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12:03 AM
That's got to be 'shopped.
Although that was my own first reaction. The one from 1310 would be harder to do that to.
Yeah, well, it just seems so unlikely that a copyist would deface a page in that way without inviting serious consequences. Not to say it didn't happen, but it does seem out of character.
That said, there's a lot of shit you can find when you go digging in the old stacks.
When I was an undergraduate I stumbled on evidence that Ben Franklin plagiarized columns from the British magazine The Spectator. It was almost word-for-word, and a little more research turned up more evidence in the fact that the publication of the Spectator occurred before his own publication of the piece in Philadelphia.
I think his paper was the Philadelphia Gazette, but I could be wrong. That was over 30 years ago.
I just looked for it on the Web and came up with this other instance of Franklin's plagiarism, but there's nothing in it about The Spectator.
12:21 AM
12:34 AM
@tchrist Haha nice.
I knew you would enjoy it.
12:49 AM
> 1535 Lyndesay Satyre 1363 Bischops...may fuck thair fill and be vnmaryit.
> 1680 Rochester Poems on Several Occasions (1950) 30 Through all the Town, the common Fucking Post, On whom each Whore, relieves her tingling Cunt.
> c1888–94 My Secret Life III. 228 This house had but eight rooms, and two mere closets to let out for fucking.
Closeted fucking, really? :)
Hypothesis: the word was slightly less vulgar before the 20th century.
How come?
Because of those quotations.
In that time, the mere mention of a specific sexual act, and especially this one, was far more taboo than now.
And yet they used fucking, which is now considered far, far worse than copulating.
Even though both words normally mean the same act.
So perhaps they had no other word and fucking was no more vulgar than the deed itself, unlike now.
Well, it read 12th at first. :(
I think your hypothesis is disproven by the paucity of written citations.
It was very rare in print before the 20th century, and even then it took a while.
1:03 AM
What is it we're really talking about when we talk about fucking?
Are we really talking about...movies? food? death?
@tchrist Have you compared it with other verbs expressing the same act?
@Cerberus Hardly.
Then this paucity is meaningless, for it is only relative paucity that concerns us.
Although such is probably very hard to attest.
> Either way, it holds a great deal of value for scholars of language, given, as the OED puts it, “the absence of the word from most printed text before the mid twentieth century” and the “quotation difficulties” that causes.
So there!
By the time technology has made it possible to research every spoken utterance (ubiquitous drones?), technology will have advanced to enforce all the rules and there won't be any change.
1:08 AM
2 mins ago, by Cerberus
Then this paucity is meaningless, for it is only relative paucity that concerns us.
@Mitch With lasers?
@Cerberus Maybe right before, but it was decidedly more vulgar back in, say, the time of Rabelais.
paucity is a funny word because it looks like 'paunch' which is a fat belly which is the opposite of paucity.
@Cerberus the recording of every utterance or the enforcement? OK, both.
@Mitch poco a poco
Well, it also looks a bit like Pauken, which we call tympani or kettle drums.
we could excise...remove all latinate and hellenic words from English and remake them German style. fastshit = diarrhea, myocardial infarction = heart attack...wait that already works.
1:12 AM
examine => look at
inspect => look at
@Robusto I'd bet you'd say that bratsche looks like a slightly bigger violin
@Mitch Where do you think attack is from?
cranium => skull
Shakespeare did not know the word. It is a very recent import from Romance.
1:14 AM
I blame doctors. They're always calling things by Latin names.
Like what they call the humerus I call the funny bone. See?
Because it's funny.
Humerus is funny.
Get it?
I know you're out there, I can hear you breathing.
What they call phalanges I call knuckles.
Or knuckle bones.
What they call epidermis I call skin. And so on.
Wait, isn't phalanges Greek?
You have a talon for this.
@tchrist They come from the skies...always fear the skies
@Mitch More talons.
1:20 AM
@tchrist Shakespeare was an idiot. He should have taken French class.
@tchrist I wear a hat that has a picture of eyes and teeth to scare them away
@Robusto I blame the patients. If they didn't complain so much there wouldn't so many 'sick' people.
Hey, good news, btw! I got the results of my MRI and I definitely don't have cancer! Yay!
1:40 AM
Great! News
What a great present to get around your birthday :D
Yup, exactly.
2 hours later…
3:32 AM
@Robusto is it fabulous?
Also, happy birthday!
6 hours later…
10:16 AM
that could have been much worse, so it's ok :)
10:49 AM
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 It's a leetle beet strong, but once you get past that it's great.
11:24 AM
Ugh. I am greeted by an an vs. a question.
This day is ruined. Thank you ELU.
There’s worse. Andrew and Matt got some of it.
Dec 30 '11 at 12:56, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Dear next person who answers a question about a vs. an: you are awesome and I love you, but your answer will be deleted without further notice.
May 2 '12 at 9:10, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
Dear next person who answers a question about a vs. an, whose vs. whichs, or the Oxford comma: you are awesome and I love you, but your answer will be deleted without further notice. Do not waste your time and mine. Thank you.
Look at the dates. Look at the stars.
And people still bother.
Do not answer shit. Do not. You will be punished.
People are always a bother.
Q: So, "Some advice" or "some advices"? Which is correct?

Tom"Some advice" or "some advices" as in "I got some advice / advices for you"? So, Which is correct? In Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, "advice" is uncountable noun, so "Some advice" is the correct one. However, googling "some advices" returns 400K results and in fact many formal English articles...

We have two dupes on that.
11:30 AM
Well. There'd be much less confusion if only Alanis Morissette stopped singing "it's a good advice that you just didn't take".
`Too many informations.
It would help even more if COCA eradicated all the 47 mentions of "an advice" from its index.
Then people wouldn't have such a hard time getting away with rubbish answers such as "Advice is uncountable".
cues AmEx spamvert
11:53 AM
@tchrist That's a dupe, I think.
Q: Is "Just a friendly advice" grammatical?

R CI know that "advice" is uncountable and thus is incompatible with the article "a". However, the phrase "Just a friendly advice" seems to be rather widespread. Is it idiomatic, or incorrect? What is a more grammatical form?

@RegDwigнt I suspect those are found in constructions like "She ran an advice column from 1946 to 1983."
@Robusto well yes, most of them are. But not all.
Also, in your capacity as someone who didn't even know drywall was countable, you are not qualified to comment.
What wut?
Which part are you wutting?
12:05 PM
Wut what wut?
Jul 23 at 13:16, by RegDwigнt
Fact is, everything I say has been said before, but that argument somehow never works for you when I say things like "a drywall" you go all pineapple on my sorry ass even though I am channelling native speakers.
And that's the best an advice you'll read the all day.
On a boring call with the SC. I guess the universe thinks it's funnier if the Skype connection from their end cuts in and out, just to demonstrate that intermittent fades and drops make absolutely no difference in the comprehensibility of the conversation.
That is good news. We should contact Captain Picard and tell him to use Skype to talk to the Ferengi.
Instant galactic understandment of cosmostic proportions.
Cheaper, too.
> Is there a single word that means “strange object”?
> Let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet. — Winston Wolf
Hm. Is "your mama" a single word?
@Robusto stop quoting the SC quoting Wolf.
I don't want to be part of your boring conference.
2 hours later…
2:29 PM
Q: some people believe in "other senses",

Sobhan CsSome people believe in "other senses," for example, a sixth sense, gut feelings, etc. What do you understand by these? Can you think of any more "other senses"?

Yes. I can think of nonsenses.
In fact I don't even have to think of them. They pop up on ELU without anyone having to think of them, or think at all for that matter.
2:46 PM
New Horizons Reveals The Mystery of Cerberus - finally NASA applies themselves to the real problems!
Everyone knows they should apply themselves directly to the forehead.
Come on.
Like every child knows that.
Also, that stupid website freezes my browser. What is this, 1999?
I dunno, I didn't read the article.
Or visit the site.
Just the headline is enough.
Oh right, I forgot you were from the generation of twits.
I am too old-school for not reading.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 They may think so.
3:02 PM
@RegDwigнt yeah I'm pretty sure I'm the same generation as you.
That was the joke, yes.
The old people in here are the smelly ones.
Oh yeah, except for the green ogre. He's smelly just because.
@Cerberus you are a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a burrito
That's Soviet Russia.
Cerberus is Soviet Russia, QED
You can't have two wrapped mysteries and have one of them not be Soviet.
That's not how mysteries work. Or wrapping paper.
@MattE.Эллен no, that's me.
You can't have two me and have one of them not be me.
That's not how me works. Or two.
3:11 PM
RegDwigнt is Cerberus, QED
Phew. So I am not Justin Bieber, after all.
unless Justin Bieber is inside a burrito
That is the most disturbing image you won't be able to unsee.
I can't ever eat a burrito again.
I suppose that would be auto cannibalism
How would you call a subpart of a (web)page (and their possible tree-hierarchy), pagelet? pageElement? or something better?
3:15 PM
I don't care what kind of cannibalism it is — for as long as Justin Bieber is involved, it's just wrong.
@crl section?
hmm, could work, but this term is sometimes used for top-level sections (navigation tab)
It can't be a top-level section if it's called pageSection.
I need this name for naming my DB table which will store each sub-element of the page (linked together)
3:17 PM
You've already prefixed it with page. Whatever you say after that cannot be anything top-level. It will be part of this particular page.
So say pageSection, then and hey presto.
ok thanks
That other, top-level, thing would then be siteSection or just Section.
Or something else entirely. Whatever.
3:25 PM
@MattE.Эллен I like that image.
It's not Matt's to sell, pay Winston Churchill.
You are a mystery wrapped in a burrito wrapped in a Kardashian. Which is the ultimate mystery.
More mysterious than Kardashian you do not get. I have attempted to figure out Kardashian and failed. Many who are smarter than me have tried and failed.
There is no explanation for Kardashian.
So the new Adele single is sorta rubbish.
Not sure why they're marketing it as not sorta rubbish.
Won't do her any good in the long run.
@Robusto the explanation for Kardashian is that they don't talk like fags and their shit's not all retarded. Of course a fag whose shit is retarded won't figure that out. Duh.
Wait, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner is a Kardashian. Which disproves your contention.
He's not a fag, just a little bi-curious.
3:37 PM
I think he's a little more than that, Kevin.
Also, he's a she, so he ain't gay by definition duh.
I was thinking of the retarded part.
Anyway, figuring out Kardashian is not a skill. It's a talent. A lack of skill. You can't learn it. To figure them out you have to unlearn. And unlearn. And unlearn. And unlearn.
I'm too old to unlearn new tricks.
@Robusto well same difference, just ask, I dunno, Senator McCain if someone who's bi-curious is not retarded.
I mean, don't take my word for it.
You have an entire profession of people whose whole job is telling you that.
I actually forgot what point I was arguing anyway. So yeah just go ask a senator.
3:41 PM
That happens a lot, doesn't it?
Oh right. My point was: Adele's new single is sorta rubbish.
But her marketing dept obviously never learned from that of Michael Jackson's. Or rather, learned all the wrong things.
"Oh look, every song she writes is a Rolling in the Deep".
Yeah right.
I'm still trying to figure out Kardashian. Don't confuse me with Adele.
I only confuse you with Adele when you're not singing.
But I was singing.
Which admittedly is most of the time.
@Robusto well yes, and that confused me even more.
3:46 PM
A pervasive confusion is the norm, singing or no.
What do you mean?
If I knew what I mean I could tell you. But a pervasive confusion is the norm.
Oh, so... no, wait.
Or, like the R. Crumb comic book character, "Eggs" Ackley.
So are you or are you not Adele or not Adele?
And that's how the comic book crumbles.
At the skyfall, when it crumboles.
And what's up there, what's that? Communist noises?
Bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee?
That ain't workin, gotta do some mutin.
3:54 PM
@RegDwigнt Are her songs also written bij the same 5 Scandinavians who write most popular American songs?
Swedes, I think it was?
Who linked to the article again?
It's impressive how a handful of middle aged balding swedes can capture the total idiocy of pop lyrics
I also find it impressive how some people can touch their toes. Really
I agree twice.
Let alone see their toes.
Oh, wait...
I could see my toes if I wasn't wearing shoes
and socks
4:10 PM
I really need to go on a diet; I can't see your toes at all
are you sure you don't need your eyes checked, instead?
I saw a doctor so no
I've heard of face blindness, it's called prosopagnosia, maybe you have protoepagnosia
I looked online. Whatever it is it's cancer
Martin Karl Sandberg (born February 26, 1971), known professionally as Max Martin, is a Swedish music producer and songwriter. He rose to prominence in the mid-1990s after making a string of major hits for artists such as the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and 'N Sync. Some of his earlier hits include "I Want It That Way" (1999), "...Baby One More Time" (1999) and "It's My Life" (2000). His trademark during the second half of the 1990s and the early 2000s was a danceable, keyboard-laden pop sound that blended music styles such as funk and Europop. However, with Kelly Clarkson's songs "Since U...
Strangely he isn't bald. He should talk to his barber about that
Alopecia, prosopagnathia whatever.
you've forgotten your hair's all fallen out?
4:19 PM
Plantfacedness would be Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
5:10 PM
oed.com doesn't have an entry for Asia
it has Asian, though
@MattE.Эллен What, so Asian isn't a subclass of Asia? Put in a bug report.
@Robusto Yeah, I'm looking for the form...
I've tweeted at them
5:35 PM
Meet the surprised skull
that's a surprise!
You don't write any WPF any more?
I'm writing a VS extension that kills the designer. The icon is for it.
I have not written any WPF in a while
5:59 PM
What's WPF? VS?
Windows Presentation Foundation
Visual Studio
VS is an IDE
Oh. MS
WPF is a framework that uses XAML for displaying things
I've been out of that for so long I didn't recognize
I should probably brush up on it, as I'll need the skills to earn money or something stupid like that
6:02 PM
Stupid money
Always messing things up
6:22 PM
@MattE.Эллен You can just fake it until there's a need. By all means, put it on your resume, but don't bother learning it until you are interviewing for a job that requires it.
@Robusto good point
Learning languages and technologies you don't currently need is like putting pie in your nose.
Mmm... Nose pie
Wait... That's not the same as head cheese is it?
More head than cheese
6:43 PM
@Robusto smells good but feels bad
3 hours later…
9:54 PM
@tchrist I've made corrections to my post here english.stackexchange.com/questions/157700/…
Would you mind undoing the downvote?
10:10 PM
@SkJohnson Yes, sir. Thank you.

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