@YuriSulyma i've been attending the seminar, and it seems really cool. as i understand it, there's a fully faithful functor {p-divisible groups over k} -> {vector bundles on the FF curve}, where k is a perfect field of characteristic p
moreover, a deformation of a p-divisible group over k is the same as a modification of the vector bundle on the FF curve, away from oo
so, if you're interested in the deformation theory of p-divisible groups, studying the geometry of the FF curve seems to be one way to go
also --- and i don't understand this yet --- from a cursory reading of scholze's icm address, it seems like point on the FF curve parametrize untilts of a perfectoid fields of positive characteristic
another thing: this idea of deformations being the same as modifications of vector bundles gives a description of the lubin-tate space at infinite level (6.3.10 of scholze-weinstein); but the lubin-tate tower doesn't lift to homotopy theory, so idk how useful this is