A: Voting is anonymous?

J.R. How is one supposed to respond to the above comment? I think your best course of action would be to explain your downvote. After all, an established user like you must have a good reason for downvoting, right? (I assume your downvotes are based on objectively evaluating answers, downvoting t...

J.R. has answered his question in a sly, suggestive manner that really gets to the point. Yet he has received as many down votes as up for it.
Given that K is (presumably) one of the down votes, the other two might have been mistakes, misunderstandings of the satirizing nature of the answer.
> After all, an established user like you must have a good reason for downvoting, right?
Isn’t it curious that the StackExchange asks, and has a place in your public profile, for age but not sex?
I dunno. I think neither is relevant, or of any use.
I wasn’t asking that sex be added so much as that age be subtracted.
People get too negative about ages, so if they were subtracted, that would be a positive.
I don’t know why age is there, actually.
I would prefer that too, or at least make the field not appear if it is not filled out
Do I prejudge Bill Frank as a crusty, cantankerous, curmudgeonly old coot just because he’s in his sixties, or do I prejudge Mahnmax as a energetic, industrious, well-spoken, and somewhat politely reserved kid just because he is in his teens?
No, I postjudge them, for by their postings shall ye know them.
A: Quantifying the amount of luck required to win a tournament

IharSThe common conditions/rules of being independent from luck in the tournament: 1) You are playing tournament with deep stacks and reasonable blind level lengths. It means turbo tournaments with 5 minutes per level contain enough luck-dependent situations. Not playing "turbos" will allow to avoid ...

Diapason? I've never heard that word used in this context. For me it's an organ term (music).
Neither have I.
But OED 4b transf. and fig. sense reads “Entire compass, range, reach, scope.”
Awfully erudite for a poker answer if it is figurative.
Most poker players would use the term "hand range" there.
struggles to think of a gambit/gamut joke
Well, hats off to M(x) in either case.
Or iHars, wevs.
You know, we haven’t had any mods around for like 5–6 hours:
Nor much of anybody else, for that matter.
@tchrist "As an actress, she runs the full gamut of emotions from A to B."
Oscar Levant, perhaps?
But a poker player often makes a gambit, no?
Chess players make gambits.
Ah, thanks Sim.
Yeah, well. She just now deleted the offensive post I just now mentioned. She may be a ghost. :)
Or else her real name is Sarah D.
If so, I don’t blame ’er: I’d’ve changed my last name too if I’d been born a Dippity.
In other news, the arthritis in my right wrist is making some of the Italian Concerto painful, but the first movement is starting to get crisp. I just never know when a cross-under is going to trigger a stab of pain. I'll tackle the last movement next, then the middle one.
Much more likely she just checked the flag queue or meta, actually; Andrew posted about it:
A: Is it good or bad that a spam answer, even once deleted, still brings a question to the top?

Andrew LeachIt is generally counterproductive to bring old questions to the top of the list. Many users cannot see deleted answers and won't know why the question is there; and they will post an answer or a comment simply because they can. Those answers seem to be of lower quality than the existing answers, ...

Stabs of pain, bad.
Yeah, but even scales are good.
Meaning, even scales can trigger it, or that they do not?
I knew you'd ask that.
Scales that are even in volume and meter are good.
Is it more like a muscle cramp then, from increased tightness at a dynamic or meter shift?
Darn it, Nordy has been back again.
Q: What is the correct way to refer to a web page that is part of the same website?

user41929When referring to specific web pages that are part of the same website, should the name of the page be capitalized, put in quotation marks, or both? In other words, which of the following sentences is correct: If you would like to contact me, please complete the form on the contact page. If yo...

@Robusto Yeah, that one was kinda weird.
However, the OED does have an entry for exampled as a participial adjective.
> Hence eˈxampled ppl. a., that is made an example. eˈxampling ppl. a., that sets an example.
@tchrist If I rotate the radius around the ulna too far or too frequently, the place there the ulna meets the wrist hurts me.
Usually when the thumb crosses under the hand to continue a scale, especially if the stretch is wide.
Maybe it's just a matter of loosening it up.
If I went to PT that's all I'd be doing, to be sure: stretches.
But it also happens in certain full chords in the right hand, if the 5 finger is cocked at an odd angle to hit a key.
Yeah, I bet.
I'm curious about your use of the word diapason to mean (presumably) range. I've only ever heard the term used in a musical context. Do you commonly hear this word used in poker strategy/analysis? — Robusto 17 secs ago
The poster is from Minsk, Belarus.
ya went a long way / from milan to minsk
rochelle, rochelle
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ping ping!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 What, from old Rochelle in Illinois to New Rochelle in New York? :) I think Milan to Minsk just might be further. . . . Yup, it is. 1,321 miles through Eurasia versus 844 miles through America.
Why can't I comment on this question?
Q: german tourist or German tourist?

DesI have learned that 'german' as a noun, written with upper case letter whilst 'german' as an adjective should be with lower case letter. Please guide me more by posting the rules if necessary, thank you.

I see no link to leave a comment.
It’s locked?
I thought Des was a user here?
From Paris to Minsk!
Guess not.
Right, Milan to Minsk.
Paris to Minsk is only 8 miles further than from Milan.
It is Mom Day.
Not to be confused with Mother's Day; Mom Day is a monthly event.
What is Mom Day?
@RegDwighт Bug.
I guess Mom Day is a day you spend with Mom, QED.
Want the points? Report it. I got grocery shopping to attend.
Off to the Showermobile, lol.
Q: Bug in comment link not appearing for trusted users and moderators

tchristThis question, which was migrated from Writers.SE to ELU, is missing its comment link: The posting is not locked (on ELU, the way it now is due to migration back on Writers), and neither trusted users nor moderators can see a comment link. One of our moderation closed it and then went to leave...

@RegDwighт Still closed back on Writers, but now unlocked. Looks like it should have gone to ELL instead. Is that allowed yet?
> many rose varieties are now patented, and the companies forbid you from propagating them via cuttings without paying. To them, it's like torrenting an illegal copy of the rose
Preposterous. This shouldn't be allowed.

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