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Q: "Error 4: xxxxx.dat: not recognized as a supported file format."

alexandersupertrampHere are the instructions: I am carrying these steps out exactly as they are told, but every time I am returned the expected error, as seen here: Here is my code: gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' -a_nodata -9999 -a_ullr -124.73333333 52.87500...

Perhaps <input.dat> and <output.tif> should be input.dat and output.tif. Using full paths as previously suggested also a good idea.
Good thought on the working directory thing. I had been using the full paths in my commands to no avail, however (although I was working without doing that initially). And no, I hadn't been using the < and >. Appreciate you people's responses, thank you! Please see the edit for my actual code...
Just did! And yeah that is just a Mac terminal thing...
In your last command, you have <file>.dat twice, for input and output. You probably want your output to be <file>.tif instead. Otherwise my suspicion is that you're missing one of the GDAL drivers, specifically the ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster
Is the .dat filesize ~44MB?
Richard Law: yes you are right, that was a mistake in translation. I had been using the correct code for that, just was wrong on here. I'm trying to see if the ENVI driver is present or not (I am seeing envisattdataset.cpp in my formats).
user2856 yes, the .dat files are 46.5MB...
Does gdalinfo --formats list driver ENVI -raster- (rw+v): ENVI .hdr Labelled?
Please do not place images of text in your question. Doing so reduces legibility on many devices and makes text search impossible.
As a test, you can rename the files to a much shorter basename. Also, does gdalinfo recognize the dat,.hdr?
@user30184 Yes, I made an edit to show that. Thanks!
@Vince Ok, I tried to fix that. Thanks!
@klewis Good point, I'll make an edit to change that for viewing purposes. Meaning, if I run: "gdalinfo <input>.dat", what is returned? I get the exact same error.
Can you give a link for downloading some test data?
We're a little different from other sites; this isn't a discussion forum but a Q&A site. Please check out our short tour to learn about our focussed Q&A format. Please heavily revise your original question rather than starting a new one to ask the same thing. Please review these suggestions on how to structure a good question:
@user30184 Ok, just added a link for downloading. Thank you for your effort!
@PolyGeo Ok, thanks for the clarification. Thank you!
@user30184 As you may see, the questions were merged. I'm not sure if you can still see the one we had been originally commenting on, but here is a link:…
@PolyGeo, if you allow me; may I suggest the other Q to be the master merge? Because OP has incorporated some suggestions provided here in the other one. And after inverting the merge direction, this one can be deleted. This would be in the spirit of….
@AndreSilva I had not seen your comment before acting on a flag to move these comments to chat. In any event I am not aware of any way to reverse the direction of a merge (like we can do for synonyms). Alsom I think it is important, and not difficult, for the asker to copy/paste any content from their later duplicate into the original.
@PolyGeo @AndreSilva Thanks for the input. I've edited the original to be the duplicate.
Alright guys; thanks!!

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