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being called a "homotopical terrorist" by bondal may well be the high point of my career!
@EricPeterson i suspect that you get a t-structure that isn't complete, like the direct limit of tau_{geq n} X might be the fiber of the map from X to its rationalization. i have not yet figured out handedness for t-structures so I don't remember if this is left complete or right complete
I'd like to know of any particular acts of terrorism, for the sake of the historic record
i think there's a nice t-structure you get by patching together t-structures with an arithmetic square, like a spectrum X is >= 0 iff its rationalization is >= 1 and its p-completions are all >= 0. (maybe this is what eric meant by perversions?)
@MikeMiller oh haha i think it was just the overall amount of homotopy theory / higher category theory in my talks -- see here (or here for "handout" version)
1 hour later…
more generally, i propose that we adopt the terminology "homotopical terrorism" for when more classical mathematics (e.g. the good old hochschild complex) gets nontrivially repackaged into $\infty$-language
... or maybe that's actually culturally insensitive -- or at the very least, a pretty bad way of selling the field :-/
yeah, from a social perspective were I not already inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt I might not want to read the work of a terrorist! And I think this is already a common feeling before that choice of language
@TylerLawson yeah, that's what I intended by "perversions". i certainly don't know what what the official terminology is, but these shifted-based-on-locus t-structures appear in the theory of perverse sheaves, so
@MikeMiller haha sure enough
in re this discussion of t-structures, i've never really known -- what are the upsides of having a t-structure, and what further properties might it have that would be desirable?
@AaronMazel-Gee Alexey used some more colourful language related to homotopical terrorists in a talk a few weeks ago: he was going on about understanding the enemy (i.e. you) and its propaganda, as that is the first step in winning the war.
haha "a sheaf of categories that's locally isomorphic to a category of sheaves" -- what great wordplay
He also wrote steak instead of stack during that talk, and no Alexey talk is complete without him being called on his cellphone.
Where is that written?
@Pieter oh really? ...which war?
@Pieter just came across it in a paper on microlocal sheaves by jin & treumann
@Pieter Sounds like a "homeland" security measure.
He was speaking to a crowd of algebraic geometers, so I'd guess something about everything being translated and reinterpreted in an infinity-language, devoid of all geometry.
@EricPeterson I don't know much the t-structure, but if you also close up under desuspensions, and take a generalized type n spectrum, the associated colocalization functor is C_{n-1}^f
@EricPeterson all this talk of preversions keeps reminding me of this guy from dr. strangelove youtube.com/watch?v=ud9zBKJJQe4
@AaronMazel-Gee I guess on of the advantages of having a t-structure is having stuff like "The Decompisition Theorem".
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War room!
hey, wasn't there some discussion in here recently about the homotopy theory of spectral sequences? this paper just came out arxiv.org/abs/1805.00374
Gentlemen, you can't talk about geometry in here. This is the Homotopy room!
@SaalHardali awesome, what might this (applied either to the standard t-structure or to an exotic one) tell us about spectra?
@AaronMazel-Gee One can dream of a character theory for groups in the K(n) local world I guess. But that, high above my pay grade.
By character theory I mean like character sheaves of spectra and stuff like that.
5 hours later…
@Pieter on a similar theme, there's also Remark 7.1 of arxiv.org/abs/1706.03417v1: "For the benefit of those millenials who believe the Godement resolution is one of the founding documents of the United Nations, here is a translation of the above construction into [∞-language]..."
2 hours later…
@AaronMazel-Gee for starters, just like with spectra it connects your category C to an ordinary abelian category A and gives cohomology theories with coefficients in the objects of A, as well as k-invariants that classify objects of C via their Postnikov tower
if you're into K-theory then t-structures give objects such a canonical decomposition that a devissage theorem applies, relating K-theory of (bounded objects of) C with that of A
8 hours later…
@TylerLawson those are both great answers, thanks! for K-theory though, the word "bounded" is going to mean different things when using different t-structures, right?
haha i suppose in a way those are both the same answer -- closely related, anyways

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