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not sure about the wording
'... even if you are not qualified'
"He started using that word in normal writing."
Are "using" and "writing" gerunds?
@ypercubeᵀᴹ Since "writing" is modified by an adjective, "normal," rather than an adverb, I would not say it is a gerund. It's just a noun. But "using" is certainly what Huddleston and Pullum would call a gerund-participle. I don't know whether it would be classified as a "gerund" or a "participle" by people who do distinguish these categories.
I'm thinking "using" would be classified as a gerund, though.
Using is here a verb because it has a direct object. Writing is here a noun because it has an adjective. Try giving the verb an adjective or the noun a direct object and it won't work.
I find it is very easy for people to class -ing words as nouns and verbs and adjectives and prepositions but much harder ever to reach agreement on using Latin words on non-Latin.
Be warned that most of what deadrat is saying is now considered wrong by many over the last several decades now.
More, even.
@ypercubeᵀᴹ I have an urge to translate those weird prefixed smashed-on POS tags into standard Penn Treebank ones. :)
@tchrist ;)
(S (VP Don't
       (VP listen
           (PP to
               (NP those other people))))

(S (NP You)
   (VP should
       (VP (ADVP always)
           (NP prefixes)
           (PP with
               (NP your table names))))

(S (NP I)
   (VP have
       (VP (ADVP even)
   (SBAR using
         (NP them)
         (PP in
             (NP normal writing)))
@Robusto This is the darkest timeline.
@Jasper Loy If you want to lay claim to Antarctica, you will have to go to war with Chile Chilean Antarctic Territory. They take their claim very seriously. They sent a pregnant woman there in 1984 to give birth in Antarctica.
@Robusto That's out of date now. Two failures in five elections, so a failure rate of 40% since Y2K.
@tchrist Yes, but the frightening point still stands: A candidate can win the electoral college with just ~22% of the popular vote.
That should alarm the country into changing things. But of course it won't, because every election we hear the same thing and no one lifts a finger to address the problem. The vested interests are the ones who gain an advantage from disenfranchisement of the electorate.
I said that with Bushlet.
These next four years are going to be worse than you can even imagine. Everything we care about will be gone, all in the name of greed.
Greed and vanity. Greed and megalomaia. Greed and black-soul capitalism at its ugliest.
And if I sound depressed, it's because I am.
@Robusto With cause.
1 hour later…
@Robusto It's OK to be depressed. It's not your fault.
@JohanLarsson Sometimes, experience is overrated.
Is there any English word which sounds something like "chaty" and means "a person who talks a lot" ?
1 hour later…
@Shafizadeh Chatterbox.
2 hours later…
@Robusto Exactly.
@Robusto Oh, it's bad, but probably not that bad!
There is a huge machinery, and it won't all change just because someone at the top was replaced.
2 hours later…
@Cerberus I hope you're right, but I don't think you realize that for the past six years Obama has been keeping the Republicans at bay. They want to dismantle the protections for people built in to the system, which they cynically refer to as "entitlements" — Medicare, Social Security, etc. Now they have nothing obstructing their rob-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-rich agenda.
@Robusto and that is bad because...?
Serious question, not trolling.
Like, that's the whole point of America from the start.
There's a hundred countries with Medicare and Social Security. If I want that, I can move there. If I don't want that, then that's what the US is there for. It's their unique selling point. Nothing wrong with that per se.
I mean, it's not some kind of secret agenda, it's front and center on every advertising brochure.
@RegDwigнt Because people need it. I need it. I can't move to another country when I've been paying into the system in this one all my life right here.
Well yes. Obviously in any A-robs-from-B scenario it sucks to be in the B group.
That's it? "Tough luck" and if you get cancer just go ahead and die quietly?
This is why Colorado voted against health care and for suicide.
@Robusto Well, um. Yes. That's what your compatriots just said to you. You can't blame me for their flipping you off.
The one single worst thing about democracy is that it actually works.
@RegDwigнt Wrong. Actually, more of my compatriots said no to that than said yes.
Homo homini lupus.
What we have here may be many things, but none of them is a true democracy.
@Robusto oh yeah, that talk that we all have every four years and then absolutely nothing at all is done about it again.
Pretty sure that depends on the meaning of is.
@tchrist Say what? They voted for suicide? You mean assisted suicide?
10 hours ago, by Robusto
That should alarm the country into changing things. But of course it won't, because every election we hear the same thing and no one lifts a finger to address the problem. The vested interests are the ones who gain an advantage from disenfranchisement of the electorate.
Maine and Nebraska.
Hear the optimistic voices:
@Robusto Precisely. And also, before we even go down the alley of "the electoral college does not represent the actual votes", why not remind ourselves that the electoral college is not bound to vote for Trump in the first place. They can still vote for whoever they want.
No balls.
@RegDwigнt That is so much moonshine. It relies on the assumption that these are wise, principled people who have the best interests of the country at heart.
And, much as I wish it weren't so, they should vote for Trump. Otherwise the whole system is completely invalidated.
@Robusto so if they aren't, that should alarm the country into changing things, right?
Let a million march against them daily.
@RegDwigнt So what you're saying is that they are, and because the country does nothing to change it that it's a good system?
@tchrist Tee hee. Like they did against Tony Blair's licking Bush's balls.
@Robusto no, what I'm saying is that every country has the government it deserves.
@RegDwigнt Russia? Zimbabwe? Iraq?
That's blaming the victim.
Exactly. Precisely. Absolutely.
@Robusto is the popular vote count in?
5 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwigнt The man who lost the vote to Al Gore, you mean?
BTW, would one of you mods change this so that I'm saying "college" and not "collage"? I don't type well when I'm in a pit of despair.
10 hours ago, by Robusto
@tchrist Yes, but the frightening point still stands: A candidate can win the electoral collage with just ~22% of the popular vote.
@Robusto I am sorry, but you are not Putin's victim if you keep voting for him. You just aren't. Same with Trump. Iraq is a different matter because they are not victims of their regime, they are victims of yours.
@RegDwigнt Really? You think Putin wins by a landslide every time that it's because people are voting for him? hahahahahaha ....
@tchrist yes. And then gets fucked by said man, and then re-elects him. The same will happen with Trump in four years.
@Robusto Done
Oh, also North Korea. I rest my case.
@RegDwigнt I'm thinking I'm not interested in living that long.
@Robusto if you think tens of millions of Russians do not actually vote for Putin and love him to the moon and back, then you are the one who's delusional, not me.
@RegDwigнt So what is it, 98% of Russians vote for him?
How is that at all relevant to my point.
In any case, if they vote for him, fine. But if they don't vote for a candidate, and he wins as just happened here, then the country doesn't deserve what it gets.
Also, it's not 98% of Russians, it's 98% of voters. Seeing how no sane Russian ever votes to begin with, I can totally see that the number doesn't actually have to be doctored that much.
@Robusto Right. Because the system by which it happens was imposed onto the country by Hitler, and not by the country itself.
98% of votes. We don't know how many voters.
@tchrist you say that now, but here's what will actually happen. Nothing at all. Miley Cyrus won't move to Canada, Cher won't move to Jupiter, and Rob won't move to Germany. And in four years everyone will be like, hey this guy ain't half bad, let's re-elect him. And all of you will live on happily ever after.
@RegDwigнt There are other ways to stop living.
Well. You can vote every four years. But you can only kill yourself once. The math doesn't check out in your favor.
Also, what ever happened to the great American tradition of killing not yourself but the guy who caused it in the first place?
@RegDwigнt Which country, Russia? You mean it was all sweetness and light there before Unternehmen Barbarossa?
Lincoln got straight out murdered. Reagan, well at least they tried. Bush, nobody even remembered anymore that assassinations are a thing.
@Robusto all countries. All of them.
That is one amazing Reductio ad Hitlerum.
Thank you. I am the best reductionist you will meet all week.
@RegDwigнt Nobody watches Taxi Driver anymore.
Well I last did two months ago.
I need to get coffee.
@RegDwigнt Well, if you want to impress Jodie, you know what to do. . .
And I must say the incessant sax and drums music was utterly misplaced and horrible.
Sax and drums and rock and roll, baby!
@terdon alas, by now everyone knows she just won't suck cock no matter the amount of murder going on.
Yeah, she's strange that way.
Meanwhile all contemporary idols won't stop sucking cock no matter the amount of murder going on, and so people don't bother with murder.
Instead what will happen is that some SJWs will bitch for a week, on Twitter, Trump will personally cockslap them in their faces, on Twitter, and everyone else will just shrug, on Twitter. IRL meanwhile nothing will change.
Like with Brexit, say.
So just relax and enjoy the show.
Let's hope so. I doubt it though.
@RegDwigнt Nobody ever said you weren't glib.
Thank you. Likewise I can't help but notice nobody ever said you weren't Robert Glibb.
Robert Gibb (born September 5, 1946) is an American poet. Gibb won the 1997 National Poetry Series Open Competition for The Origins of Evening. It, along with his next two books, comprise what Gibb calls The Homestead Trilogy, a nearly 100-poem cycle probing the fading industrial history and culture of America's Steel City. == Life == He was born to a family of steelworkers in Homestead, Pennsylvania, a mill town six miles south of downtown Pittsburgh along the Monongahela River. The town was home to Andrew Carnegie's famous Homestead Steel Works and site of the infamous Homestead Strike. Gibb...
@RegDwigнt Nuclear winter.
Sell stocks. Buy bonds. James' bonds.
You could buy bunds where you live.
Oh yes! I will buy this one:
Der Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM) war in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus der weibliche Zweig der Hitlerjugend (HJ). Darin waren im Sinne der totalitären Ziele des NS-Regimes die Mädchen im Alter von 10 bis 18 Jahren organisiert, den Jungmädelbund (JM) der 10- bis 14-jährigen Mädchen eingeschlossen. Aufgrund der ab 1936 gesetzlich geregelten Pflichtmitgliedschaft aller weiblichen Jugendlichen, sofern sie nicht aus „rassischen Gründen“ ausgeschlossen waren, bildete der BDM die damals zahlenmäßig größte weibliche Jugendorganisation der Welt mit 4,5 Millionen Mitgliedern im Jahr 1944. == Entstehung… ==
There simply is no thing I cannot reduce ad Führerum.
> Madonna and Cher join cast of thousands protesting Trump "election"
Unless Cher does so on Jupiter, she can shut the fuck right up.
Star power. Media against media.
@RegDwigнt You'd look cute in one of those uniforms.
They need to sell more commercials.
@Robusto oh man. Tell me about it.
That's you on the right? I mean, "the extreme right"?
No. On the far right.
Are we playing Name That <expletive> again?
Oh fuck you, no fair, no editing.
Looks like I called it.
I edited before you finished your message, so fuck you back.
For those of you who think the answer was dyke, you were wrong.
@Robusto sorry, but in this Reich I have a latency of 1000 years.
This has not been a political statement.
@tchrist Was it Dikē?
In ancient Greek culture, Dikē (English pronunciation: /ˈdiːkeɪ/ or /ˈdɪkiː/; Greek: Δίκη, English translation: "justice") was the goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement based on immemorial custom, in the sense of socially enforced norms and conventional rules. According to Hesiod (Theogony, l. 901), she was fathered by Zeus upon his second consort, Themis. She and her mother were both personifications of justice. She is depicted as a young slender woman carrying a physical balance scale and wearing a laurel wreath while her Roman counterpart (Justitia) appears in a...
There's just no dickering with the Greeks.
It's still the same goddess in contemporary American culture, but her name is spelled Decay now.
Desuetude deadjustments.
The problem is, desuetude doesn't, as the name seems to suggest, remove fat.
Desayuno demasiado diestro.
No he comido el desayuno.
En cambio, estoy bebiendo mi desayuno.
Si, tu eres muy viejo.
@tchrist: So the current incarnation of my conversational Spanish class is led by an Argentine woman. She is very hard to understand. Moreover, she insists we aspirate pre-consonantal /s/ the way she does, because "otherwise we sound too prissy" ...
Viejo nací.
Tell her she can go back to speaking Maya any time.
You'll stick with Castellano, the language of the winners.
@Robusto Ridiculah ehtuff.
This is illusionary.
Tell her to stop being so fucking receta.
Also, remind her that if she calls you prissy one more time, you will make her pay for that wall.
Which is racista in Hoch-Aubergine
@tchrist That's prescriptivist, I presume.
@RegDwigнt Not even Trump threatened to build a wall on the Argentine border.
@Robusto oh that is so sweet. You really think he will come up with no new plans in the next eight years.
@RegDwigнt Said the girl in the Deutscher Mädel uniform.
He will build a wall around Jupiter if he must. And I for one will support him as long as he makes sure Cher is on the other side.
@RegDwigнt I suspect he will be a one-term president. Problem is, that term may last the rest of his life ... 20 years or more.
More to the point, it sure will last the rest of yours.
sad panda
Hey don't despair. Before he goes on to reign for 20 years, he will switch places with his vice president Vladimir a couple times.
Ok, the problem is that in some American speakers there is a racist hatred of European effetes, and a perception that to be a real American you must elocute differently than those prissy Eurosnobs. En esto se incluye la ese aspirada, even though that is a characteristic of European speakers from the south coast, not just of American ones.
She just wants you to conform to the peculiarities of her own accent.
I surmised as much. But I keep lapsing into prissiness somehow.
Yeah. And just to remind you: The speakers from the south coast of Europe are pretty much all speakers of Spanish Europe has to offer.
I see an s and I pronounce it, by gum!
Those Americans who harbor these deeply rooted linguistic prejudices attempt to justify them using the leyendas negras of the several centuries of colonial occupation. That's bullshit. Those people are dead now.
Trump will show'em.
@RegDwigнt The last time the Senate laid down its democracy and elected someone dictator for life, the senators from the losing side secretly brought their long knives with them on the bloody Ides of March.
    "next to of course god america i
	love you land of the pilgrims' and so forth oh
	say can you see by the dawn's early my
	country 'tis of centuries come and go
	and are no more what of it we should worry
	in every language even deafanddumb
	thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry
	by jingo by gee by gosh by gum
	why talk of beauty what could be more beaut-
	iful than these heroic happy dead
	who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter
	they did not stop to think they died instead
	then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"
But don’t worry about having let the cat out of the bag: he doesn’t read.
@tchrist Can't, some say.
@Robusto that is so gay. Also, more than 140 characters.
@Robusto This is part of her issue, the geographical part not the Aryan part.
Listen up boys, I'm calling it now: Trump will not stay President forever. You will get Miley Cyrus one day.
@RegDwigнt I’m pretty sure he’s hoping for a lifetime appointment.
The problem is that his far-right-wing supreme court justice appointments will fuck up the court for decades
Yeah so. Like it never happened before.
@tchrist That's interesting. Then it seems like maybe it's more of a class marker.
Unto the fourth generation of those who fear him.
@RegDwigнt well, obv it has, and the US has some severe problems because of it. Like, how there are no campaign spending limits, which leads to corruption.
I made the point earlier that that's sort of the whole idea of having a US in the first place.
@Robusto Well, markedly "careful" speech always is. And yes, there is some of that here, couched as peones versus peninsulares. But it’s also a lot like Dixiecrats hating Yankees for their speech, and vahz vuhza.
I asked this earlier on Spanish.SE:
Q: Is the dropped /s/ in Argentina a class marker?

RobustoI'm watching La pelea de mi vida, an Argentinean film, and in it the characters are dropping their esses all over the place. E'ta, e'tuve, even stuff like E' muy e'traño and E'to tene' The film is about a boxer and his milieu. What I want to know: Is this a class marker or is it pervasive in Ar...

Maybe you'd care to weigh in there.
@RegDwigнt Somehow, I think a significant number of people in the US feel that they'd rather their country NOT be the experiment in total fuckuppery.
Well said.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 somehow, I think just as a significant number of people in the US feel the opposite way.
@RegDwigнt well, they're in the A group in your A-robs-B example. Of course they want to punch everyone else down.
@RegDwigнt They just don't know it yet. They think they're making America "great" again.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 precisely right. If I were a rich bastard I'd be in the US first thing in the morning.
Trouble is, the joke will be on all of us.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Tell that to those who designed the electoral college system.
@RegDwigнt You lack only wealth, alas.
I’ve not a native gaucho, so have no first-hand experiences to offer on white speech on the pampas. But native speakers from almost everywhere in Mexico save for a narrow strip preserve their eses in the coda, sometimes perceiving caribeños (who universally don’t) as lazy. Similarly castellanos find the speech of andaluces "sloppy". I don't know why this is coastal in South America though.
@Robusto you jest, but alas I'm quite lacking on the bastard front as well. You've got way, way bigger ones over there. I cannot compete.
@RegDwigнt I will concede that point.
I can only dream of becoming a Wolfowitz. But I will never, ever become one.
@AndrewLeach The electoral college, like the second amendment, probably made sense at the time.
The problem with the electoral college is its members’ sorry lack of electoral kindergarten, a deficiency forever barring them from entrance to the better electoral universities abroad.
"George Orwell, the most fearless of commentators, was right to point out that public opinion is no more innately wise than humans are innately kind."
I think it would be great to have the Electoral Academy vote for the President, and the Electoral College vote for the Oscars.
From David Remnick's An American Tragedy.
@Robusto The joke will be on you but not the nuke. At least not the first one.
@Robusto and yet some joker came up with the "Wisdom of the Crowds" fad that was all the rage for well over a decade.
@RegDwigнt Don't even start with that. I worked for a company briefly that thought they invented that idea. "We are smarter than me!" No, we're not.
> Some delegates, including James Wilson and James Madison, preferred popular election of the executive. Madison acknowledged that while a popular vote would be ideal, it would be difficult to get consensus on the proposal given the prevalence of slavery in the South:

“There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and se
Oh Andrew closes all things. No fun. I feel useless.
@RegDwigнt Lucky for you SE has no policy forbidding sinecures.
@tchrist I don't understand the issue... slaves couldn't vote, right?
So you'll just have to go on spending those fat moderator checks.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The masters voted their slaves on a 3/5 ratio.
@Robusto No sinecures in this chat.
See, now we have one.
If a master had 100 slaves he got 60 votes for them.
@Robusto the 3/5ths was for counting population, not for counting votes, I thought
That's unfair. Should be a full 100.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm, you may be right. I forget now.
In Russia, it's a full 160.
You can learn a thing or two there.
@RegDwigнt Φ on you.
@Robusto is that a picture of your arse or of two bowler hats stuck together?
Do clarify. Answer much needed.
It's fi-Cyrillic.
Well that's an answer worthy of a Trump supporter. It does not help at all with clarifying anything about anything.
I demand to know about hats.
Sorry, I'm in a somber mood, not a sombrero mood.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Maybe different states had different rules about whom it allowed to vote.
Ja das ist ein Hút und es gefállt mir gut? Looks like an eggshell to me and I don't care for it at all.
@RegDwigнt It’s painful to listen to people with organic speech impediments without bweaking out in waughtaw.
@tchrist yeah yeah go throw your prissy fit.
Stop picking on Jonathan Ross.
> Can I trust that you will do me the favor?
Do you find that ^ natural?
I often forget about how prevalent Teutonic arrhoticity is.
@Færd that poor trust is in dire need of an object.
voir dire?
@RegDwigнt I'm asking if the that clause can act as its object.
@Færd Very.
Well, it might be less common in some registers.
@tchrist Oh. I would've thought that you'd prefer Can I trust that with you.
> How can I trust that my credit card transaction is safe?
> Can I trust that my family members are honest?
> How can I trust that my attorney will do a good job?
> How can I trust that I will get everything that I am paying for?
@tchrist Would you be more specific about that? Is it informal?
No, more.
Don't listen to Tchrist. He suffers from not one but two recent elections where people voted in favor of shit. And now he's all sulky and hating on everyone who's not haitching their Rs.
I'd say he's the coolest one in the aftermath.
After me, perhaps.
Still way too hot.
For me there's no aftermath or beforemath in the first place.
@RegDwigнt No, I suffer from the place where I come from’s votes being out of step with the larger pattern of shameless bigotry elsewhere.
> President: Boulder County vote

Hillary Clinton: 114,292

Donald J. Trump: 34,867

Gary Johnson: 6,314

Jill Stein: 2,782
@tchrist hey make no mistake I would have loved to see you go to war with Russia instead.
The only problem with that being that Hillary never actually promised that.
I found that hilarious.
@RegDwigнt patience
@tchrist nah by the looks of it Trump will hang out with Vlad in the sauna in no time.
Like literally probably the first thing in the morning of the first day.
@RegDwigнt I am having a very bad figment about nekkid old white guys cavorting inappropriately like so many albino gorillas in the mist.
Well you survived Bill and Boris, you'll be fine.
@RegDwigнt And with Asad.
I'm waiting to see what he's going to do with the Middle East. It's bound to be hilarious.
@Færd as he well should, after what happened in Iraq.
Alas, one day Cheney went insane and decided he'll never sauna with Saddam again.
Unless he didn't have any idea about what he was talking about, his policies about this region didn't make any sense.
Like, dude, do you know who's against who?
Unless he's going to fight Iran and ISIS and Syrian people at the same time.
And ally with Israel and Asad and Putin.
What's the difference? They're all mooslim.
Well he did say he would a) bomb them all, b) take all their oil, and c) kill all that's left of their families. He was exceptionally clear on all of that.
I think that about sums up his knowledge of the middle east
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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