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Descent is decent.
It's a slippery slope from 'satisfies the sheaf condition' to 'satisfying certain coherence conditions' though
9 hours later…
Hi everyone, I am trying to recall a rather basic result that I simply can't seem to find a reference for. I think it goes: if a map between two spaces induces isomorphisms on the first homotopy group and on all homology groups, it is in fact a weak homotopy equivalence. Googling this sentence and related ones has not helped me except that Corollary 4.33 on page 376 of Hatcher gives the case where the spaces are 1-connected. Am I missing out an assumption / have I dreamed this result?
@ArthurPanderMaat The statement you're looking for is not true. You're probably thinking of the most general version of Whitehead's theorem: if a map of topological spaces induces an isomorphism on the fundamental group for each basepoint and all homology groups with local coefficients for every local coefficient system, then it is a weak homotopy equivalence
@DenisNardin Thank you and I must apologize for my laziness: it turns out the failure of the version I was looking for is alluded to only a few pages after the Hatcher result I quoted. I was thinking of Whitehead's theorem for abelian spaces, although the result you refer to is actually much more interesting! Thanks again.
2 hours later…
@ArthurPanderMaat @DenisNardin I will take this opportunity to self advertise this version of Whitehead theorem (which I like a lot :) ) in which we describe when a map of spaces is a weak homotopy equivalence in terms of the induced map at the level of singular chains: ams.org/journals/proc/2019-147-11/S0002-9939-2019-14555-X/…
8 hours later…
@DenisNardin did you get an answer to your Thom spectrum question?
@JonathanBeardsley I deleted shortly afterwards because I realized it was not the question I wanted to ask
@DenisNardin Ah okay. I'm curious about that particular spectrum.
(nothing specific, I just always wonder how much people know about it)
@S.carmeli I was just coming back to this, what is "C" here, when you say "for every C-module M"?
I suppose I should also say that I don't quite know what that identity is you're using there, or rather, I don't think I know how to obtain it off the top of my head.
Oh I think this must be of HA
I have somehow reached a point on MO where I'm now getting alerts when people flag comments in chat as "spam/offensive."
@S.carmeli oh, by the way, does the same identity hold for algebras? i.e. Alg(M)≃Alg(X)⊗_X M, for X-modules M?
Wondering if there's some silly trick one can do with Δ^{op}... But anyway it doesn't matter I guess, since Piotr's proof still works in the algebra case.
Is there something general one can say about "algebras for a monad on a presentable ∞-category C" commuting with "tensoring with a mode" or something?
I seem to recall seeing something like this in the case of stabilization.
Ah I think this is Prop 5.4.2 in Lurie's Goodwillie I paper

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