@Pieter so then I heard that the standard conjectures on algebraic cycles prove the existence of a motivic t-structure. Is that only for rational coefficients?
or rather, a proof of those conjectures implies the existence of a motivic t-structure
Just bought tea; I may have gone overboard w the teabags
I used four tea bags for about a litre of tea. Is that too many?
It looks about as dark as coffee so I guess it's fine
oh yeah by the way @RuneHaugseng I said hello to you at that conference in England. So from what I gathered in you'
*in your talk, you're essentially doing a derived version of the categorical wreath product
I was thinking it might be simpler to do it as the honest derived extension of the ordinary wreath product with Δ
If you do it like that, you should get a direct comparison with Joyal-Rezk Θ-stuff
There is a version of that wreath product where you can wreath Δ with an arbitrary symmetric monoidal category
I mentioned it to you at the end of your talk iirc