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Just answered the question on unproven vs unsubstantiated, lol.
New avatar, this time the autogenerated one. It's beautiful, lol.
Just attained 500 on ELU, which means I have access to the review queues, which means I am an expert in English, lol.
My copy of the American Heritage Dictionary is on its way.
@WillHunting You flatter me too much. Thanks for the compliment. It has come to my attention that all dictionaries define the word obsessive weirdly though, including the earliest one I know of with a definition, my Funk & Wagnalls.
Hello everybody
@SpringLearner Hi. Before I say anything else, I must say that looks like more of an English Language Learner's name than an English Language & Usage one. 😉
@Tonepoet Hi, you want me to talk to in that site?
@SpringLearner It doesn't matter so much. I doubt anybody's here right now and the rules for chat are are relatively relaxed, although if other people start talking we may need to move our conversation over to there. We can chat here for now though.
@Tonepoet ok
@SpringLearner So hello and welcome. Also, how are you?
Last friday I had a discussion with my manager for working on weekend. Actually I volunteered myself to work on weenend as there was a lot of work which can not be completed unless we work for weekend and long hours on weekdays. My manager has asked me to send him a mail but I did not do. I want to send him mail today. Can you please guide me how to do so?
@Tonepoet I am fine,Thanks for asking. How about you?
@SpringLearner @SpringLearner Hmm, I'm not entirely sure about that yet. It depends upon how much and what kind of help you need. Also, I'm doing relatively well.
@Tonepoet I just want to send him a mail, without hurting his ego as he asked me to send last saturday but till now I did not do
@SpringLearner Would you please give me a more precise date you were supposed to respond, like on the 15th or the 8th? I am just worried that these relative terms can be a little confusing.
@Tonepoet ok , last saturday that is 15-10-2016
@SpringLearner Okay, thank you for that information. That doesn't seem too unreasonable. Do you already have a draft of the letter you are trying to write?
@Tonepoet sorry I did not get you. what kind of draft you are asking for/
@SpringLearner That wiktionary oneboxing too huge to be very helpful... I mean an early version of the letter to improve.
@SpringLearner The alternative is that you are "starting from scratch" or creating the first copy.
@Tonepoet I can start from trhe scratch
can you please write the content ?
That depends: Do you have any reason you did not email him on sunday?
@Tonepoet actually i forgot
@SpringLearner Is Sunday a day off work for you?
Hmm, I'm not too sure about this. Upon further consideration, it's a rather sensitive situation given that you volunteered yourself to do work, and presumably did not. Do you at least have a summary of what you want to say?
@Tonepoet I volunterred for work and I went to work
but I did not send any email
@SpringLearner Oh good, Were you exhausted by the work? Oh, I forgot to ask if saturday is also normally a day off too.
@Tonepoet saturday is weekly off
we work for monday to friday
Okay, so were you exhausted by the extra work, and why did your boss want an email?
@Tonepoet I dont know why he wanted an email
@SpringLearner This isn't much, but I don't have enough info. to make much. That link will expire in a day so if you like it, copy the message to your computer soon. Naturally, you should replace the blank lines with names too.
@Tonepoet I used to delete all my comments after a while, but perhaps I will leave them there starting now. =P
@WillHunting Hmm, I'm afraid if I edit my answer I'll break whatever people like about it now. I did make a small amendment since your vote though. =P
@WillHunting Philosophically speaking, comments should be deleted when they're obsolete but not before then.
@Tonepoet These days I really don't care what people think about me anymore. Be it online or in real life. Most are not fit to judge me, lol, even though they might be qualified to do so.
@WillHunting Criticism is a good opportunity to see if there's anything you can do to better yourself, although only constructive criticism should really be heeded.
@Tonepoet You are right, but I am mostly referring to stupid people, which are plentiful.
@Tonepoet There was once I offered my views on a particular matter at work after a lot of thinking. And my colleague said 'Be more humble'. I said 'Am I arrogant?' He then said 'Be more receptive of other's ideas'. I should have told him to be more humble. It's really amazing how arrogant these stupid people can be. They know nothing but think they knoe everything
@Tonepoet And very often, when idiots tell me 'You are bad because you X' it is really that they do X and not me, and they see me as a projection of their own stupid selves. =))
I am just venting some frustrations here. I have been too humble, which is why people think they are superior to me and try to control me... That is a fact.
That is why I am trying not to be too humble after all.
Hmm, humility is a virtue but all things must come in moderation. It is not particularly good if people fail to consider well substantiated opinions.
I am not trying to sound superior or act different. But the truth is that, very often, when I say something in real life to the people around me, they don't even get it, and then they think I am actually stupid, and they treat me as such. This is how I feel...
So, I feel very isolated. I feel I am an alien...
@Tonepoet You may be glad to know that I deleted that unneeded comment. =P
@Tonepoet which link will expire?
@SpringLearner The link to pastebin that I posted above with my suggested letter.
Talking of expire, has my food in the fridge expired? LOLLOL
@Tonepoet I did not find any links
@Tonepoet Thanks for the letter
You are welcome. =P
@SpringLearner No problem.
I think I need to mention about when you asked
because he did not say you have to send mail on saturday itself
I hope he asked me to send email so that he can keep a track of when I have worked on weekends so that he can give ma comp off
I was thinking like
Dear XXX,
I have worked on saturday(15-10-2016)
@Tonepoet I am awaiting reply from Chambers. Hope they give me a free copy, LOLLOL
but this content is not impressive
@Tonepoet Yes I liked your letter
@Tonepoet I made some little changes
Dear _____,

I am so sorry for the late reply! I know you asked me for a email regarding weekend working , and I meant to respond to you sooner, but I completely forgot. Now that I remembered, I want to send you a message as soon as possible.
I have worked on saturday(15-10-2016)

Please accept my sincerest apologies
is this ok
@SpringLearner Change "my weekend working" to my working on the weekend and "I have worked on saturday(15-10-2016)" to I have worked this Saturday.
@Tonepoet isnt this means current?
@SpringLearner That is usually the case but worked is past tense, so the antecedent for "this" should be interpreted as the closest Saturday in the past.
@Tonepoet thanks for explaining
Dear _____,

I am so sorry for the late reply! I know you asked me for a email regarding my working on the weekend , and I meant to respond to you sooner, but I completely forgot. Now that I remembered, I want to send you a message as soon as possible.
I have worked this saturday

Please accept my sincerest apologies
@Tonepoet which one?
@SpringLearner `Pastebin posts the same message twice for some reason. Use the raw paste data on the bottom.
@Tonepoet I am so sorry, pastebin is blocked at my work place
Dear _____,

I am so sorry for the late reply! Please accept my sincerest apologies. I know you asked me for an e-mail regarding my working on the weekend. I meant to respond to you sooner, but I completely forgot. Now that I have remembered, I wanted to send you a message as soon as possible, and also let you know that I have worked this Saturday.

@Tonepoet An email, not a email
@Tonepoet thanks
@Tonepoet Saturday, not saturday.
@WillHunting @SpringLearner I fixed it.
one small query, what should be the subject of email?
shall i WRITE
I like: Regarding the Weekend
You can choose whatever you want for that though. Just don't write it in all capital letters, unless there's a company policy requiring it. On the internet that is often interpreted as a SHOUT.
ohh, I did not know that
I SHOUT all I want. Whee!
Are discern and discrete are related as concern and concrete.
@WillHunting Perhaps you're better suited to handle a question from your own kind. =P
@Tonepoet My own kind, such as Tonepoet, also an alien, LOL
@Tonepoet Around?
@Tonepoet Never mind. I just submitted an edit to your recent post. Congratulations for reaching 2000!
@WillHunting Hmm, what did I do wrong?
I responded to you on Google by the way.
@Tonepoet You can see the suggested edit. It's the post I commented on. Click on it yourself and you see (1) beside edit.
@WillHunting Now let's see if I can stick around this mark. =P
@Tonepoet Now that you have reached 2000, you may try to approve my other edit. I think there is one in the edit approve queue for you. =)
@Tonepoet My favourite colour is blue. My mum's favourite colour is green. Now I am blue and you are green. Yay!
The editing feature is interesting.
This answer is getting too many votes for how little effort I put into it. I think it's my second fastest voted answer. I forgot to even address the exemplary sentences in the original question.
@Tonepoet It's the power of my now invisible comment.
The most important things in life are often invisible.
@WillHunting How do you protect questions?
1 hour later…
@Tonepoet With the power of divine . . . What do you mean?
@terdon Actually, what I suspect is that Tonepoet doesn't see the . . . of wait, I was under the impression that he has more than 15k.
I'm eating tapenade and french bread and cheddar bacon mac & cheese chips and drinking coke.
because why not?
2 hours later…
@terdon That's not quite what I meant...
@Tonepoet Oh? That's how you protect questions, anyway.
@terdon I meant you in a more literal sense. There's a question that's a protected by Will Hunting.
@KitZ.Fox Breakfast of champions.
@Tonepoet Ah, right.
Which question?
@terdon Come to think of it, I'd rather not bring more attention to it than I have for reasons. XP
Fair enough, it was just idle curiosity on my part.
You guys are a lot better at cleaning out the Close Vote Review Queue than you are at cleaning out the Low Quality Review Queue.
Close votes have obvious reasons. Low Quality... nothing ever seems right. Down vote? Delete? Comment? Edit? None ever seem the right thing
@tchrist I was just looking at the low quality queue as you said that and presently agree with @Mitch. =P
Okay @tchrist this is technically the sort of question I think is proofreading by our website's present definition. ;-)
@Tonepoet ftfy
3 hours later…
@Tonepoet When you get 15,000 rep you will see 'protect' on questions and you click on it to protect questions.
@WillHunting And it doesn't appear on some questions
To prevent abuse.
It hasn't happened here, but on SO.
Where you can get to 10k without being able to spell 'Help center'.
You can get to 100k by knowing simple high school math on Math SE and being really bad at math in general.
how canz i calculus kthxbye
What I mean is you can answer questions to get that 100k.
Well, the only thing I know about math is they suck at moderation.
I really love my new autogenerated avatar. It is the first one I have that actually looks nice, as nice as me, LOL.
This means I will probably not delete my account anymore, LOL.
Physics is full of physicists and wannabe physicists, so it tends to get ugly sometimes.
But at least they're better than mathematicians at organizing and moderating things.
Don't you think Ron Maimon is a genius? I like him.
Chem is the pinnacle of awesomeness, of course.
@WillHunting It's the kind of a guy you should lock up in a room to think and create new theories.
He shouldn't be exposed to the outer world.
He is argumentative.
I think he got suspended because he was too rough with words?
@WillHunting Yeah. He basically said being nice not being mean was in the way of real science.
And it's not.
He hurt the site more than helping it.
I am not on Physics SE, so I cannot comment.
So he had to go.
@WillHunting Well, SE is not the only place he's created drama in.
I learned this only recently.
He also made a bunch of Quora'ians very angry.
And got banned there too.
Ah? Have you learnt any bad things about me as well? I have many bad things everywhere.
Haha nope.
I'm not nosy.
I didn't look for anything.
Stuff sometimes comes up on meta.SE.
Meta.SE is also how I learned he was banned on Quora.
I have twoo books arriving from Book Depository this week and three from Amazon next week.
Why was he banned? Rough words?
I have not read him for a long time, but a genius should be given some leeway.
This makes me think this:
Do the people who do not talk like Ron on English SE really help others? The ones who use stupid, sarcastic comments instead of F or C words?
I think Ron is better than them.
At least he is genuine, and at least he actually gives good answers.
@WillHunting On the contrary.
@Cerberus Hi! I hope you and Mario are getting married soon!
@Rubisco I spell it as Help Centre though.
@WillHunting (ノ^◡^)ノ︵ ┻━┻
1 hour later…
@WillHunting I'm not sure if Saber would be pleased or disappointed. On the one hand in Fate/Stay Night the official spelling is Saber, but given her true identity (the specifiics are spoiler info. so I'll withhold it) she probably would use the sabre spelling:
However with that having been said, Samuel Johnson and Noah Webster are dueling that matter out in the grave, each with a Sabre or Saber in hand, so engraved as to assure the victor's weapon of choice.
@WillHunting That needs to be a really good high school though. Most of the topics on there are not fancy high school algebra or elementary high school calculus.
@WillHunting he's on that thin line between genus and madness. Except he just comes across as a jerk. To be a genius you have to at least be right a lot of times (and he just seems to think he's right).
@WillHunting I just got 'A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal IE languages' essentially a cognate thesaurus. It needs the magnifying glass from the compact OED because it it photo-condensed like it, 4 big dictionary pages zoomed out to fit 4 to an actual large page.
Ask me about a word, any word.
No not that one. Think of another.
@Tonepoet She looks like Laura Ramsey, hehe.
@Tonepoet I just wrote a brief review of AHD in Amazon, hehe.
@Mitch I hate using magnifiers to read. That is one reason I did not get the Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. It costs so much anyway, so one might as well just buy the 20 volumes instead, really. But if one really wants an abridgement of that, the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary of 2 volumes, 6th edition, 2007, will do nicely.
@Tonepoet I prefer Samuel L Jackson to Samuel Johnson, and Noah played by Ryan Gosling in The Notebook to Noah Webster, hehe.
@Rubisco Sorry, your smilies are too deep for me. I am a Padawan when it comes to smilies.
@KitZ.Fox That sounds delicious. I still like my spaghetti carbonara and tiramisu most.

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