@SaalHardali, Presheaf $\infty$-categories are dualizable, where the dual of P(C) is P(C^{op}). After that there are also presentable $\infty$-categories which are retracts of presheaf $\infty$-categories, i.e., they are accessible localizations D \subseteq P(C) such that the inclusion is both a left and a right functor.
For example, take a compact Hausdorff space X, and for each U in X, consider the sieve on U consisting of those V \subseteq U such that the closure of V is contained in U. This collection of sieves doesn't satisfy the axioms of a Grothendieck topology, but regardless of that we can still talk about sheaves and cosheaves of spaces with respect to these sieves. In this case the $\infty$-category of sheaves is a retract of P(O(X)) and the category of cosheaves is a retract of P(O(X)^{op}), and I
'm pretty sure they are dual to each other. Also one can actually prove that (unless X is trivial), these $\infty$-categories are actually not presheaf categories.