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@jlliagre That's even worse than me. I had a 77 (maybe 78?) and didn't feel like showing it.
Daily Octordle #305
Score: 66
@Robusto Les jours se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas :-)
La palabra del día #322 5/6


Le Mot (@WordleFR) #320 3/6


1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Etymology of the day: Dutch and German schaden (damage, injury) is cognate with English scathe
So... we can recoin Schadenfreude into scathejoy
It isn't on Google. I've just invented a word.
Submitting this answer for grammatical comments, because I don't write many these days.
A: Story where humanity is in an identity crisis due to trade with advanced aliens

Faheem MithaThe details given fit the novel "First Contract", but given that the details are not very specific, it could fit other novels too. However, this story is not award winning, as far as I know. It was also published in 2000. Whether that fits your timeline isn't clear. It fits the "friendly alien ci...

Q1: Is "Earths" correct? No possessive apostrophe needed?
Q2:Is "any kind of criminal activities" correct? "activity" might be correct. I'm not sure.
Please excuse my shaky command of grammar.
Edited, so Q1 is now out of date.
> The Russian leader's hands mysteriously turned purple as he was meeting Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, rewakening fears over his physical health.
Generated by StableDiffusion2
This application is too busy. Keep trying!
@Vikas It's the Purple Hand Syndrome, I'm afraid, and Putin has only some 40 years left to live, at best 60 years.
Russian biology teacher was angry at a kid who used "revolution" instead of "evolution".
But only cut his mark by 1, from 5 (top mark) to 4 (good).
President Putin demanded that Artificial Intelligence be used to revive the Russian industry.
1 hour later…
Wordle 524 5/6

Adverb: im Großen und Ganzen
  1. all in all, by and large, on the whole
  2. Synonyms: alles in allem, im Ganzen, insgesamt
Cute expression
> Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is a 1993 Anime film co-produced by Japan and India and produced and directed by Yugo Sako and based on the Indian epic the Ramayana. The film was directed by Koichi Sasaki and Ram Mohan, with music composed by Vanraj Bhatia.
> It was released in the United States as Warrior Prince or The Prince of Light: The Legend of Ramayana by Krishna Shah, further localized English dub with narration by James Earl Jones, prince Rama voiced by Bryan Cranston and additional music by Alan Howarth.
I haven't watched it yet. It would be interesting to hear Bryan Cranston as Rama.
1 hour later…
Similar expressions of the day: German mit allem Pipapo and French et tout le tralala. Both mean something like "with all the stuff around".
Pipapo ist ein Wort (eine Triplikation) der Umgangssprache und wird hauptsächlich in Verbindungen wie „mit allem Pipapo“ in der Bedeutung „mit allem, was dazugehört“, „mit allem Drum und Dran“ als ein zusammenfassender Platzhalter verwendet, wenn man nicht alle gemeinten Einzelheiten aufzählen möchte (Beispiel: „Es gibt ein Festessen mit allem Pipapo“). == Entstehung == Der Ausdruck ist seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts belegt und wurde möglicherweise aus der Abkürzung p.p. „herausgesponnen“ (Kluge), die in der Verbindung mit der Abkürzung „etc.“ (etc. p.p.) „perge, perge“ („fahre fort, fahre fort…
I've already learned that tout = all.
I love it when German speakers pronounce Pipapo. They seem to struggle to pronounce it as if it were a foreign word.
Probably the combination of sounds is untypical for German
Russians are having trouble pronouncing Ukrainian palyanytsia (bread loaf)
Because the combination of vowels is weird.
Noun: паляни́ця • (paljanýcja) f inan (genitive паляни́ці, nominative plural паляни́ці, genitive plural паляни́ць)
  1. a type of Ukrainian hearth-baked bread
> During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, this word was famously used as a shibboleth by Ukrainians to identify enemy saboteurs. People from Russia struggle to pronounce it correctly, usually producing something like [pəlʲɪˈnʲitsə] on their first try, with the stressed /i/ being an especially noticeable mistake.
Wordle 524 3/6

Q: Best etymological calque of the word Schadenfreude

R160KThis question is purely theoretical (i.e. I don't foresee actually trying to use the word), but using arguments based on etymology, as well as euphony and (least importantly) comprehensibility, what is the most etymologically faithful English equivalent for the German Schadenfreude? Other German...

None of the ones there sound ... Idiomatic. Yours sounds OK, but 'scathe' by itself doesn't sound like anything so the whole thing is a bit opaque.
Daily Quordle 305
Daily Octordle #305
Score: 59
@jlliagre You're right. I just got a personal best today.
@Robusto Félicitations !
#Worldle #308 2/6 (100%)
Guessed right on the flat, too.
@Vikas "Jesse, Jesse, we need to cook"
🌎 Nov 25, 2022 🌍
🔥 86 | Avg. Guesses: 5.54
⬜🟩 = 2

Wow. I'm on fire today.
What a difference a day makes.
Good sleep?
Or just lucky?
Bit of both.
@Mitch One of them proposes the same:
> So one is left with sceathjoy, the Swedish-ish sceathgladness, or your bit part in the Ring Cycle.
Daily Quordle 305
@M.A.R. lol
I could listen to Linguriosa talk all day. Her language and delivery are so captivating.
I could too, but I understand nothing.
"Bob's your uncle" is a phrase commonly used in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries that means "and there it is" or "and there you have it" or "it's done". Typically, someone says it to conclude a set of simple instructions or when a result is reached. The meaning is similar to that of the French expression "et voilà!". == Synonyms and variations == Expressions of self-satisfaction or pride or delight at the end of a sentence describing an action, a situation, an instruction or direction, especially when it seems easier or quicker than expected: The long version Bob's your uncle and...
@CowperKettle That's just the thing. I understand everything she says (well, almost). It's just so clear I only ever have to translate a word or two in my mind now and again. Otherwise it all just makes sense.
I had the same feeling when I listened to the BBC Radio ))
It was on the wave AM 666 in Yekaterinburg ))
They really pronounced it so clearly.
I tried listening to an interview with Cormac McCarthy while working, and it's impossible to catch what he tells. youtu.be/HrUy1Vn2KdI
One has to actually watch it.
Some years ago, I downloaded his The Road, the audiobook, and didn't like it, but somewhy decided to listen to an interview.
> At the SFI, he published the essay "The Kekulé Problem" (2017), which explores the human unconscious and the origin of language.
@robusto La fonetica del frances es una locura! No, it is the other way around. The phonetics of all languages but French is madness! ;-)
@jlliagre Mais non !
La pronunciacion de la francais c'est vraiment fou !
La pronunciación del español es muy claro.
@Robusto All is relative :-) By the way, a couple of grammatical gender mismatches in your statements.
@jlliagre Not surprising. I didn't grow up with grammatical genders, so I'm a noob at that.
Also, all is absolute, not relative. It means everything, so it includes even its opposite!
@CowperKettle 'shame' is a better sounding word to correspond to 'Schade' even if it is not the cognate. And it is not opaque. But also putting two words together just like Schade and Freude doesn't feel right.
There are 'toss-pot' words and common noun-noun pairs but somehow -in English-, shame and joy don't sound right together.
I'm sure someone has written a thesis on this already.
@Mitch What are "toss-pot" words? I've never heard that expression. Words that are drunk?
But those sorts of people don't hang out on ELU.
@Robusto that's a term I think that John McWhorter made up
@Robusto Okay, so let's say that spacetime position, velocity, and opinions about accents are all relatives.
Scarecrow, killjoy, um...
Knownothing scofflaw
Catchall spoilsport
Verb-noun combos
Spitfire shuteye rotgut
@Mitch what did you write your thesis on?
Let.me.tell.you about my thesis
Something something group symmetries in boolean functions somethety something thresholds in satisfiability of CNF formulas something something
@Mitch Something tells me that wasn't the actual abstract. Or even close to it.
@FaheemMitha What gave it away?
@Robusto I guess I must be clairvoyant.
A Holmesian deduction, sir!
It's a bit hard to imagine Mitch writing a thesis, though. One imagines him getting frequently distracted and chasing birds on the lawn.
perhaps, you meant chasing children off his lawn
For some reason birds come to mind.
@FaheemMitha 🎵tweet🎶
Keeping children from leaving the lawn
Thesis writing is a painful business at the best of times. At least, for most of us.
Mostly an exercise in masochism.
@Robusto "que no!"
2 hours later…
Warning: don't take these predictions seriously :-)
that^ is very close to what I got
@Mitch Now you're violating Elon Musk's copyright.
I was pleasantly surprised to find out our predictions almost matched exactly, and all I used was Elo.
I immediately started to follow him on tweeter for individual games.
Speaking of which, the U.S. tied England 0-0.
Is there a common name for things you might take on a trip or for an extended stay? My mind is blank except for "supplies". Which doesn't really seem suitable.
I'm not sure such a trivial question is suitable for the main site, but if you think it is, let me know.
long-trip essentials?
@user4539917 A tie is like a kiss from your sister.
not in soccer
@FaheemMitha @user4539917's suggestion is a good one. I'd just call them "essentials" ...
Things you need to have with, no superfluities.
@Robusto I think one might be allowed to pack non-essentials too. Thanks for the suggestion, @user4539917.
@FaheemMitha If you're going on a trip, they're thought of as essentials, because you don't take things you don't need. Things you don't need are called frills.
@Robusto Well, I included the possibility of an extended stay. And I know lots of people who didn't get the memo about taking things you don't need. Which is in any case not a terribly well-defined category.
Would you take your surround sound system for an extended stay?
@Robusto in soccer, an unbeaten streak is not the same as a winning streak. For example, Argentina had a 36- game unbeaten streak snapped by Saudi Arabia. That is almost 2 years without losing.
That's just the way they keep stats in the game.
Timothy Tarpeh Weah (born February 22, 2000) is an American professional soccer player who plays as a winger for Ligue 1 club Lille and the United States national team. He is the son of former professional soccer player, Ballon d'Or winner, and President of Liberia, George Weah. In March 2018, he made his senior debut for Paris Saint-Germain and earned his first senior international cap for the United States. == Early and personal life == Weah was born on February 22, 2000, in Brooklyn, New York, to Liberian George Weah (at the time a professional soccer player) and his Jamaican wife Clar. George...
Wordle 524 3/6

🌎 Nov 25, 2022 🌍
🔥 3 | Avg. Guesses: 6.74
🟥🟧🟥🟥🟥🟩 = 6

2 hours later…
@Mitch Ah! Maybe tearjoy then? No, again two nouns. "Cryjoy" is a tosspot word..
Catgut (also known as gut) is a type of cord that is prepared from the natural fiber found in the walls of animal intestines. Catgut makers usually use sheep or goat intestines, but occasionally use the intestines of cattle, hogs, horses, mules, or donkeys. Despite the name, catgut is not made from cat intestines. == Etymology == The word catgut may have been an abbreviation of the word "cattlegut". Alternatively, it may derive by folk etymology from kitgut or kitstring—the word kit, meaning fiddle, having at some point been confused with the word kit for a young cat, the word "kit" being possibly...
Catgut is not a tosspot word, yet is used.

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