actually, i just talked with marc hoyois and apparently it is unknown how to recover topological K-theory in terms of algebraic K-theory, though certainly it is hoped that this is somehow possible. but so maybe my previous suggestion was premature.
@AdrianClough right. among other things $P(V)$ is presentably monoidal: that is, presentable and monoidal and the monoidal structure structure commutes with colimits separately in each variable. the presentability guarantees that it can be presented by a model category, and the presentably-monoidalness tells you that you can even hope for a monoidal model category. [cont.]
(note that these by definition require the monoidal structure to be a left quillen bifunctor, and these present bi-cocontinuous bifunctors of $\infty$-categories, so this is necessary a priori to have any hope of presenting your monoidal $\infty$-category by a monoidal model category.)
of course, the yoneda embedding preserves limits but destroys colimits, but in practice i think this shouldn't pose so many issues. that is, i'm pretty sure that all (enriched) universal properties only refer to limits in the enriching category.
@AdrianClough in re this proposal, you're probably right about rectification. honestly i'm still amazed that $\infty$-categories (which i think of as being fully homotopy-coherent, no strictness about them) can always be presented by Top-enriched categories. but my impression is that rectification for (possibly many-object) associative algebras is generally easy, while for commutative algebras it's way more delicate.
anyways, what exactly would you be hoping to use such a strictification for?