Autosuggestion is a psychological technique that was developed by apothecary Émile Coué at the beginning of the 20th century.
Coué graduated with a degree in pharmacology in 1876 and worked as an apothecary at Troyes from 1882 to 1910. When he began working at Troyes, he quickly discovered what later came to be known as the placebo effect. He became known for reassuring his clients by praising each remedy's efficiency and leaving a small positive notice with each given medication. Coué noticed that in specific cases he could improve the efficiency of a given medicine by praising ...
An electrolyte is a substance that ionizes when dissolved in suitable ionizing solvents such as water. This includes most soluble salts, acids, and bases. Some gases, such as hydrogen chloride, under conditions of high temperature or low pressure can also function as electrolytes. Electrolyte solutions can also result from the dissolution of some biological (e.g., DNA, polypeptides) and synthetic polymers (e.g., polystyrene sulfonate), termed polyelectrolytes, which contain charged functional groups.
Electrolyte solutions are normally formed when a salt is placed into a solvent such as wa...
I have been working on reducing our number of Unanswered questions but am nearing a point I consider "good enough". The next thing on my work list is to start analyzing our tags, tag wikis, tag synonyms and tag usage.
Before I start jumping into the mess of it, I want the community's opinion on:...
The difference in that is that you have to get an 16384 instead of 2048 which balances the easiness.
@RegDwigнt Also, I would argue that lag generally refers to an application running slow, the reason of which need not be latency or network issues. So I think the AI's slow response can be termed as lag.
@RegDwigнt - sorry for the interruption. Is there anything different with the site today? I don't seem to have a 'flag queue'. Is there something up with that, do you know?
@medica I can't really tell because my flag queue is different from yours anyway. But I do have flags, about 20 in fact, so it doesn't appear like anything's broken.
@Alraxite well yeah, I suppose you'd stop calling it a lag if it just displayed a busy-state icon, then. Like, um, in chess games.
I'm fine with lag being defined as any unexpected or inapparent slowdown.
I think I started figuring it out towards the end.
@MrHen Well, 'pondering its next turn' is ambiguous. If I'm playing a real-time single-player game, and its frame-rate drops, then in a sense the game is calculating its next 'turn'. Maybe the game has slowed down because its trying to calculate what the NPCs or AIs on the map should do next.
If the slow down is expected, so that the creator of the game implements a wait icon to address that, then it is not lag. Because the game is working as intended.
@MrHen By 'expected slow downs' I mean the slow downs when a computer is thinking his next move in a turn based game. Which you said earlier, shouldn't be called lag.
If an FPS lags like hell and you still play it, you know what to expect, and you get used to it, but you still complain "this shit lags as hell" whenever it peaks about the average you've come to deal with.
And for an outsider it still lags like hell all the time.
@MrHen You have chess game A. It takes 5 seconds every time whenever the computer needs to think. Chess game B requires 10 seconds. Game B affects the user experience more adversely. So by your definition, B is more 'laggy' than A. By my definition, neither one is. Because that is an intended thing which is expected by the user. If its my turn, and the GUI suddenly drops in frame-rate, then that is lag. That was unexpected. The game was supposed to work without slow downs at that point.
In the case of a chess game, the computer taking 5 seconds or 10 seconds to choose a move is normal behavior and doesn't negatively impact the user experience.
@Alraxite Yes, because they keep excepting user inputs while the game is "thinking"
It's much harder, cuz not isomorphic with the original, and it makes you think more, and you screw up all the time, but then it has that habit of magically fixing itself all of a sudden.
Hello! How does "After defining ABC from practical point of view, an emphasis is put on..." sound to you? Is it both gramatically (should be) and especially semantically correct?
(I'm writing an abstract for my thesis and this sentence does not seem natural to me, although I don't know how to say it better.)
@MattЭллен The Fibonacci series also pretty closely approximates the difference between miles and kilometers. For every number pair, the lower number represents miles and the higher kilometers, with increasing accuracy the higher you go.
@RedDwigнt Thanks! I had to look up "dangling modifier" firstly :-). There is a pretty similar Wikipedia's example "After years of being lost under a pile of dust, Walter P. Stanley, III, left, found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club."
@RedDwigнt What would grammaticians you speak about say instead? "Walter P. Stanley, III, left, found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club after years of being lost under a pile of dust"? I think it is better to put the after part at the very beginning to stress the meaning. Dunno though...
What is wrong with "Walter P. Stanley, III found all the old records of the Bangor Lions Club after years of (them) being lost under a pile of dust" then?
I'm very confused over the usage of "Have been" and "Had been". Where do we use them? I also wanted to know where we don't use them.
For example when I tell about my last month activities I only use past tense.
I don't know how to and where to use "Had been"