i tell you what, you guys should be happy you're not in a country in the process of being ripped apart
with all its diversity and different languages, yet India seems to hold together fine as one country
yet Britain can't even manage to, though it shares the same damn language, culture, geography, etc.
and i have to put up with idiots in my office talking about how companies pointing out the real-world consequences of splitting up the UK is "nothing more than bullying"
they're not just unpatriotic, they're anti-patriotic
i really wish I knew how that psychology worked. Why doesn't Mumbai try and break away as a separate country? Why is it happy to be part of India?
there wouldn't be much talk of their precious "self-determination", as there is with "the Scottish people" (by the way, what about the ~50% who votes no? If they are 49% i guess their self-determination aint worth shit)
@Jez Obviously if you can't even bother with renaming your country from "Fairytale La-la-land* into something more serious, you can't expect to be renaming parts of your country that already do sound way more serious.
@Jez I'm calling out your nonsense. The police in Ferguson say they're American. The people who live in Ferguson call themselves American, but they do not see themselves as integrated.
you know the best thing? this one in my office who thinks people warning of negative economic consequences of Scottish independence is "bullying" really wishes the UK had joined the Euro too. hahaha
At any rate, it is already taking us longer to just discuss whether or not it's possible with SEDE than it would take us to just pull up a couple pages.
> [Edmund has unwillingly given up his lands in Scotland to McAngus] > McAngus: Hey, I hope life doesn't become dull for you not being able to pass laws over Scotland. > [Edmund laughs nervously and turns away from the violent Scotsman] > Prince Edmund: [under his breath] I wouldn't pass water over Scotland.