Could someone point to a reference on how to read the infinity page of an Adams-type spectral sequence? the different indexing to (co)homolgical s.s. confuses me a bit
Can an H-space be strictified (non-uniquely) to a topological group? Is this obvious? If not, is it obvious that it can be strictified to a topological monoid with inverses up to homotopy? Same question for co-H-spaces, which I'm more interested in, but I figure if I know how to answer one the other will be clear.
@Nikitas the columns are the (associated graded of the) homotopy groups of the answer, the vertical direction is the filtration
@MikeMiller no it can't: an H-space need not even be homotopy associative; there's an infinite hierarchy between an H-space (A_2-space) and a topological monoid (A_infty space)
Let $\mathcal{C}^{\otimes}$ and $\mathcal{D}^{\otimes}$ be symmetric monoidal $\infty$-operads and let $\mathcal{C}$ and $\mathcal{D}$ denote the corresponding symmetric monoidal $\infty$-categories. Does every equivalence of $\infty$-operads $\mathcal{C}^{\otimes} \simeq \mathcal{D}^{\otimes}$ come from a symmetric monoidal equivalence $\mathcal{C} \simeq \mathcal{D}$?
In less precise terms: is every lax symmetric monoidal equivalence automatically (strict) symmetric monoidal?
@SaalHardali I think so: if $F$ is your lax symmetric monoidal equivalence, you need to verify if the maps $1→F1$ and $F(-)⊗F(-)→F(-⊗-)$ are equivalences. Let $G$ be its lax symmetric monoidal inverse. Then the composition $1→G1→FG1$ and $1→F1→FG1$ are equivalences,so $1→F1$ is an equivalence: in fact $1→G1$ has a left inverse ($G1→GF1$), but then $F1→FG1$ has a left inverse and it has also a right inverse ($1→F1$), therefore it is an equivalence.The other is fiddlier but I believe it is the same.
@S.carmeli I'm taking a "lax equivalence" to mean something stronger than that: I'm assuming it is an equivalence in the cat of operads and lax monoidal functors, i.e. there exists $G:\mathcal{D}\to \mathcal{C}$ such that $FG\cong \mathrm{id}$ and $GF\cong\mathrm{id}$ as lax monoidal functors. Otherwise, as you say, the result is false
To say it differently, I'm proving that the subcategory of symmetric monoidal ∞-categories and symmetric monoidal functors is replete in the ∞-category of ∞-operads
@DenisNardin @SaalHardali I wonder if there's a trick with envelopes that makes it shorter? Like, Env(F) is now a symmetric monoidal equivalence, and we also have symmetric monoidal functors Env(C)-->C and Env(D)-->D which seem to make the square commute. Those are essentially surjective so I think one gets that the lax structure map is an equivalence since it was in the envelopes?
If X is a quasi-geometric E_2-stack, then is QCoh(X)^cn going to be Grothendieck prestable? In the E_oo - case this is SAG, but I don't know the SAG stuff well enough to verify this without spending an unreasonable amount of time backfilling.
@LiamKeenan seems like the same argument should work as long as the E_2-analogue of "QCoh on a quasi-affine is modules over global sections" still holds. does it?