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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Cerberus How about Monaco/Italia/España/Romania/Dinemarca/Alemania?
@Mitch Hah! Well, those countries have too little in common to justify the acronym.
5 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Is there a word for 'a person who is always hungry'? by Roeshambeezy on english.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: Is there a word for 'a person who is always hungry'? by Roeshambeezy on english.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
Q: Please reverse the migration of this question to ELL

deadratI'm reliably informed that ELU can do nothing at this point, and that the migration must be rejected here by the powers that be. This was my question on ELU's meta: The question is Can “childs” ever be the plural of “child”? Is the word "childs" ever used instead of children? And was it ever ...

The question has been closed on ELL, so now we just need to find some people on EL&U who agree it's a suitable question to reopen it. So far it's at 2/5 reopen votes: english.stackexchange.com/questions/308706/…
And Sven Yargs will have to repost his answer, it looks like.
A: Is there a word for 'a person who is always hungry'?

RoeshambeezyYolanda Johns of Kieser Hospital. I'm milking this 🐄🐄🐄🐄

@tchrist I didn't get to behold such masterpiece. :(
@Cerberus "In the 1990s (when the term probably originated)" is silly. Back in 1979 Poul Anderson published a piece of political satire disguised as a a mock-serious essay entitled “Of PIGS and MEN”, where PIGS stood for People In Germanic Settlements and MEN for Mediterranean Ethnic Neighbors.
@Rathony Meh, just random troll passing by.
At worst, the community will protect it.
@IͶΔ I see.
@IͶΔ What do you think is wrong with my answer?
It's just not that popular, I guess.
Is there a word for a person who is always hungry?
Always hungry person.
Populus is a genus of 25–35 species of deciduous flowering plants in the family Salicaceae, native to most of the Northern Hemisphere. English names variously applied to different species include poplar /ˈpɒp.lər/, aspen, and cottonwood. In the September 2006 issue of Science Magazine, the Joint Genome Institute announced that the Western Balsam Poplar (P. trichocarpa) was the first tree whose full DNA code had been determined by DNA sequencing. == Description == The genus has a large genetic diversity, and can grow from anywhere between 15–50 m (49–164 ft) tall, with trunks of up to 2.5 m (8 ft...
As opposed to that poplar.
@tchrist Now I've got myself a new pun to confuse people with. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Oh weird, I thought somebody pinched my picture.
Aspen is a common name for certain tree species; some, but not all, are classified by botanists in the section Populus, of the poplar genus. == Species == These species are called aspens: Populus adenopoda – Chinese Aspen (China, south of P. tremula) Populus davidiana – Korean Aspen (Eastern Asia) Populus grandidentata – Bigtooth Aspen (eastern North America, south of P. tremuloides) Populus sieboldii – Japanese Aspen (Japan) Populus tremula – Eurasian Aspen (northern Europe and Asia) Populus tremuloides – Quaking Aspen or Trembling Aspen (northern and western North America) == Habitat ...
Bottom left.
Except mine is better done.
That one is from 2012 though, and mine was from earlier.
But certainly I stood at the same point.
The reds are distinctive.
@Rathony It's not the word you're looking for, but I just learned abstemious a few days ago and your question reminded me of it :-)
@tchrist I think I got the deputy badge when that was removed.
Oh, I see, @Rathony, you weren't actually looking for the answer yourself.
Why don't you and I sleep when our world turns its face from our star?
I did sleep! For a whole hour :-)
I've been having some trouble sleeping lately. Otherwise I wouldn't be up quite this early.
I do like to sleep early and wake up before the sun rises, though, if I manage it.
Oops, I left can out before manage.
I hope to take a nap later this morning. I went to sleep at around 8 but got up just past 2.
I need to take a nap too.
I'm hoping to get in at least five more hours of sleep. I'm at my best with seven and a half.
It's harder to learn stuff if you don't sleep enough :-(
@snailboat I hopeless at under six.
@IͶΔ It's too late for you: we call that bedtime.
Nope, it's just 2:20 p.m. here.
and 3:57 pm here
2 hours later…
Apropos de nada...
Juan and Néstor clearly have a better internet connection, well or perhaps microphones, than Carlos and César have. This is a constant challenge at $job.
1 hour later…
@tchrist Indeed, I dig Néstor's headset. I want one of those.
Yep, me too. I'll bet that's why he's so clear.
It's got a windguard and everything. Or whatever they call the foam cover.
What is the policy on EL&U with regards to inappropriate content? Sometimes I see comments about religion which could only be construed as indirect evangelism, a sort of passive preaching. People will make assertions about religion which aren't related to the linguistics of the question. Should such comments be flagged?
@Charon Can you give me an example?
Comments like "You would know the answer if you accept Jesus into your heart" should be flagged for 'too chatty'. Things like "You are going to burn in Hell for your opinion on the Oxford comma" should be flagged as offensive.
But it's hard to say without specifics.
I'll just try and find the example
Examples R good.
I'm loathe to post an example, really, because I don't want to rock the boat too much, but I'll try and find one nonetheless
Whilst I'm searching for it, it was something like this:
The boat is already rockin'.
Q: "What's a word for someone who is perfectly patient?"

Comment: "According to the New Testament, there has only been one such person in all of history"
My problem with that is twofold: it's not related to what EL&U is about, and also it can start arguments because of course others will have opposing views
Hmm. That is rather a gray area.
If you do flag it, I would classify it as 'too chatty'.
when I was at school, we were taught that 'age, wage and religion' were three things you should never talk about, for fear of offending someone
For us, it was sex, religion, and politics.
Ha nice, I think there's no harm in sticking to the union of those two rules
I think I'll leave it for now
@Charon "You should submit a comment if you want to: Request clarification from the author; Leave constructive criticism that guides the author in improving the post; Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post (e.g. a link to a related question, or an alert to the author that the question has been updated)."
Anything else basically is delete fodder unless it is so entertaining that it needs to stay.
Thought as much, thanks
I'll flag next time
Because those sorts of comments can detract from the learning/scholarship that this place is all about
For example, I once posted an answer about 'David and Goliath' and was then bombarded with negative criticism about my interpretation of scripture, which is not what my answer or this site is about
@Charon What I find hilarious about that comment is that the person they're referring to did actually lose his patience in one well-documented episode.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well there's always his dad. Who is waiting with perfect patience for us to all finally die off!
@MετάEd even he got impatient a few times.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 He's only human.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That time he flipped over the tables? That was a pretty epic tantrum.
@KitZ.Fox It just makes me wonder what else they left out of the official records. That time when he got a parking ticket. "FFS, There are no handicapped people even here, I already cured them, and STILL you ticket me?" "Give unto Caesar, you said it yourself"
That other time when the apostles forgot to pack lunch, and they just begged him to make food appear, and he was like "Eff that, you can go hungry"
Or when he was stressed out from making the blind see so he converted the well water into wine and drank all night.
@KitZ.Fox He yelled at his mom (John 2:4). Uncool man.
@MετάEd sometimes he's a little more active about it like that flood thing.
@Mitch Granted, he felt bad about that afterwards, so he resolved to never do it again, and only targeted individual cities from then on.
Bye guys.
See you guys tomorrow.
@Charon If this is the answer with comments that bother you, my interpretation is that it was not evangelical at all. They were trying to explain what the implications of 'david and goliath' are so that one could use the phrase properly. It's like you calling someone explaining a moral from an Aesop's fable a proselytizer for ancient greek religion.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. OK. Restraint. I guess. Still.
@Charon All I'm saying is that I rarely see proselytizing here or even religious view points. People tend to just mention the cultural artifacts. In fact I see more people jumping on others for any hint of religiosity when they're just asking a language question that mentions things associated with religion.
Yeah, concur. Seems like a bit of overreaction.
Those are not the comments that bothered me, the one's that did I flagged and they were deleted.
I received one comment along the lines of: "you should not have posted this if you were not well acquainted with the biblical facts of the story" which was nonsense
And besides, the meaning of a phrase in popular usage may well veer away from the fable on which it's based. I was talking about the phrase as it's used in the modern day, the exact details of the biblical story are irrelevant
Imagine giving someone who has never heard of the Bible a copy
Then tell them it's a really old fictional novel
They'd memorize it word by word.
which it is, but... save that for another day
@IͶΔ Bible Fan-Fiction
I disagree that anything the Bible says is fiction, but I'm not in a mood for a serious talk right now.
If the Bible is real
Then some cool hijinks happened in the BCs
Not all of it is supposed to be.
Ancient historians had a tendency to mix facts with legends.
Proof: Herodotus
So anyway, it's not that all of it is fake or all of it is real.
It's an impurity, like everything else in this world.
Reading a copy of The Torah for fun
This one has so many grammar mistakes
For Genesis 8:20, it says 'Builded'
@DeltaEscher Awkwarrrrd!
If I truly want one religion to truly be true
I want it be a super old folk one
So everyone's like
"aw darn."
But there's like one guy who still believes it
Serious stuff turning out not to be serious unintentionally is amusing.
@DeltaEscher I define all this to be different.
I define as a piece of strawberry cake
how about that
I define what I believe my religion, since I think everyone agrees that the religions in the today world are not what they were meant to be.
I love how most of the argument between religions doesn't even have to do with the content
Eats @Delta's religion
It's just "A bad person in history believed that"
I don't have a religion
Personally I like Buddhists though
They're cool
@DeltaEscher Then you don't believe in anything? You, sir, are divided by zero. :)
I believe in cake
Cake is never wavering
@DeltaEscher The OED lists "builded" as "poetic and archaic"
"Noah poetic and archaic the altar to God"
10/10 would drink tea to
I didn't say it defined it as that.
it defines it as "built".
Though builded is truly not a word
They're just redirecting from a misspelling
No, what I'm saying is, it is a word, it's even in the dictionary.
@DeltaEscher Don't argue with the dictionary. ಠ_ಠ
It doesn't mean "Built" though
Seriously, when I write Builded I get a red line
And red line is bad line
@IͶΔ Dictionary is stupid
Doesn't even list wazoo as a word anymore
Religion is what you thought, and that made you a better guy, either in your own eyes when no one else is around, or others'. Disclaimer: I'm a Muslim.
build, v.
Forms: Pa. tense and pple. built, poet. and arch. builded.
I'm reading the Qur'an next, incidentally
All of the texts start out mostly the same
Please tell me the Qur'an isn't the third religious text with Adam and Eve?
So I'd call those beautiful thoughts Islam, another guy would call it agnosticism, someone else might call it Christianity.
@DeltaEscher Huh?
It's a story from the Bible and Torah
Seriously, the two are like mirrors.
I believe in what I can see
@DeltaEscher You don't know that the Torah is the first part of the Bible and that the Quran is an extension of it?
I don't worship any text. If any text expects me to, then it's not something worth reading. However, I listen to what everyone says, and mark the most sensible as correct.
Who would want to believe in someone who refuses to show him/herself simply because 'lol now u cant prove either way'
It's self defeating any way you slice it
Seriously, I even tried slicing it perpendicularly
@DeltaEscher Adam, at least, is in the Quran. Surah 7 mentions him.
So disputing or accepting anything an atheist or Quran would say because that's an atheist or that's Quran is wrong.
Good to see so much originality
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes.
I know right
It reminds me of a video I watched
It's about how people dispute only Atheist claims simply because America has an angry majority of Christians.
Religion and its influence on society and how it makes friends eat each others heads off is one of my favorite subjects
Learning to listen is the skill this world needs most now.
That and common sense in North Korea
seriously wtf
@IͶΔ I'd say learning critical thinking is what the world needs. People are listening all the time, but they just accept stuff without considering it carefully.
They have mandated hairstyles
@DeltaEscher Actually, I believe that the eating head's part is exactly because people don't think, they take everything said as granted. So when an idiot says "this part of Quran says we should kill all the non-Muslims", then just nod their worthless heads.
My favorite is passive aggressive Christians
Not even super angry, just acting incredibly superior
Because 'hurr du durr ur gona go 2 hellz"
therefore are betters
There have always been petty people bragging about the fact that they're on the right side. Big deal.
They are not aware, that what we do is the thing that proves which side is right.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 People have problems doing it.
Sometimes they do it too much.
Skepticism is healthy, as @Dam would say, but too much of it isn't.
Just like how too much vitamin E degrades your vision.
Bananas have potassium
Potassium is radioactive
Therefore banana is evil
in The Periodic Table, Feb 11 at 12:29, by pH13
more cheese -> more holes in cheese
more holes in cheese -> less cheese
more cheese -> less cheese
Unless the cheese isn't Swiss
Then the entire argument is null and void
And the surface area increases, just by less according to more holes
Everything is more or less Swiss if it's not war-ish. :P
@IͶΔ This logic is not very gouda.
It's amazing how many neutral countries were crushed by glorious Soviet
That still are not neutral to this day because of it
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I always thought that's a kind of butter until I got to taste it.
Grudges are sometimes meaningless, sometimes helpful.
I mean, Estonia recovered pretty good.
@DeltaEscher some cake isn't so great... sigh
Iranian people didn't hold grudges -- They were too poor and busy to -- and got bitten by Brits a million times.
Britain was a big meaniepants back in the day
why does it still have colonies
@IͶΔ 2016 Edition - "y, y, y i #canteven"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The main prophets of Islam: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus ... and others?
@Mitch Jesus was a Jew you fool
Preferably with a Unicode smiley.
@Mitch No, the main prophets are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
There are many prophets mentioned in it though.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah! What you just said!
Hi Mitchy.
@IͶΔ I always thought the three 'people of the book' shared those first 6
@Arrowfar dude!
So I decided to go to bed but then came here again.
@Mitch I think the latter three are meant.
@DeltaEscher Look it up.
@IͶΔ David sees like he did some questionable things so I'm not so sure about him.
In Noah and Abraham's time there wasn't this lame convention of writing down stuff on consecutive papers. They blogged.
Also kissing cousins
@Mitch When I hear stuff like that, I sometimes turn back and tell myself "how important is it if he really did this? Does it make me a better person or a worse one?" If they were alive, it could've made some difference, since some people judge you by your friends.
So, sex, religion and politics. Can't talk about 'em in public without getting into awkwardness of one sort or another.
@IͶΔ ?? I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Or maybe "awkwardness" is not the right word.
@Mitch We don't have any trustworthy evidence as to its truth or not.
@IͶΔ I think it matters when the person is being held up as an example to others.
@Arrowfar also, as mentioned nearby, age, wage, religion. so religion gets a double tap.
Yeah those too.
So unless I'm one of those people that say "I must be right since I believe in Moses", it won't make much difference.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 O_o How much of Moses's life do we know of?
@IͶΔ oh. stories or truth, the same for the lesson learned, it's uncool to send off to war the husband whose wife you covet.
@IͶΔ That depends who you ask. Religious people will point to scripture and say "this is what we know." Others will point to the archaeological record which is completely silent on Moses's deeds, except where it contradicts the supposed record.
@Arrowfar You didn't have any friends in high school?
It's taken me a while but I think the 'bad' stories are put in there as examples to say, oh by the way, don't do this.
But my point is that people are often held up to be infallible or otherwise excellent when the truth is that most people are deeply flawed.
@DeltaEscher Says who?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Evidenced Based Religion.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And which of them can we reliably dispute or prove? I only consider something proven as knowledge.
@Arrowfar You just mentioned every high schooler's three favorite things to talk about in public
I see
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 puts bandaids on flaws
runs out of bandaids
So when a religious text says "Be like David" and then you read the text and find that he killed LOTS of people in gruesome ways.... it's problematic.
Well, my cold is getting better finally so I'll just celebrate... in a local fashion...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That's very true.
<fires AK 47 ferociously into the air>
@Mitch ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gonna need some aloe vera for that burn
<Still celebrating>
<Again fires AK 47 wildly into the air>
@Arrowfar I didn't know you were a Texan
My favorite line in a sci-fi thing I wrote was:
@Arrowfar that is so much fun!
"The creatures had more arms than the average Texan"
except the bullets land eventually.
@Mitch I know right? :) Just kidding around btw.
@IͶΔ well, the evidence from Egypt doesn't allow for a slave population the size of the supposed Isrealite Exodus suddenly departing. It would've depopulated Egypt. Not to mention the 10 plagues, at least some of which would've been recorded.
I love Israel-Nepal relations
Not to mention that there is no evidence whatsoever of a tribe that size wandering the (relatively small) desert for 40 years.
Israel keeps trying to stop Nepal from bringing in unskilled workers, and Israel just keeps saying no but not really caring
This world's biggest problem is that a small minority tend to abuse the fact that humans stand behind what they believe in. They root some beliefs in you, then tell you "see that guy walking on the street? He's your enemy 'cause he said this to the idol you worship"
To give a modern example: Richard Dawkins is considered by many to be a leader, or THE leader, of the "new atheist" movement. But this is very problematic because he's an old white dude who is at least subtly racist and is overtly misogynist.
That belief can be anything -- from Islam to communism to zionism to atheism.
@IͶΔ checking the side bar on wikipedia it asterisks 'major prophets' in Islam as Adam, Noah , Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammed. So I was right about my intuitions about David.
@DeltaEscher That makes me think that they had 3 arms.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Naw, just only like 25
@Mitch Your intuitions?
@Arrowfar also waste of ammo
BTW I find the Islam-related articles on Wikipedia unreliable.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer: Word to describe a personality which has many interests? by drurry on english.stackexchange.com
@Mitch I know :)
yay free flag
@SmokeDetector Dunno, prolly legit. Do you expect me to read that much stuff.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 and kind of a jerk. well...I guess that's already included
@IͶΔ That David wasn't that important
@Mitch With a name like David, how could you be important?
@Mitch Considering that our own prophet was only mentioned 4 times in Quran, I disagree.
Steve the Professional Prophet
and I had forgotten the more obvious mohammed. I was trying to show Delta the connections with Judaism and Christianity.
Went to 6 years of prophet schooling
@Mitch It certainly is connected.
@Mitch All religions are connected
I'm not sure how much @Delta is interested in your showing him that though.
His strawberry cake is delicious.
Seriously, like all the prophets from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have the same names
@IͶΔ how about "wasn't as important as the others"? I'm standing by the asterisk in the wiki page.
I like that they're all connected
@DeltaEscher That's because they're directly related. Not just coincidence.
It shows that there is either truly one God that we all have branched into our own, or it's just a crackpot theory.
I hope for the first
@IͶΔ Yes.
It's like you're watching "Return of the Jedi" and you're like "hey, this guy was in Star Wars"
yes, yes he was. This is the sequel.
Christianity II: The Phantom Jew
@Mitch We have 5 prophets that are referred to as "O-loul-azm". Those are ones that brought the most dramatic changes to the religion (we believe that it was meant to be one religion anyway). Those five are the ones that I mentioned.
brb lunch
There are some 123995 other prophets, more or less important, not as important as those five.
@IͶΔ looking through record
So I'd say that David is as important as Adam -- not that important to be in the top-five, but did some stuff so that an average Muslim does know something about him.
@IͶΔ Oh. I thought Adam was part of that set
And that's pretty important.
23 mins ago, by IͶΔ
@Mitch No, the main prophets are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
We believe that the reason we have a billion religions around the world is that people lacked the ability to accept changes.
(I'm thought that there were six and that chronologically Adam was the sixth)
And some other reasons, I don't wish to write out in a public chatroom.
@Mitch I wouldn't count on a word Wikipedia says about Islam if I were you.
For instance, WTH. There are no "six things of Islamic faith" anything like that. It's five for Shia, 3 for Sunni.
@IͶΔ I know. and the web too. But at this point it's mostly what I can know. googling concurs with you about the 5.
I love Wikipedia's chemistry articles tho'. :)
Esp. organic chemistry.
@IͶΔ Like with anything, if you know a lot about the subject, wikipedia can be very disappointing. BUt if you know nothing about it, it's brilliant.
@Mitch The most eminent use of religions in the modern world is treating them as bricks that make up people's houses.
@IͶΔ Nothing is simple.
@Mitch That would be true about any encyclopedia that didn't have a special set of readers.
Its comprehensiveness and the fact that it's something I can link to on the internet are its best upsides.
Tho' I haven't read much linguistic stuff in Wikipedia; I'm not sure how comprehensive they are.
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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