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{| style="float:right; background:none;" |- | |- | |} The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signalling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. The theory was introduced in a 1982 article by social scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. Since then it has been subject to great debate both within the social sciences and in the public ...
Me birthday present.
@Robusto ooh la la! Happy Birthday! Is it tasty?
It's very, very good. Much better than I expected from a Macallan.
I've always thought of Macallan as an entry-level, top-tier-for-an-average-restaurant sort of scotch. But this is definitely top shelf. Not as fruity as the Signet, but full and rich with a finish that keeps on singing long after you'd thought it would have given up.
@Robusto I have always enjoyed the Macallan 18 the best.
My favorite everyday scotch.
drinks red wine
thinks about The Balvenie
Good evening.
How's it going?
Great, except that it's Sunday night. You?
I'm alright. Still sick. Been a week now.
Yeah. sniffle (literally)
How is your bass playing?
It's taken a backseat for now. I have too much school junk to worry about at the moment.
Your school junk. :(
Crap, you know what? I should go. Bye!
Aw man
Feel better and stuff.
And congrats on your announcement!
6 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: What is meant by Helucinating

Afzaal Ahmad ZeeshanWhat is the meaning of Helucinating? It might have some relation with dreaming, but Googling for it provides so result.

The answer is "this question".
Also, the more common spelling is "heluvalotcinating".
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Damn, he beat me to it!
Is it unethical to create a sock puppet to vote up your own comment when you come across it months later and you think "damn right"?
lol. that depends on your ethics. It would make it seem like someone other than you agrees with you. On the other hand, you're not the same person now you were then.
Ahh I like your Jesuit Sophism!
I could use that. But no.
excellent :D
How is your day?
OK. I've got to find a way to find a bug that everyone but me has seen.
Have any rewards, deserved or undeservèd, fallen into your lap?
I think they're all just liars
Oh, that really sucks.
@Cerberus not so far. Does my horoscope say some will?
You always think, "it probably doesn't exist!".
How is your day so far?
@MattЭллен My astrolabium is jammed, sorry.
@Cerberus about all bugs, yes :D
I feel a bit better than yesterday: at last I got to sleep 8.5 hours, after 5 and 6 the days before. And my cough is at last improving. Eating is still painful, though.
@Cerberus oh dear, how unfortunate. maybe WD40 will help?
@MattЭллен Especially ones you haven't witness yourself!
@MattЭллен Is that @DavidWallace's new sock puppet? Where is he anyway?
@Cerberus oh dear. that's no good. Could it have been tonsilitis?
@Cerberus WD40 is a sort of spray on lubricant. David was upset by something someone said some time ago. I haven't seen him since.
It felt like flu the first day. It just came with all kinds of inconveniences, but nothing major after the first day, just annoying.
My throat hurts a little, but nothing serious; it's just that about half of the inside of my mouth hurts, so chewing hurts. I've eaten crème brûlée for breakfast (without the hard caramel).
I'm glad to hear you're on the mend.
@MattЭллен So how does this spray work, or what is it for exactly? I could go buy it.
@Cerberus so could it be a dental thing? Or is it more likely that your sinuses are causing your mouth pain?
Hmm do you remember when he was upset and by whom?
@Cerberus you spray it into joints or mechanisms that are stiff and it helps to loosen them
@MattЭллен It's like about half the fleshy area in my moth is inflammated.
@Cerberus I think it was a religious comment, but I can't remember who said it
@MattЭллен Ahh so I'd have to see my local car mechanic.
@Cerberus it should be on sale anywhere. I think I can pick it up in a supermarket in the UK
@MattЭллен I remember an incident like that, but it was—I don't know—, more than a month ago?
@Cerberus yes
And I thought I had seen him after.
@Cerberus perhaps. I haven't
@MattЭллен Okay so just to be clear you are talking about something that is not meant for humans or canines, right?
Hmm I'll send him an e-mail.
@Cerberus not to be consumed by living things
@Cerberus I see that he has been around in other chat rooms, but not this one.
or at least someone called David Wallace has
he seems to stay over at the stack overflow rooms
I think I saw him in Cooking at some point.
But it has been a while.
@MattЭллен Hey, what do you prefer when coding, white/coloured text on a black background, or black/coloured on a white background?
I'll show you...
essentially white text on a dark blue background
Ahh yes.
It looks neat.
But somehow my eyes seem to long for dark on white whenever I try light on dark.
yeah. I find this way a lot less harsh than having a white background
@Cerberus different strokes
You brain gets different strokes when viewing light on dark?
for some reason I don't want a black background, though. it's too much black
@Cerberus :Þ I meant "different strokes for different folks"
It's much too black, that stands to reason.
Ah OK.
What do you think most people use?
I don't know. In Visual Studio a white background is the default, so probably that
Most people use Visual Studio?
word, notepad, etc. default to that
@Cerberus well, people who write .NET do
I have never even heard of it.
And most people write .NET?
(I use Notepad++.)
I mean Word defaults to a white background
Oh, yes, sure.
@Cerberus which I think defaults to a white background?
@Cerberus lots of people do, there's good money in it
So that's what I'm used to.
@MattЭллен And why do the use VS? Because it is specially tailored to Dotnet?
@Cerberus yes. it's the tool MS designed to write .NET programmes
OK I understand.
I am now going to switch to SciTE4AHK.
for editing?
or is it a browser?
It seems I once set it to a black background, and I can't decide whether I like it. Yes.
I think it is an adapted version on Notepad++.
Based on SciTE, but I don't really know what that is.
Scientific Text Editor?
oh, Scinitilla TE
Scintilla is a code hilighting library
Ah I see.
Notepad++ also has highlighting for AHK.
Or at least someone made it.
But it has all sorts of features tailored to AHK integrated.
Though I don't remember what they were.
it's like with emacs. there's so much you can do, but I can't remember 99% of it
In S4AHK, you can add scriplets to the toolbar.
So you can insert bits of script at the caret with the click of a button.
And you can compile, test, or debug the script.
sounds like a good IDE
And it has the Intellisense thingy.
And it has all the basic capabilities of Notepad++, presumably.
And 98768 functions I don't understand.
Like "Tilla Goto".
What would you say is the nicest option of whatever editor/IDE you're using (what is it?) that not many editors have?
well, Visual Studio has an extension for it called ReSharper, and it does so many things. It's difficult to pick a best bit, but I probably use "Go to implementation" and "go to declaration" most often
So it jumps from one element of code to another?
Also "Find Usages"
@Cerberus yeah
Find where a variable/etc. is used?
That's useful.
I think I once used that in a plug-in for NP++.
You had a list of all variables and functions on the side.
Oh, and what do you think of those editors that allow you to see a miniature, zoomed-out version of your code?
Gimmick or useful?
S4A doesn't have it.
how do you mean? I can zoom the size of my text.
It was in a side panel.
oh. nah, I don't use that sort of thing
Zoomed out such that you could see the entire code or maybe half the code if it was very large.
The idea is that it allows you to have an easy and intuitive idea of where you are in the code at all times.
Have you ever used it?
I don't htink so. I mean, I know where I am in the code :D Sometimes I use the ability to collapse the methods, etc., so I can scroll between particular bits more quickly when I'm only interested in particular parts
Yeah I collapse all the time. I waited until S4A had that before switching. It's an absolute requirement.
Visual Studio has bookmarking, so I can jump between bits, if I need to
Right, if you have a good bookmarking sidepanel, that could work.
But it requires more work?
Or are all sections entered as bookmarks automatically?
@Cerberus I suppose.
I don't really use bookmarks, except when I'm switch a lot
most of the time I'm in one place and I know where I am
the scroll bar is pretty good for that ;)
@MattЭллен You don't refer to e.g. functions that are defines elsewhere?
This is what the top of my script looks like with all the sections folded.
The entire script is about 2.5 times as long.
@Cerberus sure, but a) intellisense and b) "go to definition"
Ah, intellisense also works for functions that you have created yourself?
yeah. it works for everything :D
I suppose B could work too in S4A.
ReSharper makes it so that it can even work out what modules I need to import
It seems Intellisense only works for built-in commands and functions for AHK. (Which is what one uses most of the time anyway, and my own functions make sense to me, so I don't need to look them up very often.)
it's a third party extension for visual studio
add a lot of functionality
bbl - lunch
@Cerberus oh nice, a text adventure!
Aug 30 at 13:59, by David Wallace
I have better places to be. Ban me; don't ban me. I don't give a fuck. Good bye for now.
that was his last message here, AFAIK
Man, all this drama.
Can't we stick with sitcom?
will we have a moral to every episode?
like in Happy Days
Hm. Are there enough morals for that many episodes?
I can think of like five. Or four. Three, tops.
if we have two episodes then one can be "good morals" and the other can be "bad morals"
just have really long episodes
So the third one would be "ugly morals", then.
This is exciting.
We're writing at the speed of light.
I will talk and Hollywood will listen.
That's why they call you Mr. Fahrenheit
I'll make a super Knuckles out of me.
I'll make a Super Gotenks out of us both
Via reddit.
I imagine that shop gets more female visitors than male. Or maybe the males visitors just never visit in pairs
@RegDwigнt Err that, my friend, is text, yes. But why an adventure?
@RegDwigнt Ehh wtf?
@Cerberus I don't know, that's what that type of game is called. I didn't invent it.
@MattЭллен Or "we were two men, then one died; I don't know what happened, he was just deadd one day".
@Cerberus a restaurant name. Your restaurants don't have names?
@RegDwigнt Why does it look like a game to you? It is my highly respectable code you're talking about, ja!
A joke is something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention. Jokes may have many different forms, e.g., a single word or a gesture (considered in a particular context), a question-answer, or a whole short story. The word "joke" has , including wisecrack, gag, prank, quip, jape and jest. To achieve their end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punch line, i.e., an ending to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken joke in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placin...
Your code is a joke.
@RegDwigнt The names of our restaurants are generally not subtitled "I don't know".
@Cerberus well they should be!
your joke is a code! you're a mole
Understanding is optional. Just laugh.
better a text adventure than a text misadventure
Als een boer met kiespijn.
Do you have that expression in Krautland?
To laugh like a peasant with a tooth ache.
all one boar with kaiser pigeon
There are no peasants, toothaches, or boars around here.
@MattЭллен "As an boor with toothpain."
And people don't laugh.
@Cerberus oh!
Of course, Germans are very serious, yes.
@MattЭллен I couldn't think of cognates for "met" and "kies".
You may know met from German mit.
Kies = a tooth at the back of your mouth, meaning for chewing.
@Cerberus I think that's how I guessed it
@Cerberus you shouldn't ignore that. You should really see a doctor about it as soon as you can.
@MattЭллен Good.
@Mitch A witchdoctor? A PhD in astrology?
Google translate says "If a farmer with toothache."
Yes, als can be if or as.
@Cerberus Is that good or bad? Maybe a farmer with a toothache is really antisocial?
@Cerberus A medical doctor, one who can disinfubulate your... well, your problem.
@Mitch Lachen als een boer met kiespijn means "laughing in a way that looks like you actually can't enjoy the situation", because apparently a farmer with a toothache laughs in a way that doesn't look like he's enjoying it, which makes sense, considering that laughing makes your jaw move, which increases the pain.
@Mitch I don't think doctores medicinae know much about astrolabia...
Do you want to see the worst Internet forum in existence on the Internet? Come to the new Autohotkey forum!
The layout is all messed up, with lots of empty space everywhere.
You can't see the date of a post.
Posting a message often fails.
maybe it's written in AHK
It's not the worst I've ever seen. Some of the text is a bit too faded for my liking
I think it is a bug that you need javascript to see the date of a post
@MattЭллен lacht als een boer met kiespijn
See, that was the perfect context.
I had to admit it was funny, but it hurt because I like Autohotkey.
It doesn't hurt seriously, of course, but theoretically.
So it loads for you?
This won't load for me now. It used to.
And! Now it loads again. It didn't a few minutes ago.
do you have javascript enabled for the site?
Hello @KitFox :)
@Cerberus That's too complex for me. YOu're saying not happy or sad, but happy but he can't enjoy it? Or like an employee laughing at a bosses fifteenth repetition of a joke (laughing because he has to)?
@MattЭллен I do. But now I get it: you need to hover over the message to see the date appear, somewhere in the useless space below the message. So stupid. It's also very, very faded, yes.
@Mitch No. Read from here for a good example in real life i.e. this chat room:
9 mins ago, by Cerberus
Do you want to see the worst Internet forum in existence on the Internet? Come to the new Autohotkey forum!
No need to go to the actual forum yourself, just read the chat.
@Cerberus actually, the date thing could just be CSS. Still a bad design choice, though
@RegDwigнt 1) be nice. 2).... um ... don't be not nice... 3).... shit I don't know...don't use profanity?
@Cerberus Ha ha that's hilarious!! Ow, my tooth.
Dammit I'm not a farmer. No I don't see how that works.
So you get it now?
Actually, no. I'm making fun because it doesn't make sense at all.
So i guess you like AHK (I get that part). But something about that forum (which you should like) is painful. Is that it?
you have to read a bit further
I see "maybe it's written in AHK".
I could have sworn I saw David since that argument.
That sounds ironic, but I don't get the toothache thing.
@KitFox He might have been in another chat room. The cooking one?
@Mitch it was more a comment on the quality of software produced by AHK
AHK = Autohotkey
@Mitch Oh could be. Neither he nor Gigi come here much since arguing with me.
yeah. David was last in the Cooking chat room in September
Right. Let me guess; he's flirting with the mod there.
feigns shock
goes to make coffee
Feigns coffee. Taps one red land and one of any other colour and plays shock, targeting @Kit
Damn it.
spills coffee
I think I will get my tingle on today.
... Oh! the ASMR tingle
Oh, right. Yeah that.
So, I edited my story slightly. I'm trying to decide how much more to edit.
Your story for The Nose?
When does it need to be ready?
I think tomorrow, but he hasn't published the one for today yet.
Are you doing one?
@Mitch So I was telling Matt how much the Autohotkey forum sucks. Then he said, "maybe it is written in Autohotkey". That is on the one hand funny, but on the other painful, because I like Autohotkey, so being confronted with the (obviously untrue, but that doesn't matter) idea that Autohotkey fails is painful for me. So when I laugh in that situation, it is about something that is in fact painful for me (not seriously, of course, but you know what I mean).
@KitFox It's all your fault?
@Mitch Yes, I will take responsibility for that
@Mitch And that is exactly when you use the expression: when someone laughs about something because he feels he has to, but it's actually a painful situation. It is often when you sort of laugh in a half-hearted attempt to hide your discomfort.
@KitFox No. I've been too busy. Hopefully I'll have time next time
DW got his knockers in a twist unexpectedly.
Well. He probably isn't getting enough sleep.

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