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@DylanWilson if you are thinking about quasicategorical operads, the equivalence of the quasi-operads in Dendroidal sets from the work of Moerdijk and his various collaborators with Lurie's notion from HA, I just learned at this conference
the original tensor product that is isomorphic to the Boardman-Vogt tensor product is not associative for them, but they found a weakly homotopy equivalent construction that is associative, so it's ok
this failure of on the nose associativity maybe exists in Lurie's version as well
6 hours later…
Just trying to understand the left/right completion of a t-structure: Is the standard t-structure on Spectra (where left/right bounded objects are co/connective spectra) left or right complete ? If no, what are the left/right completions ?
Feels like one of the should be pro-spectra maybe ?
If I understand HA correctly, then you're right - spectra are left complete but not right complete
The right completion isn't pro-spectra but the full subcategory of Postnikov systems therein
sorry, I may have right and left transposed there
yes, please swap right and left in what I just said
the left completion somehow feels like the one that should be called "right" to me
yeah I feel the same, I guess it's because of the homological indexing convention here
Thanks for that. How do you see that they are right complete ?
the way I think of it, spectra are equivalent to ind-finite spectra
and the ind-system of finite spectra mapping to a spectrum is a refinement of the ind-system of bounded-below truncations
maybe that's sort of a logically convoluted way of saying it, though
you should also be able to directly see that the mapping space between the ind-systems of truncations computes the mapping space of spectra
but the two notions of left and right complete are both homotopy limits and not colimits, right ? Aren't those pro-systems instead of ind ?
hmm, I thought the right completion was the colimit of the \geq n categories
Is it actually something else?
sorry gotta go, I ll try to think more. (I think both are homotopy limits, just on the other side of the t0-structure)
Lurie just says "oh it's the dual"
i'm really confused, I thought it was left + right complete
uh oh
ok, let's see - is it the case that left completeness is equivalent to the mapping space between the Postnikov systems being equivalent to the mapping space of spectra?
if so, is that, in fact, true?
yeah, i thought it was essentially stating that for any X the map X -> holim tau_{leq n} X is an equivalence
if you have that, then
makes sense yes
the fact that Postnikov systems converge or something
Map(Y,X) = Map(Y, holim tau_{leq n X}) = holim Map(Y, tau_{leq n} X) = holim Map(tau_{leq n} Y, tau_{leq n} X)
but maps between pro-objects aren't necessarily the same as maps between the limits, right?
right, so maps between the pro-objects should be
holim_n hocolim_m Map(tau_{leq m} Y, tau_{leq n} X)
but that's constant in m as soon as m >= n
ah, right
good - sorry for misleading with my mistake earlier
is the "dual" taking the opposite category with the t-structures flipped from less to greater and so on?
that's exactly the argument I was going to give that spectra are right complete, so I don't know why I didn't notice that it works both ways
ah, here, HA says: if you've got countable products that preserve connectivity, then being left complete is the same as having the intersection of the ">= n" categories being empty
seems like the dual to that is: if you've got countable sums that preserve coconnectivity, then being right complete is the same as the intersection of the "<= n" categories being empty
presumably examples of non-left-complete t-structure come from stabilizing non-hypercomplete topoi or something
but yeah, I agree, the right completeness is basically because everything's a filtered colimit of finite things
yikes. yeah, maybe
that seems likely to be a place where Postnikov towers don't converge
y'all have it right but for an explicit reference there's HA.
(so Sp is both left and right complete)
1 hour later…
@YuriSulyma i've been attending the seminar, and it seems really cool. as i understand it, there's a fully faithful functor {p-divisible groups over k} -> {vector bundles on the FF curve}, where k is a perfect field of characteristic p
moreover, a deformation of a p-divisible group over k is the same as a modification of the vector bundle on the FF curve, away from oo
so, if you're interested in the deformation theory of p-divisible groups, studying the geometry of the FF curve seems to be one way to go
also --- and i don't understand this yet --- from a cursory reading of scholze's icm address, it seems like point on the FF curve parametrize untilts of a perfectoid fields of positive characteristic
another thing: this idea of deformations being the same as modifications of vector bundles gives a description of the lubin-tate space at infinite level (6.3.10 of scholze-weinstein); but the lubin-tate tower doesn't lift to homotopy theory, so idk how useful this is
@skd the lubin Tate tower does actually lift to homotopy theory in a certain sense. Andrew Salch has worked this out but not, afaik, written it down anywhere.
@JonathanBeardsley could you tell me more about this? (it doesn't lift under the most naive interpretation of the word "lift".)
i think it does in the most naive sense. the levels don't exist as E_\infty rings tho, as you know
right: by "naive" i meant that they don't lift to E_oo-rings
in what sense do they lift, then?
@skd I don't think I should. But I imagine if you write Andrew an email he will send you a significant explanation
they certainly exist as spectra
as spectra, sure, but then you can't do algebraic geometry with them
when i said "lubin-tate tower", i was referring to the tower of formal schemes (and this doesn't lift to a tower in dag)
3 hours later…
@DenisNardin any thoughts on this ;)

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