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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@Mitch wait, there are no real binaries?
stays quiet
@Mitch stop confusing me!
@Mitch Hi Misha.
So many things happened in my life the past two months.
But I cannot talk about them in this chat, because they are too personal.
Yeah. You shouldn't.
you should tell us all...
Wrong ellipses
you had for dinner
@M.A.R. Those are all the extras, so that Tonepoet won't use them.
I had chicken eggs for breakfast and chicken ramen for lunch and herbal chicken for dinner
hmm...I'm sensing a pattern
@Gasparo what would chicken think of you now?
I'm looking forward to...
maybe an omelet?
But I think I want to go back to my vegetarianism today and I will try to stick to it.
@Gasparo I wouldn't mind vegetarianism except I can't really think of much to make.
I really like plain white rice with oil, vinegar, and pepper
It's simple. Just eat vegetables, fruits, beans, and nuts every day.
@Mitch Are you Asian? I have this stupid idea that only Asians like white rice.
fruit is good, but it's like dessert, I don't want to eat that for a meal
@Gasparo HEY
Hi @sumelic still the beautiful avatar, I see.
@Gasparo No. And Asian covers a lot.
@M.A.R. Do you like white rice?
Yyyyyes? hides away in shame
I swear I'm sober
@Gasparo Northern Europe is not well known to be big rice eaters
I feel at peace today.
but you shouldn't infer that I'm Northern European from that. You should infer I'm northern European from my telling you I'm Northern European
@Mitch o.o
I think I am at the final stage of my mental illness. I think I will get a breakthrough very soon. After that, I can work on winning the Abel prize.
@Mitch Back to the assumption that you're an alien
But you should also not infer I'm Northern European from that either, I'm only saying that if I tell you should you...
@Gasparo \o/
ugh. I'm Northern European
Unless I'm lying
Well, my name says I am Italian.
We have these mentally ill people in the dialysis center, and I can tell it's not fun :(
@M.A.R. whoa dude. What if I am an alien?
@Mitch that'd be a fake lie news alternative
I have done several tenor arias transposed downwards and put them on youtube and deleted them, but I have not done any bass-baritone arias. I think I will do some this week and try not to delete them.
I think a lot of aliens would be insulted if they thought I was falsely presenting myself as one.
I think I will do Largo Al Factotum and Vecchia Zimarra Senti.
@Gasparo What about counter tenor?
That's like sub-ultra-alto
or mezzo-mezzo
@Mitch insult my arse
@Mitch I don't know any such arias. But today I heard some basso profundo, which is like super low bass. It sounds crazy...
@M.A.R. OK.
Your arse is stupid
Enjoy the alien internship, worry about the consequences later
@Mitch how do you know that?
@M.A.R. You asked me to insult your arse, so I did. I don't need to know anything about it to insult it.
@Mitch whoa where has this world gotten to?
It's so stupid that some use wrong titles and wrong thumbnails to make people click on their youtube video.
@Gasparo You can almost hear the beats in the frequency
@Gasparo that . . . isn't a new thing
@Gasparo Oh, that? That's really annoying.
Can I share a really beautiful Korean love song here? Not sung by me, of course. Hold on...
Always with a thumbnail that's not actually in the video
@Gasparo Share? Do we have to give it back?
@Mitch Less annoying than your insulting of my arse though
@Mitch what? I ate it all
@M.A.R. Let's leave you arse out of it. It's really butting in.
Ba dum tiss
I heard this song 100 times last week...
@Mitch OK don't overdo it
Here is the live performance by the original singer and a brilliant pianist...
@M.A.R. one more...
@anspal @HoustonHHaynes @Phylan @robinson_es https://t.co/uwIc34Q0KA
argh..how do you copy animated gifs from twitter to here?
stupid technology
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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