So if $C$ is a small $\infty$-category, the presheaf category $P(C)$ is accessible and the compact objects are precisely the representable functors, right? For some reason I'm having trouble finding this spelled out.
@EspenNielsen I don't think that the compact objects are $C$ in general. I think that is true only when $C$ has all small colimits and is idempotent complete. Let me take a look in HTT...
(silly example: C=Δ^0, then P(C) is the ∞-cat of spaces and its compact objects are bigger than just the point)
@SaalHardali That can't happen for HZ, but the proof that H_* (free(X)) is a functor of H_*(X) relies more on Z being a PID than it relies on Z being commutative.
I believe it fails for HZ/4 even when talking about E_1-algebras