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This is a pretty important technical paper, imo: arxiv.org/pdf/2003.11757.pdf . I don't know how into this stuff the other people here are, but I've been waiting to read this for a while.
2 hours later…
@S.carmeli I have spent some time now looking at Lurie's Warning. Would it be possible for you to explain why equivalence on the stalk implies $\infty$-connectedness? Also, how do you see that $\mathbf{Z}/p^k\mathbf{Z} \mapsto \mathcal{S}(\mathbf{R}/p^k\mathbf{Z}, M(p))$ satisfies hyperdescent?
@AdrianClough The fact that infinity connectedness is an equivalence of the stalk follows from the analogous statement for sheaves of groups (by definition and the fact that f^*\pi_i=\pi_i f^*). But sheaves of groups on continuous Z_p-sets are equivalent to groups with continuous Z_p action. This is a "classical" fact (still, should I explain this?).
For the second statement, look at the map s:BZ--> BZ_p. The formula I have written for the hypersheafification is s_s^. It is then hypercomplete because BZ is hypercomplete and the right adjoint in a geometric morphism preserve hypercompleteness (hypercompletion is a pointed functor on infinity topoi...). To see that this is actually the hypercompletion you need to use the fact that M(p) is p-torsion, so that the stalk of s_*s^*M(p) is M(p)
Indeed, you have to check that the canonical map M(p)--> map(R/p^kZ,M(p)) embedding the constant maps induces equivalence on the colimit over k. This follows by comparing the homotopy groups and using the fact that the transision maps are of degree.
thats explains anything?
3 hours later…
@SaalHardali related to your question: a map HZ[1]-->Pic(C) is called in Hopkins-Lurie paper on the Brauer group a "polarization" I think.

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