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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Sorry for not being polite in comments, @waiwai
@simchona If you are referring to your tortoise turtle comments they sound alright to me.
@JasperLoy Thanks. The OP is starting to grate on me though. He's asking in context, when the next line explains why they're calling the turtle a tortoise in the first place. That is the context.
(I'm feeling snippy)
@simchona OK I see. Sometimes there is a thin line between what is rude and what is not. The important thing is to try not to overreact. I find that many discussions get into heated arguments when one party overreacts, and the other follows, and so on and so forth. Not saying it happened in this case though, just a general observation.
@JasperLoy You always have good advice
@simchona I saw that your comments went into a chat room. Does it happen automatically or you opened the room yourself?
@JasperLoy I opened it
@simchona I see, very professional user of SE, like Waiwai, who is the most professional moderator on SE I believe!
Oops, waiwai left right after my praises.
Hello @theta.
what's up?
@Theta30 The sky.
Turtles vs tortoises question has me all...merrrr
@simchona I don't really know the difference myself, since I am not into animals.
But I do know that kittens are universal.
@JasperLoy It's not the difference--it's the fact that the OP didn't know what he didn't know, and refused to say that either answer was helpful
you changed your avatar again Jasper
do your avatars have some message, like do they reflect your mood?
@Theta30 Yes, because right now "I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible" line from A Beautiful Mind
oh i need to watch that movie again
So @theta, you stopped starring my messages?
@JasperLoy Not Bogdan any more
@simchona Ya I realised and changed, hehe.
@JasperLoy yup, I ain't gonna star you no more
no offence:P
There are three things I need to believe in right now. The second depends on the first and the third depends on the second. Details omitted.
@Theta30 I am not easily offended, even though I have other temperaments.
@simchona the wolf changes its hair, but not his behaviour (Romanian proverb)
I guess @sim starred the "kittens are universal" then, hehe.
So Bog always changes his username and I always change avatar, interesting.
@JasperLoy oh my gosh "It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma;"
actually it is good that you make your decisions logically,
as long as you are determined
@Theta30 I am facing certain things that are beyond just determination, I need some measure of luck too. Details omitted. I can only keep believing and keep trying, though I may fail in the end.
Q: How to use "pickpocket" as verb

AbdullaIs it correct to use the verb pickpocket before the item being taken from someone's pocket? Pickpocket a pouch of gold Or can you only use pickpocket before the person whose item is being taken? Pickpocket a tourist

Anyway I noticed the comments were removed. What happened?
what about it?
I removed my comments
Kyle got the message, no need for more noise
@Theta30 I am just wondering if Kyle removed the comments himself or sth like that.
When comments disappear, it's very interesting to figure out why and how they were removed!
@Theta30 Some things are not in the realm of logic though.
I prefer to follow logic
let me read this tortoise vs turtle thing
@Theta30 Which movie is that from?
it is something Churchill said about Russia
Oh dear the comments on tortoise turtle are increasing.
simchona you had 16 comments at that question
also, isnt it Thursagen who came up first with the idea of a pun?
Actually Coomie need not have used "bickering". It's just a professional discussion.
Anyway I know sim and theta flag lots of stuff here. I'm quite the opposite, only flag obvious spam on the main site.
So my flag weight is only 120.
Jasper what has that to do with turtle vs tortoise question?
@Theta30 The flag? Nothing. Just bringing in another point for conversation.
ok, no problem
@Theta30 I know no politician speeches.
Well, you knew the line from A beautiful mind
how many times did you see it?
@Theta30 About 5. I have the VCD.
no wonder you learnt the dialogue
I have Good Will Hunting VCD too, which I also watched about 5 times. Words may not be exact though.
My favourite line in there is "It is not your fault".
it's a good method for those who want to expand English, not you of course
I would read Charles Dickens if I really wanted to expand vocab. But I don't intend to expand it.
I tried reading parts of Great Expectations, and watched the movie too.
also @simchona you spoiled Thursagen's answer
he was first to get the pun and the first to add the context
6 hours later…
I knew committing was a mistake. 5 questions, 1 answer... and now I have pretty much nothing more to say about Bitcoin.
@Jez We make mistakes all the time. Cheer up dude!
i need to find 4 more though so i'm not lumbered with the commitment on area51
Whenever I commit to a site, I can't fulfill the commitment. Whenever I don't commit, I just won't stop asking and answering and getting reps.
I was never committed to ELU, for example. But I have been committed to Board and Cards Games for 320 days now.
Whenever I look for a solution to a problem, I just do not find it. Whenever I stop looking, it comes.
Serendipity is at work.
Of course, perhaps the processes of saturation, hibernation and illumination are at work. We saturate ourselves with thoughts of a possible solution, hibernate to let them interact in mysterious ways, and are eventually illuminated.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I believe "reputation" is usually used as an uncountable noun.
Q: Where to use "than" and "then"

Sanjaycan any one explain uses of than and then. How to use than and then in sentence and where?

Voted as general reference though there are related posts.
Wasn't there a question like that?
Q: Difference between "then" and "than"

ThursagenI am having dificulty trying to distingush between "then" and "than". What I find confusing is their prononciation, and when to use them For example: He walked, stopped, than/then picked up a stone. Should it be "than" or "then", and why?

Also general reference.
but this one is adupe then
I mean
the last one
@JasperLoy That is a common little joke.
Sorry but I have to go xD I'll be back later :)
@Cerberus Hello. I spent last night walking in a shopping centre after midnight. Shops were closed but there was light and music.
Hmm did you enjoy that?
Yes. I have spent most of my life outside walking alone.
Stopped over at a few places for some drinks and returned home in the morning.
OK. Sounds romantic.
It would be more romantic if someone walks with me. Well, perhaps a few years from now, on a different continent.
Doing a search brings up many "than" vs "then" questions. Are they really that similar to warrant confusion? They are as distinct as 1 and 2.
I was never confused by "than" and "then". I really do not understand what the fuss is all about. The only grey area is an answer I wrote.
A: Is it absolutely necessary to use "than" over "then" in a comparison?

Jasper LoyThe two words are quite distinct. In the example sentence, than is certainly correct while then is wrong. There is a construction however in which there could be confusion. Hardly had he laid his head down on the pillow than the phone started to ring. Here than means the phone started ...

It is merely that they sound very much alike. I see many people spell it wrong.
This is the only one I would not close as general reference.
I'd close that one too.
And I'm not sure I would use than as in your example.
I'd use when; in order to use than, I'd need a comparative, like no sooner did he...than....
@Cerberus Use in this way is legitimate. See oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/dictionary/than
@Cerberus I was also joking. Caught you!
Oh dear, the "than" vs "then" question already has two answers, quickly close it!
Q: What does "hardline phone" mean?

HazukiWhat is meant by hardline? A commenter named Ed asked, "I am very concerned as that was definately our garage that slid into the Batavia. My mom has a hardline phone in the house but probally does not realize it is a cordless requiring power. She is 70 and alone. We have not heard from her s...

A hardline phone is one that adheres rigidly to a dogma.
I switched to FF8 on Debian, flash still freezes. Really cannot troubleshoot. Think I need to switch to Ubuntu.
No offence to Kyle, but why does he keep tagging things with "foreign learner"?
I am not saying it should not, but just making an observation.
@JasperLoy I don't know, I'm not a big fan stylistically.
@JasperLoy Yeah some people have already been arguing with him...
@Cerberus I am not a fan at all, just a human.
Well, I am a fan of various constructions, but...
@Cerberus A fan has no legs. I have two but you have four!
Fair enough.
You win,
What does everyone think of this construction:
> Hardly had we arrived than the problems started.
maybe archaic
I'd use when.
Or No sooner....
Looks like a contamination.
when telling you that an employer will not be proceeding with any more interviews after your initial one, why do they always use the word 'unfortunately'?
it doesn't soften the blow, it makes it more embarrassing. I'd rather just have the news straight
Well, I don't know.
If they had omitted it, wouldn't you be here complaining about their rude omission?
It sucks either way.
Employers suck.
They always think you're either overqualified or underexperienced!
Today I used my mod tools for the first time lol
Feeling power-intoxicated yet?
lol ahah
I thought so.
nono I'm quite "modest" using such things :D
I don't let the power fool me lol
lmao you don't believe me, do you
By the way, ahah is always laughter in Italian, isn't it?
In Spanish too?
they say jaja
Or is it more like jaja there?
they use the same expressions like we do, just replace "h" with "j"
like "eheheh" becomes "jejeje"
oh and invert them
eh - je
also English say "ha" while we say "ah"
Dutch has haha too.
Ahah is something different to us.
What is it?
sometimes English say aaaaaahahahaha
It is an exclamation of surprise, when you realize that something is different from what you expected.
@Jez Ahah!
Ahah! is like hah!
Right, it is usually(?) spelled with a hyphen in English. Not so in Dutch.
@Cerberus you mean like "caught you!"?
Ah-ah! <<- this one?
I wish people would stop correcting my short hyphens separating asides - like these - to long hyphens. I've gotten used to the short ones and now think the long ones look messy.
@Alenanno Hmm I think hah is more like "gotcha", though it has other uses too; ah-hah is more like "I knew it!" or "Oh! Is that how it works!".
@Jez Dashes prettier!
So cool.
I want that kitten.
I know them!
@Alenanno I'd say "ah-hah" and "hah" and "ah" aren't very strictly circumscribed.
What do you mean with the "circumscribed"?
Their boundaries aren't very strictly defined.
So you could use ah-hah for "gotcha!" too—I was just describing another usage.
Ah oh sure
In Dutch, I think we lean more strongly towards "oh, so that's it!".
We lean toward the Kitten Way
(similar to the English usage, I suppose)
Kittens rule!
Star for you!
Man that was too easy.
Why does nobody ever star my remarks on case frames?
Actually you have another starred message
Yes, an equally inane one! Jeje.
I gotta go guys
will be back later
@Cerb "Kittehs rule!"
Odd thing for a dog to say though.
@z7sgѪ But I love kittens!
Especially with rosemary.
@Alenanno Later!
I've never eaten the flesh of a carnivore it seems wrong.
Well I say that but god knows what's in those late-night kebabs.
I've managed to cut kebabs out of my diet. I don't know how they became popular; you'd think they'd naturally kill off the people in the places whence they were spreading through heart attacks.
I rarely go out drinking in city centres these days so kebabs don't really figure in my diet. You ever eaten kitties?
I'd eat insects though, have eaten ants before but that's it.
@z7sgѪ Then where?
Oh, and I've lived and gone out in city centres for ten years now, without ever eating kebab!
@Cerberus Usually a few pints at the local pub, at a friend's place or in summer at a festival. Plus of course inevitably get far too drunk at those obligatory social functions.
Do you drink in such moderation that you don't get the meat hunger?
@z7sgѪ Hmm the local pub? I don't know, but a local pub in the suburbs here would be populated by older men, mostly.
@z7sgѪ Sure, I crave any kind of food then! But I happen to hate kebab. And I usually eat when I get home anyway. But I appreciate the general craving.
@Cerberus We have old man pubs too but also a lot of quite mixed places. Sometimes the city centre is too hectic if you just want to have a few pints with friends. Or maybe I am just on the way to becoming an old git.
@z7sgѪ Hehe no comment...
Which city?
I still like the shish babs they are great.
Ahh... you find Oxford too hectic!
Again, no comment!
Actually it's full of kids on foreign language courses in the summer getting drunk you might be surprised!
Right, the studenty pubs.
I could show you some crazy stuff hehe.
Aren't there any 25+-somethings pubs?
Yea there are some fancy bars too.
Or more like alternative bars?
We have those in our smaller university cities.
Yeah there are but not directly in the centre, I go to those, that is what I'm talking about really.
Ah OK.
I'd have expected those to be in the centre... here, most bars for younger people are in the city centres.
Except perhaps in Amsterdam, but that's because we have sub-centres.
And possibly Rotterdam, but that place sucks anyway.
It's the same in London on a bigger scale, different scenes going on in different places.
Oxford is good though it doesn't suffer from the usual curse of the English provincial capital high street. Well some people like that sort of debauched drunkeness but I'm not into it.
I don't really mean 'high street' I don't know what it's called, like a 'booze quarter'
I don't know: this booze quarter is usually located in a high street / centrally located street near the shopping area?
Every Saturday night people fighting and puking in the street. Cardiff, Plymouth, places like that. Seen some proper idiots going mad there.
Wait, what do you have against debauchery?
Right. We have the puking everywhere too.
Yeah it is, of course it's not usually on the main shopping street thogh.
But fighting is not so frequent.
@z7sgѪ Yeah I didn't think you meant that. But nearby.
@KitΘδς Hey nothing at all, I just like my debauchery with a little bit of class, that's all. ;)
Nipping sherry like there's no tomorrow!
When my mother went to college, girls didn't drink beer.
They drank sherry or wine or something.
drinks water
drinks dark and stormy
My water is real. Your dark and stormy is obviously fake.
No, it's not.
@Mana Mana has a great sense of humour.
@KitΘδς Is it the name of a drink then?
@JasperLoy Yes.
"It consists of dark rum and ginger beer over ice. It is optionally accompanied by a slice of lime. "
@KitΘδς Then it should be capitalised. -1
Never heard of it tbh but I've drunk it many times.
@JasperLoy I shall capitalize or not as I see fit. Also commas.
A Dark and Stormy (or Dark 'n' Stormy) is an alcoholic highball style cocktail popular in many British Commonwealth countries, such as Bermuda and Australia. It consists of dark rum and ginger beer over ice. It is optionally accompanied by a slice of lime. The local rum is usually used, for example, Goslings in Bermuda or Bundaberg in Australia. Bermuda In Bermuda, Dark 'n' Stormy is a registered trademark of Gosling's Brothers Limited. It is described as "Bermuda's National Drink", a description often applied to the Rum Swizzle as well. ‎ ‎ Australia Bermuda has played host to Aus...
@Cerberus What is kittens with rosemary?
@JasperLoy A lot like chicken with rosemary. Only with kittens.
@KitΘδς It's not a joke? People really eat kittens?
@JasperLoy Wait, what? Did I say that?
What Kit says.
@KitΘδς That's what I asked Cerb. I am bad at understanding jokes in case you forgot. Though I understand someone's jokes here very well.
And, yes, it was a joke.
A: Do native English speakers use the word "touristic"?

Paul Amerigo PajoA search in Amazon will yield about 206 results of books that have in its title the word "touristic" vs. ZERO for "touristy". If you use NGram and compare "touristic" with "tourist", "tourism" and "touring" you'll find that the word is used but not as much compared to the latter three: Howeve...

@Cerberus OK, it was a bad joke.
lots of ngrams, but the conclusion reached is quite wrong
Ick. I've never heard the term touristic and I hope I never do again.
@JasperLoy Was it?
@z7sgѪ I never trust ngrams.
And why did you find it necessary to point that out?
@Cerberus Ya, it was not funny, hence bad.
Well, thanks.
@KitΘδς avoid europe then
It's always nice when people dig deep into the transcript to find jokes they don't like and comment on them hours later.
@z7sgѪ But what do you think of tourist route? Is it really equivalent to route touristique / toeristische route?
scratches head awkwardly
@Cerberus Sorry if I upset you.
@Cerberus I just commented on that. Ha ha.
@JasperLoy Don't worry, I'm not upset. Just felt I needed to point out that your comment was a bit odd. Let's forget about it!
@KitΘδς Ooh...
@Cerberus I am one of the few people who try to read the transcript, though I fail miserably.
There are many things hidden in it if we read between the lines.
But reading the transcripts is boring!
Well, I try to read only the parts interesting or relevant to me!
Now that I'm a mod I should probably go back on the Gaming chat and modify all my messages to be something completely different that makes other people seem horrible in context
Just for those people who browse the transcript
@Cerberus I don't know if 'scenic route' is the right translation as I don't know Dutch. In the UK we have 'tourist routes' such as this: visitscotland.com/guide/inspirational/itineraries/ntr-3
@Mana No, don't be naughty.
Be a good boy.
@Mana And something as dignified as fitting for a moderator!
@Mana Change it all to DESU DESU DESU DESU or something
@z7sgѪ Yeah I know the word is used, but it is slightly different and, if I may say so, slightly more ugly.
@z7sgѪ What is DESU?
I think scenic route is quite close to toeristische route qua subtle connotations.
@Cerberus Well to me your word is ugly! :P
@z7sgѪ punch
@Cerberus kick
A tourist attraction is something that attracts tourists, I can live with that. But a tourist route sounds like a route made for tourists or compulsory for tourists—I don't know.
It's true though, I find oe unaesthetic and also the triple-letter consonant sch is just plain silly!
I prefer words that do not contain these elements.
I love sch.
A toeristische route refers rather to the act of touring, though of course the difference is subtle.
But I agree that oe is ugly.
@KitΘδς You would love sch.
@z7sgѪ tch
@z7sgѪ I can understand both your objections. But hey, at least we took out half the sch's that the Germans kept in!
Maybe a "touring route" then?
Yes, something like that. But you wouldn't say that, would you?
Or simply a "tour"?
By the way, don't you also find our double vowels ugly, as in braadhaan and kookroom and eetfeest?
@KitΘδς subpoena
None of it is as bad as the German transliteration of щ as schch. That's one consonant, FIVE letters.. jeez
@z7sgѪ I suppose so.
@z7sgѪ I think we use Sjtsj... how do you like that!
@Cerberus I like the aa and the ee. They are lovely and exotic.
@Cerberus eetfeest is pretty cute though and the double aa and double oo can be funny but I'd stick to one instance per word
@z7sgѪ OK advice noted.
@Cerberus I think it's vile!
@theta Did you choose theta30 cos theta sounds like 30?
@KitΘδς I imagine they must sound like Indian to you?
@JasperLoy close
@z7sgѪ Nobody remembers those translitterations anyway...
@KitΘδς aardvark
@JasperLoy That actually comes from Dutch!
@Cerberus No, they sound Dutch to me.
@JasperLoy I choose them because they are hard for me to pronounce
Aard- is earth; varken = pig.
@KitΘδς Hmm OK.
I am quite fond of the word aardvark.
But stay away from armadillos!
What's that now?
The Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) or Pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo (mammals of the family Dasypodidae, mostly known for having a bony armor shell). It is found in central Argentina where it inhabits dry grasslands and sandy plains with thorn bushes and cacti. Characteristics The Pink Fairy Armadillo is approximately 90–115 mm (3.5-4.5 inches) long excluding the tail, and is pale rose or pink in color. It has the ability to bury itself completely in a matter of seconds if frightened. It is a nocturnal animal. It burrows small holes near ant co...
Armadillo = gordeldier
They are cute, but they carry leprosy.
Gordel = girdle; dier = animal
And you do not want leprosy.
They carry leprosy!?
Because their backside dropped off?
Well, the pink fairies might not, but the nine-banded ones certainly do.
I thought leprosy was perfectly curable nowadays?
No, not really.
Leprosy is no longer as fatal as it used to be, but it will maim you pretty badly.
Leprosy in itself is not a fatal disease.
OK, so it seems there is no real cure, but you won't suffer much harm if you take medicine in time?
It's not any worse than diabetes or herpes, I'd say.
But still not something you want to have.
Perhaps even better?
I don't think peripheral neuropathy is better, no.
So how bad is herpes down there?
@KitΘδς If you say it like that...
Given the implications of losing sensation in the extremities.
Many people have it on their lips, like me, which usually isn't much of a problem.
@Cerberus ...it makes you really excited?
@KitΘδς But does that happen if you take the right medicines?
@KitΘδς Ehh...
@Cerberus I thought so, but I am not up-to-date on leprosy treatments. I haven't followed it in over ten years.
Oh, and I also don't buy that lip-herpes is very contagious.
@KitΘδς OK.
I don't think oral herpes is particularly contagious if you are not experiencing an outbreak.
I think it's pretty common in the population too.
Right, but even then?
I have never heard of any adult being infected with oral herpes for the first time.
I'll ask my friend about it. She's a medical professional.
She'll know.
@Cerberus Yeah, but who wants to kiss a cold sore?
And consider also that my father and I have always had it, my mother and brother not—even though we have all drunk from the same glass in the bathroom for years and years.
And on that happy note, later!
@KitΘδς Glasses!
People sharing drinks.
Just as mono is spread.
waves harder
Eh bye!
blows kisses
Oh I missed the kisses by @Kit XD
05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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