> Cuscuta epithymum (CE) is an established medicinal herb utilized for treating psychosis in Persian medicine. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CE combined with risperidone on the clinical symptoms and the cognitive impairment in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Lee Kuan Yew: "I had two options. Either I get corrupted and I put my family in the Forbes list of the richest people in the world and leave my people with nothing."
"OR I serve my country, my people and let my country be in the list of the best ten economies in the world."
"I chose the second option".
Vladimir Putin: "I had two options, but the second was already taken by Lee Kuan Yew".
@CowperKettle If I went outside as often I would probably have also fussed unnecessarily over how many people wear masks and how. I think you should let it go.
@CowperKettle Isn't Singapore basically a Police State? I once had a colleague from Singapore who actually liked it, and that's how he himself described it.
Lately it has been getting almost impossible to get a permit for a rally.
Maybe the Government wants to measure the extent of public discontent with the crackdown.
It's weird that a 79-yo lady went out with a poster sign, and was apprehended by 5 policemen in Yekaterinburg in February, and yesterday a whole 40 persons were allowed to stand with poster signs.
But even under Stalin the repressions came in waves.
Three persons running for a place in St. Petersburg parliament.
All three have the name Boris Vishnevsky.
Only the third one is the real Boris Vishnevsky.
Another is a namesake who was found by Putin's party United Russia and paid to run in the election, to flummox the people.
Yet another, which is beyond weird, is a person who changed his name specifically for this occasion.
It's the technology invented in the 1990s and used ever since by Putin and his accomplices.
When a democratic candidate is so popular and so respected that nothing could be done to bar him from running in the election, one or several namesakes are found to dilute the vote.
In the hope that people will make a mistake.
What's even funnier, the two fakes grew up beards to look more like the real one.
I was at a country club with friends and they were going to play tennis and I was in an orange bathing suit and a t-shirt with some weird logo on it and they (not my friends but the tennis person in charge) said I couldn't play
Hello folks. I need to prepare a list/array of categories that decribe driving experience of people. Each person can land into one of these categories. For example a person who has from 0 to 1 year experience in driving vehicle would fit into category "noobie". A porsen with driving experience from 1 to 3 years would be "moderate" and so on.
How would I name the list of categories? A coalegue of mine has named it "drivingExperiences" but this doesnt sound natural to me. May be Im wrong.
Is it correct to say something like "here is the list of possible driving experiences options"
Ok fair enough. Thank you. I can use "levels" or "categories", "rank" or something else. The phrase "driving experiences" just didnt pass the smell test and I wanted to align(please suggest a better word here) with you guys. Thank you 🙏
and yet I work with multinational team (all of them not native in English) but we use English to communicate, and yet I need to write emails to clients that are native English speakers.
@Cerberus Frankly, I studied English at school for two years - but it was more like memorizing words and two years later all of it was gone
who are native VS that are native I do these mistakes all the time