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Isn't a hairy chest a put-off for women?
I spent about 40 minutes in bathroom first scissoring away the hair, then shaving it off, in order to have the Holter EEG monitor attached.
And it's already hairy again.
@CowperKettle In recent (not really scientific) research done in Britain, lots of chest hair was indeed a bit of a turn-off.
But I'm quite sure this will vary a lot between cultures.
Your advertisement also strongly suggests this.
@CowperKettle Why yes, now that you mention it, a hairy-chested woman can be a real put-off for some people.
2 hours later…
31.7% of Russia's total population have been vaccinated thus far. At the current rate, 50% will be vaccinated by mid-January.
Krestovsky Stadium in Saint Petersburg
6 hours later…
"Apoplectic cardinals harvesting tomatoes on the shore of the Red Sea"
> At least 20% of COVID-19 patients develop new antibodies that attack their own tissue, just as if they had an autoimmune disease. Doesn't happen if they're vaccinated
@CowperKettle Don't forget the aurora borealis. :)
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle could be understatement
depends on your context (and specifics)
It's well known (though that's simply stereotype) that FB (and really any social media) has a toxic, bullying side to them.
One can make one account "friends-only"
But yes, maybe.
I just think it must be hard to measure and disentangle whether the social networks really affect people.
@CowperKettle Yes. People being mean to each other on social media. It happens everywhere. Even here.
I just unfriend/block mean people
@CowperKettle You have good habits in that (and how to use the platform)
@CowperKettle It's not a precise science like predicting Halley's Comet's return, but there is knowledge there.
@CowperKettle But yes it may be overblown. Fire must be banned - it hurts!
I was a small kid when the Halley Comet passed Earth
I remember other kids telling of a film called something like "Monsters from Halley's Comet" or something, and wanting to watch it badly.
And my dad told me, that when the comet visits next time, I would be a very old man.
> The number of U.S. states where more than a third of adults are obese has nearly doubled since 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Eggcorn of the day: "Every once and awhile".
For all intensive purposes I starred this.
@CowperKettle He. I enjoy collecting eggcorns.

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