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00:00 - 19:0021:00 - 00:00

@Cerberus are you good with laptops? Considering this but have no idea.
I heard good things about it last week
Do you think touch is something one wants in a craptop?
personally? no. I don't want that.
a couple of geeks mentioned it at a hackday. that's the extent of my knowledge of it.
they seemed to like it
I'm thinking it could be nice for scrolling while reading in bed
also for testing if writing something for touch
true. it'd be good for testing that
@Cerberus Well, they’ve now made the world news. Sigh.
Argh, my first venture into the review queue and I'm already nonplussed.
WTF, I can't close-vote a question.
Q: use of "a user" with "they"

CarlaIs it correct to say "The list of reports a user will see may depend on the permissions group(s) they are in." ? I have asked the writer to change the text to say "users" to match "they" but he is resisting.

My company's new president had his secretary scan a printed WSJ article about our parent company's preparations for the digital age, and then email it to all of us. Ahem.
Q: What good reference works on English are available online?

zpletanQuestions that can be answered using commonly-available references are off-topic. What good reference works on English are available online, and what kinds of questions are they good at answering? [This question should be tagged faq when it's ready.]

Sometimes the irony comes down so thick I feel like I need to wear a hat.
This needs a section on grammar/syntax references.
And what is this shit about the "coming" digital age? Why not say it will soon be our manifest destiny to extend America from coast to coast?
Are company presidents born out of touch, or do MBA programs beat that into them?
I think it is the culture, they are born as average IQ but competitive guys
Who in 2013 would talk about the "coming" digital age, though?
I mean, who but someone who has been living in a cave the past 20 or 30 years?
an old guy?
I'm older than this guy.
Older, and yet somehow much, much younger.
I will never be that old. Not even if I live to be 90.
I agree that is sounds pretty clueless btw
Someone please closevote that as a dupe of this.
but ime they are spamming vocally most of the time
Mods cannot cast close votes right now. Only regular users can.
I almost accidentally created an account today, misclicked when logging in
@RegDwighт Bullshit.
@Robusto no you.
Actual information from the secret Teachers' Lounge.
So this is your chance to run amok on whichever site. Say, Skeptics.
What good are mods if they can't close shit?
Oh, and by the way, @RegDwighт: "Put that coffee down. Coffee is for closers."
@Robusto they are good for pondering that very question to no avail.
> You think I'm fucking with you? I am not fucking with you.
Copulation is not among the few things I typically do not notice.
You mean coitus?
I mean cöitus.
You got dots all over your coitus. Could be a sign of herpes?
There's room here for a joke about monopulation but I'm not touching it.
@MετάEd tell me more about things you do touch.
He touches himself. Hence the mono- prefix.
Only when I think about me.
Or you. I can never remember.
@Robusto One egg is un oeuf.
Princess Mon Oncle.
And so I mocked her in magnificent measure.
Or was it that I mocked myself alone?
If sex were all, then every trembling hand
Could make us squeak, like dolls, the wished-for words.
If sex were all, there'd be no dolls.
I'd give it a try, if it would get rid of dolls.
I say that because I had boys, and boys play with violent video games, so dolls would not have been missed.
That blurs the line between working-class rock and the effete London imitation. Give me the Manchester sound. Give me Oasis!
And after all, you're my underalls.
Meanwhile, wife home. Dinner soon. Ellipsis? Always.
@Robusto that is the single most worst would-be-song ever.
I cannot even begin to hate it, I would never stop.
@CapricaSix That, on the other hand, is one of the best songs ever.
But I must be off as well.
@RegDwighт You mean coïtus, which still seems like a dis-ease.
Wow, someone actually has the Tenacious badge now.
@RegDwighт Windmill met its match.
@RegDwighт I think it's a bug that under the new closing rules a question which should be migrated, just not to meta or to Writers, can't be closed for migration.
@MετάEd Good luck with that.
@RegDwighт “Awarded 1 times”? In English, we have this cool word once that should have been used there. Dummies.
They don’t like migration because they think it promotes question-dumping.
@tchrist Then they should do away with it. If they're going to allow migrating then they ought not handcuff us to two sites which get all the questions.
Only moderators can migrate. Us shleps can’t.
From now on, when a question obviously needs to migrate but not to one of the two handcuffs, I'll push it to meta, I suppose. Though it would be more fun to push it to writers, and they would probably yell louder. Hmm.
I agree it is a piss-ass menu item, and we should be able to fill in whither we feel it should be emigrated.
@tchrist Whither? Fresh on the heels of especial?
Careful, those are heady clouds you're inhaling.
I never inhale.
This is Colorado in summertime. There’s always pot in the air.
@JohanLarsson I'm sorry, I'm not up to date on laptops. (Why spend that much on a laptop anyway...?)
@tchrist Yikes. It sounds really weird.
Still, what could possibly have happened? Surely it has been in many a storm before?
I don't know. Supposedly it was an especially bad one.
Latest info is here, now at 8 pages.
My friend’s son left Boulder today to fly to New Zealand to join the search.
Finding a boat in such a vast space...
The really hard thing is imagining a disaster that would have interfered with both manual and automatic operation of the EPIRB.
There’s a lot of sea between Kiwia and Oz.
The EPIRB goes off if somebody activates it, or if it is immersed.
How it could sink without immersion, I don’t know.
> Hey but someone posted on another thread that a signal has been picked from her around Lord Howe! It says she is OK. Correct?
There’s no followup to that, and I haven’t found the other thread.
Very mysterious.
I hate it when my friends are in the world press, at least in this way.
If she makes it, she’ll have a whale of a tale to tell us lads.
If she doesn’t, we’ll have to make it up ourselves.
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