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@ThomasKlimpel I am actually polishing the paper and my Phd and postdoc friends are slowly accepting it. One of my friends said initially it has a 0% chance and now 2 days later he on 50%.
@vzn Mine is some kind of thermodynamic version
@ThomasKlimpel Also it's 5 pages in latex.
5 hours later…
Hey ... I'm editing the proof and sending it to a professor at the 15th of Nov.
Would you be okay with that? That way if the professor can verify and help me verify it?
Or even help me refine it?
5 hours later…
Q: Firing mods and forced relicensing: is Stack Exchange still interested in cooperating with the community?

amon The last weeks and days have seen some erratic behaviour by Stack Exchange Inc., such as likely illegal changes to the content license and the firing of an upstanding community moderator with no explanation except copy-pasted responses (leaving many to believe it was for no good reason). It wou...

@MoreAnonymous had a long discussion about HUP relation to classical mechanics + fourier theory on Physics chat, can try digging it up.
@Adirian hi welcome back. trying to remember did you say youve had some math classes? a degree? trying to remember your bkg. your ideas sound pretty similar to string theory to me.
@MoreAnonymous what do you mean "would you be ok with that"? ofc send your writeup to whoever you like, but incl me in the list of interested parties, 2nd inviting you to post link in this room :)
@MoreAnonymous btw am highly aligned with what might be called "thermodynamic" ideas of QM, although have phrased them in a different way. it seems others see a lot of thermodynamic analogies, and generally agree, although it seems to lead to confusion for some (this has been an extended disagreement in Physics esp with bolbteppa in particular) and can definitely see why... urge you to look into Neumaiers work wrt thermodynamic analogies which TK tipped me off on years ago...
2 hours later…
the only reason for my friends scepticism is the implications.
I actually am hesitant. Because I have found a way to mathematically consistently sound like a crank :( If you read even the first page of this proof (which is the summary of results of the proof) then you will agree with me I'm intentionally downplaying the proof. Please wait till the 15th of Nov. for me to verify this with my ex-thermodynamoics professor. He's busy and originally said 2 months however my friend (Phd) vaguely described the proof and he has compromised to 15th Nov.
@vzn Yes the least liberal interpretation of my proof would also agree bolbteppa is wrong. The mystery is in understanding how I proved it
@vzn The strong would prove much more. The proof allows me to peg a number on how wrong bolbteppa is in fact :P
@vzn Honestly for me the use of the word analogy is actually again downplaying it. Usually I'm happy to pay the social price associated with sounding like a crank just to know the answer. But if I'm wrong I become an irredeemable crank. Which is my fear
@MoreAnonymous think there is no harm in sharing it with us pre Nov 15th with qualifications but its your call.
@MoreAnonymous bolbteppa wrong how? what did he say? maybe cf a chat line/ dialog...
@MoreAnonymous you have 2 Msc in physics... credentialed physics cranks do exist but are rare... btw am now again recalling youre a 't hooft fan lol
@vzn He is wrong because my proof allows you to even quantify how wrong he is
@vzn Thank you for understanding :)
I will be more willing to share before 15th Nov after I edit it to a satisfactory level to my friends. Right now is not that time.

My friends are saying while there is math and there is context. There isn't clarity of why this works against the subtle postulate. So now I have to use english sentence framing skills to be super clear
@MoreAnonymous curious, is this the same professor who raved about solitons? oh, see now that was your friends advisor... plz share name...!
Sep 18 at 21:53, by More Anonymous
@vzn "almost nobody realizes it yet." The reason my friend did this module was because his Adviser said they're gonna play a massive role. I guess there maybe more people than you think.
@vzn Nope. The soliton dude is someone else
yes I'll ask my friend
Unfortunately that friend is too busy getting his head around my stuff :P

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