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Plus you can always edit your nomination and answers in response to feedback if needed @FoxMcCloud
And good luck to all!
@Robotnik I've been responding to comments via comments in order to keep my responses separate from my original answers.
13 hours later…
Okay, I have a pretty spicy take here: I personally don't like the general consensus of "I won't use my binding vote unless some quorum of the community is reached". Yes, moderators should maybe show some more restraint since they have a binding vote but the whole reason the community runs this election is to find users that are trusted to use said power for more than just being a spam filter.
You want to wait for some minimum cross-section of the community to agree on a solution? That already happened when you were elected. That's your quorum right there.
Anyway, back to my spicy take: this general belief that moderators should wait for the community is also a reason why I hesitate to actually vote for any mods. Why should I make someone who does a lot of good a moderator if that means they stop doing said good because "I should wait for the community to decide"?
3 messages moved from The Bridge
That's a very important point, that I've thought about myself and I've seen discussed before
It does look a bit contradictory when you look at it that way
As a result, I almost consider high review queue activity as a disqualification for modship. You're doing a lot of good by being active in the review queue and modship almost universally reduces that review activity.
I'd rather you stay a high-rep user and stay active in the review queue than be a moderator and be relegated to deleting spam.
The big difference I see with a moderator position is knowing when to use those unilateral votes in extraordinary cases, while letting the community handle the ordinary cases, all while letting users learn how to use their privileges
It's a tight balance
A highly-active reviewer can keep any given queue at 0 for the majority of the day if they use their unilateral votes
Which kinda defeats the purpose of giving users privileges based on reputation
Well, a great seller that gets promoted to manager may stop selling, but helps others to sell better. As long as they help the others with meta posts or guidance, we may have a better understanding of how reviewing should work, and review better as a whole stack
The purpose of giving a user privilege isn't that said privilege should be used but rather the user is trusted to use said privilege.
If our current mods were using their super votes on a regular basis, I don't think I would have half of the reviews and helpful flags I have, and I probably wouldn't know as much as I do about closing, reopening, and flagging
You are given the ability to vote-close not because you are expected to vote-close but rather the community deems you trustworthy enough to vote-close should you want to.
Isn't it the same for modship, then?
It is.
I'm not personally saying that mods should never use their unilateral votes without community consensus, but letting regular users be part of the moderation process is important
@Wrigglenite I was speaking more to the idea that a moderator active in the review queue defeats the purpose of giving user privileges.
It depends on what you value more, a moderator with reviewing experience, or a reviewer without super votes
The whole reason SE exists is because it's user based. You and I have, quite literally, a vote in how this site is run. The job of a mod is not to take that away or to stop being a part of the community voting
Eight candidates! It hasn't even been 24 hours
3 mods stepped down, there's blood in the water. /s
That's awesome that so many people want to contribute to Arqade
We might actually need the primary phase
Last election we only got 6 candidates
@Wrigglenite Eight? I only see 7
There's a lot of people applying who I've never seen before
I am thinking about applying for Mod.
Oh, someone just withdrew
(Probably me)
@TheMattbat999 Didn't you just do that?
Yes, but then i reread my stuff and didn't like it, i guess.
You can always edit it, it's not locked in until the primary phase
I might as well keep it submitted. Couldn't hurt.
Yeah keep it up there so people can comment on it if they have more questins
Ok, and thanks.
If you think you'd make a good mod, just go for it!
I hope people appreciate that i have checked in on the site 258 days in a row ;)
@TheMattbat999 Matt, I think that you are the only on the mod list that is actually developing a game. When your game get launched, if there are many flags for questions about your game due being low quality, would you try to salvage them, close them or would you rather let another moderator deal with it?
@Moacir if they are low quality, i would haveto close them.
@TheMattbat999 Even if, due to your understanding of the game, know how to fix the question?
If the question actually makes sense. I have seen some questions based off of fake information, and therefore, leaving them unsalvageable
E.G. "How can i make a fire and lightning spell in Skyrim?" Well, there is no spell creation system, so the question is automatically of low quality.
Just an example.
Got it. Thank you
Hope i helped to answer your questions.
It was kinda of an unfair question since it only applies with you to be honest, but I liked how you decided you would act. I personally would do what @Yuuki abolished a few messages behind: I would rather let other users/mods deal with that.
Not that I think my way is better, just to be clear.
Well, thank you anyways.
Ok, i got my questionnaire thingy done.
make sure to add a link to it in the original question below the other links
Oh ok.
@FoxMcCloud ummm i think i broke it.
@Yuuki i feel that high review queue activity is helpful for a mod, as they will be dealing with a lot of flags that others cant review, so they should show that they are willing to review and have experience reviewing things
@TheMattbat999 no space :) i fixed it for you
@FoxMcCloud thank you, you saves my butt.
Cause my link would have looked absolutely stupid.
haha yeah
you're welcome
And good luck in the election btw
thanks you too
How many mod positions opened up this year anyways? 3?
2 for this election
8 current candidates
Oh. Maybe me and you will squeeze it?
i'm wondering why there are only 2 openings after 4 quit
i'm thinking since they weren't as active, the current mods figure they can cover everything with just 2 more
i haven't read everyone's answers yet as i'm busy at work, but i hope i can get to it today so i'm ready to vote if needed
I read the other nominee's posts before writing mine.
2 hours later…
@FoxMcCloud Effectively, yes
A Challenger Appears
2 hours later…
Someone withdrew
it happens. we still have 6 or so days left. more people might nominate themselves
last election there were quite a few people who bowed out for various reasons
That's unfortunate
I think Travis was a candidate?
He was, his meta questionnaire answer notes that he nominated partially because he thought we might not have a lot of people on a "smaller site" (I suspect most of his experience is SO, based on that), but since we have lots of good candidates, he withdrew
@Ash That's rustling some jimmies, tbh, but it's a moot point so whatever.
not sure that's a good platform to have
I think I would just read his nomination as offering to help if we needed it.
It looks like we don't, so no hard feelings.
2 hours later…
On the "mods should be active in review queues" - we kinda are, just the flag queue. We still delete a tonne of NAA/VLQ crud it's just less visible

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