@Færd Sounds fine to me. Pleonasms aren't ungrammatical, but they are semantically uncomfortable. But anyway I find this just emphasis rather than strictly redundant pleonasm.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, published in 1972, is an ALA Notable Children's Book written by Judith Viorst and illustrated by Ray Cruz. It has also won a George G. Stone Center Recognition of Merit, a Georgia Children's Book Award, and is a Reading Rainbow book. Viorst followed this book up with two sequels, Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday ISBN 978-0-689-30602-0, and Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move ISBN 0-689-31958-4.
== Plot ==
From the moment Alexander wakes up things just do not go his way. As he gets up, the chewing...
Definitions for jiggery-pokery Chiefly British. trickery, hocus-pocus; fraud; humbug. Chiefly British. sly, underhanded action. Chiefly British. manipulation: After a little jiggery-pokery, the engine started.
Definitions for scroop to emit a harsh, grating sound: The gate scrooped as he swung it shut. a scrooping sound. ability to make a rustling sound added to silk or rayon fabrics during finishing by treating them with certain acids.
@Mitch He and his buddy, after they were done with their jiggery-pokery, decided to engage in some clishmaclaver over there with their friend, who was known as being very bonhomie
Definitions for bonhomie frank and simple good-heartedness; a good-natured manner; friendliness; geniality.
Definitions for clishmaclaver Scot. gossip; idle or foolish talk.
Indeed, this scuttlebutt about him was very useful
Definitions for scuttlebutt Informal. rumor or gossip. Nautical. a. an open cask of drinking water. b. a drinking fountain for use by the crew of a vessel.
@Cerberus oh, one more datum: in Russian it's the same verb you'd use for filtering milk through gauze to make cheese, but that's about it. It's not really used outside of these two contexts. A stormy petrel of sorts.
@Cerberus @Mitch I guess my question about the most supremely awful day boils down to the validity of most supremely, which I don't see anything wrong with. You can have the/a supremely awful day, and so you can have the most supremely awful day.
@Cerberus first thing in the morning I come to work, I put on my headphones and head straight to the QI playlist on YouTube. Last thing in the evening, I take my headphones off and am ever-so-slightly enlightedner.
Stephen Fry is the national treasure.
Not that I didn't know that before, but now I know it to the fullest of extents.
@Cerberus Well, not really. When you say things like "It's an absolute, you can't make it more absolute", it's presented as a point of logic, but the truth is, it's not necessarily an absolute.
Het Mantsjoerije-incident (満州事件, Manshū jihen), wordt door de meeste mensen geïnterpreteerd als de militaire actie die ondernomen werd door het Japanse Kanto-leger (関東軍, Kantogun) in de nacht van 18 september 1931. Het begrip omvat echter veel meer dan dit alleen. Het Mantsjoerije-incident staat symbool voor de gehele politiek die Japan heeft doorgevoerd in Mantsjoerije, vanaf het ontwikkelen van het Kanto-pachtgebied (関東) tot en met het oprichten van de onafhankelijke staat Mantsjoekwo (満州国). Het Mantsjoerije-incident is een cruciale factor in de ontwikkeling van militarisme en imperialisme in...
The Dyatlov Pass incident was an event that took the lives of nine hikers in mysterious circumstances on the night of February 2, 1959 in the northern Ural Mountains. The name Dyatlov Pass refers to the name of the group's leader, Igor Dyatlov, in whose honour the location of the events has later been named.
The incident involved a group of nine experienced ski hikers from the Ural Polytechnical Institute who had set up camp for the night on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl. Investigators later determined that the skiers had torn their tents from the inside out. They fled the campsite inadequately dressed...
Het ongeluk in de Djatlovpas deed zich voor in de nacht van 2 februari 1959 aan de oostkant van de Cholattsjachl (Wogoels voor Dode berg) in het noordelijke Oeralgebergte.
De bergpas waar het ongeluk plaatsvond werd later naar de groepsleider Igor Djatlov vernoemd.
Het ontbreken van externe getuigen, de omstandigheden waarin het ongeluk plaatsvond en de journalistieke onderzoeken naar de dood van de klimmers hebben tot veel speculatie geleid.
== Achtergrond ==
In Oblast Sverdlovsk, het huidige Jekaterinenburg, kwam een groep van acht mannen en twee vrouwen samen voor een geplande skitrip. De meeste...
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the Māori name for a hill located close to Porangahau, south of Waipukurau in southern Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. The height of the hill is 305 metres (1,001 ft). The hill is notable primarily for its unusually long name, which is often shortened to Taumata for brevity. It has gained a measure of fame as it is the longest place name found in any English-speaking country, and the second-longest place name in the world, according to Wises New Zealand Guide and The New Zealand Herald. The name of the hill ...
Bad Fucking [ˈbad fʊkɪŋ] ist ein österreichischer Film von Harald Sicheritz nach einem Buch von Kurt Palm.
== Handlung ==
Der oberösterreichische Fremdenverkehrsort Bad Fucking lebt ganz gut von Touristen, die durch den originellen Namen des Orts angelockt werden. Die goldenen Zeiten haben aber ein Ende, als ein Bergrutsch die wichtigste Zufahrtsstraße verschüttet. Die Hotelzimmer stehen leer – die Dorfbewohner möchten ihre Zukunft mit abseitigen Projekten retten und rechnen nicht mit einem apokalyptischen Finale.
== Produktion ==
Gedreht wurde im Sommer 2013 in Lauffen, Altaussee, am Langbathsee…