it's quite a commute, 1 hr drive each way, but hopefully i'll be allowed to work from home for a couple of days a week after i've gotten used to their systems after a couple of months
@Cerberus It's super duper exciting looking. I just need it to to be like "okay, got this file. let's go to the next one" and my brain keeps saying "no, you're dumb and can't remember how to make it do that"
@Cerberus heh. That's the most basic kind of loop. But what if you're traversing a data structure and the structure unexpectedly has cycles? Or what if you're changing your data inside the loop, and the test to exit the loop can never succeed? Or worse, it succeeds on your test data, but fails on some production data?
@meer2kat Ah I see, yes, that's a good use of loops, right? But doesn't your programming language have an automated way to go through all files, then stop?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, in theory, it can absolutely happen, and I'm sure it happens in practice too. Maybe it only happens with more advanced stuff. Just never happened to me, even though every other beginner's mistake has, like strings without "" and variables with "", as we discussed earlier, etc.
Not literally, but it was pretty intense, I was administering an IV for someone, and normally you have to flush the line with salt water to make sure it's not full of dried blood
@meer2kat Don't give up on programming just because you get frustrated with that crap. That's like giving up on chemistry because your easy bake oven doesn't do what you want it to do.
@Kit I think we might should consider something like this:
@tchrist This is a stack-specific requirement. Please migrate the requirement from meta.elu to the general ELU help pages. — LateralFractal14 hours ago
@Cerberus I mean you know ahead of time how many iterations you want: 100 of them. So you write that in the code. Or maybe you count something or do some math and have a variable number, but the number doesn't change once the loop starts.
@KitFox no i enjoy it. which is funny because programming is something i always thought i'd hate. i'm just not good at it lol. especially under pressure. my job here ends friday so i need to fix this last issue before they go. they decided they wanted to be able to select multiple files from the openfiledialog and list them each in the listbox and my brain reminded me i haven't prgrammed in over a month
it's funny how different interviewers see you differently. a week or two ago i had an interview with a really "traditionalist" interviewer, quick-firing questions about specific SQL syntax at me and askin really vague questions about how you'd design an OOP application, and his feedback was basically that I was useless, and had virtually no SQL knowledge
but this guy today had a much more relaxed and IMHO better interview approach and thought i was great
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Um the 100 is just for testing. But you can keep the 100 in if you're sure that something will break the loop before 100 anyway, so end conditions.
im not shedding any tears, though. the former interview was for a cheque-processing company (apparently they still exist) where it was made clear that their target platform was IE6-8
@Jez Yeah, the whole recruiting and application process has many elements that the people involved think are The Way or scientific, while in reality...
Last commercial job where I had to do SQL was ridiculous, my cross-server habits came in handy because their network was a stronger antonym for homogeneous than exists.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It just breaks the rule that you should use your DB to store data - in the best way your DB can do it. Is it bad to break a rule? Sometimes not :)
@oerkelens Well. You are storing data. In a number format. That data is a number. The number represents a date-time. it's not the worst thing. What does "best way" mean? depends on your needs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Best way is the way that is most suited for the data you are storing. And storing a date as a number, or a number as a string, it all works, but it is usually (and rightly) frowned upon :)
Actually this one FUCK at that place wrote a script that worked on the SQLite dumps, until it needed some specific function where it would do a retry loop with some MySQL code until the round robin randomly gave it a MySQL server :'(
@MickLH A major Dutch telco recently announced (after allegations about a security breach) that their customer data was safe - they encrypted it with UTF-8