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Well, I'm very glad that you're better than ok(ish), that your klutziness was reversible, and that you're covid-free. Congrats on the physical activity. I should try that... I really should. :)
I also have an uncle with early Alzheimer, and it's been getting him down.
After my leg heals, which it still hasn't finished doing.
@anongoodnurse Walk two miles a day every day you want to live.
Quoth Thomas Jefferson, more or less.
@tchrist lol, ok.
And now I know my mom and sister are covid-free as well.
Lol, ok!
Mom got a mandatory PCR test because she was admitted as an impatient.
And my sister had been fighting horrible sinusitis after norovirus for so long she wanted to make sure there was nothing else and got tested, and she too has no active SARS-CoV-2.
Good to hear that. Be careful out there; you never know, you might exercise yourself into the normotensive range and get doppick again!
I walk at least five. Do I get paid overtime
Also Rob walks so much his knees hurt
Of course neither knows their serological status, but knowing that you're not being sick now with it, even asymptomatically, is still a relief. There's so much hidden.
Take care. :) I'll post when my son goes back to work, and catch you then. :)
(oh, God, my knees! I'm not going there...)
@M.A.R. That's easily done when you're a geezer.
And I think Rob bikes more than hikes. Not sure.
> The coronavirus may still be spreading at epidemic rates in 24 states, particularly in the South and Midwest, according to new research that highlights the risk of a second wave of infections in places that reopen too quickly or without sufficient precautions.
That's going to be disastrous going into a long holiday weekend.
Last I checked it got a bump here too a week ago, not sure now
This sextagenerian doesn't wear masks "because they're sweaty and uncomfortable beneath"
Hi guys
Is anybody active in the room?
@Robusto lol, it's like you've never even been to the Internet before.
Most people don't even know how to spell "thanks" and "please". Let alone advanced stuff like "they're" or "its".
You absolutely wouldn't guess that from their spoken English.
Just look at the main site. Everyone and his dog thinks they're an expert in English. Just because they can speak it. But ask them to string two words together in writing, and they burst out in tears and call you a whole bunch of misspelled things.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer (86): How do "you" pronounce eczema? by William Ware on english.SE
@RegDwigнt Yeah, about that ... I was talking about people of a certain intellectual and educational level. Not just anyone with a neck on the intertoobz.
@M.A.R. Nope. On days I'm not riding I walk about 3-4 miles. Gotta do something. But it doesn't hurt my knees.
@Reg: BTW, this Great Courses audiobook I'm listening to now says the Varangians took women along to learn the languages of the peoples they had to do business with, because they were better at picking up languages. The prof giving the lectures also said the best simultaneous translators he knew were women.
Something I didn't know, but I guess it makes sense, women being more able to mediate their emotions through conversation and all, which is why my wife always seems to want to talk when I want to read the news and drink my coffee in the morning.
@tchrist I had a vaso-vegal syncope a couple years ago in a restaurant after a hard ride because my BP dropped to 92/55. So, yeah, it's hard to think at that level. Hard even to sit in a chair. Luckily the guys I rode with caught me before I hit the floor, and there was a nurse at one of the tables who knew to get me on the floor with my legs up.
2 hours later…
I have an affinity with analysis.
I don't have an affinity for making money.
I think the insurer is superficial because he seems to only know money without concerning about various works which people are engaged in when making money, particularly those specialized works.
he keeps saying there are only two kinds of people who don't buy insurance.
one is those who prefer to save money on their own for contingency.
another is those who don't feel the need.
I said there are people who don't have extra money to buy insurance.
he keeps not taking those people into account.
he seems not to know there are people whose fields don't have many job opportunity on the wasteland so that basic living expenses have been a struggle.
that kind of people wouldn't buy insurance.
I think the economic problem in this world is there are too many works to do without people to pay.
it's, not lack of works to do, but lack of money to pay works, which is the problem. The insurer should understand this.
that insurer keeps asking me if I don't have works.
I think I should I have replied him I can always work because I never lack works to do but I just lack people to pay my works.
but what that insurer wants is to pay him premium, not my works.
so I said that insurer is superficial in that he just knows money without knowing various specialized fields people are working on with or without being paid.
1 hour later…
@Mitch, Yes, his copy-pasting is horrible. See what he did to me now... In my recent answer, I've explained the phenomenon and also have stated why the meaning of nice changed. Hachi had only copy-pasted. OP accepted my answer and did not accept his. I saw OP's comment on his answer saying something like 'these answers were present on top in Google' (I don't remember, if you have enough rep, see the deleted post and comments).
after a few minutes, he deleted his answer and I got 2 downvotes at the spot. OP also got 2 downvotes and one Close vote.
> If I had any money, I'd buy you a drink.
A. She said if she had any money, she'd buy me a drink.
B. She said if she'd had any money, she'd have bought me a drink.
Lol. I thought you wanted to buy me a drink @Færd
Haha why not.
Help yourself to anything in the fridge and I'll reimburse you for it later
1 hour later…
I should have told that insurer I have never had extra money to buy insurance.
I keep having the economic insecurity even for housing, food, and clothes.
@Færd With 300 % interest rate
4 hours later…
@M.A.R. Deal.
Rumor has it Biden team is considering Elizabeth Warren as VP. That would be the party showing some sense, at last. It would also boost Biden's chances against Trump. And substantially so, I think.
After all, Biden's vice-presidency was Obama's compromise to the hard right of the party. It's time they repaid the center for the favor with a similar gesture.
@tchrist Wait... is that just for today, or for one -extra- day. If it is just for today then shit I gotta get goin.
@Robusto I'll ask my bro. I'm rather skeptical myself. But he knows the scene. And I know fuck all.
@Robusto yeah figures. It's interesting tho. For most pineapples, their written English is exactly as shit as their spoken one. And for most natives, it's actually much worse.
In conclusion, nobody can English.
So um. How about we went bowling instead. I'm paying for the drinks, you get us a lane.
@Mitch Look at your yesterday?
Q: What does "put out" mean in the following context?

Spidy776What does "put out" mean in the following context? I, myself, who find sundown something of a surprise every evening, have been pursued by foreign journalists asking what the pandemic will mean for the American presidential election, populism, the prospects of socialism, race relations,...

One of them questions where even if you don't know the answer, only one possible answer suggests itself.
People often seek to understand an individual word when what really matters is understanding the whole sentence around it.
When you're a child, you constantly hear new words. But you still understand what's being said. In fact it is precisely by understanding the whole of what's being said that you derive the meaning of any individual word from.
It does not matter what "put out" means in the context. It matters what the context means. From there you might as well replace "put out" with absolutely any word at all.
(Go ahead and try it. Take that sentence and replace "put out" with "khrabadinjovsk". What you get is not something incomprehensible. What you get is a perfect dictionary definition of khrabadinjovsk.)
I'm not quite sure at which point we make the switch from "understanding the whole language despite not knowing a single word of it" to "not understanding a single word despite knowing the whole entire language".
vI=]close]d it.
And kitty Lorin is helping me type.
I is know no kitty lorin. I only knows crétin lapin.
@RegDwigнt "The poor shall always be with you."
Les Lapins crétins, connus dans le monde anglophone sous le nom de Raving Rabbids, sont des personnages fictifs créés et lancés par la société française Ubisoft, initialement en tant qu'antagonistes de la franchise de jeux vidéo Rayman. Ces personnages sont des lapins anthropomorphes blancs, communiquant en sabir (bwa bwa), possédant de grands yeux globuleux, et deux grandes dents apparentes et écartées l'une de l'autre. Mentalement instables, voire complètement stupides (d'où leur nom) les lapins démontrent souvent de grandes et étranges doses d'adrénaline, durant lesquelles leurs yeux deviennent…
@RegDwigнt Kitty Lorin brought me a palm-size lapinette in vivo the other night. Had a dickens of a time rounding the thing up.
Ah yes. That clears things up. Thank you.
I think I'll go post on ELU.
In the sentence "Kitty Lorin brought me a palm-size lapinette in vivo the other night. Had a dickens of a time rounding the thing up", what does time mean?
@Robusto yes. Namely, quantity has the quality of being 90% shit. Cf. Sturgeon et al., Venture Science Fiction 1957 ff.
Right. Now. With that out of the way, I must drink and play Animal Crossing. In either order, but preferably in both.
what is the semantic difference between "rhyme" and "rhythm"?
Rhythm just means a sequence with specific, repeated timings.
Rhyme is when certain sounds in words a repeated, but in very specific ways.
is there any semantic difference between "faulty" and "defective"?
I read "Throttle malfunction may result from either of two causes: Faulty calibration or defective linkage."
I suppose defective is mostly used with objects, not abstract things such as actions.
But I think you could replace it with faulty in defective linkage.
Hi guys
Does anybody have any idea regarding standards sections to include in Resume?
@ILoveStackoverflow In mine I would include "Counterpoint Species" and "Legend of Zelda".
Sorry, what standards were we talking about again?..
I am talking about REsume
Whats standard sections to include in resume?
Achivements and Awards, Camous and Community Involvement etc..
3 hours later…
@CaptainBohemian The first thing you should do is check a dictionary.
@ILoveStackoverflow There are no standard sections to include in a resume or CV. Just write whatever you want. Tell the truth and impress them.

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