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omfg i am just crushing on some category theory today...
enriched grothendieck construction is no joke
2 hours later…
Someone told me today that, just as spectrally enriched Mackey functors model G-spectra, spectrally enriched Tambara functors should model G-ring spectra, but that this is hard to make precise.
Is there a reference for this model of G-ring spectra? Or is this more of a heuristic?
10 hours later…
It depends what you mean. What did you have in mind for the trivial group, for example?
@ArunDebray There is a way to make it formal for connective G-commutative rings (that is, by considering Tambara functors in spaces). As far as I know there's no such description for general things though
The space version should be in Rolf Hoyer's thesis
1 hour later…
@DylanWilson good point. The notion of a Tambara functor for G = * is still something nontrivial, and I can work what that is.
@DenisNardin thanks! I'll go check it out.
2 hours later…
Anyone have an electronic version that is complete of Kochman's book on Bordism and the adams SS?
4 hours later…
@skd geometrically you're looking a map Spec(Z) -> M_{fg} classifying the additive formal group law. as stated, that map isn't flat so the Landweber exact functor theorem doesn't produce a (co)homology theory for you out of it (I don't think integral homology is a functor of MU_*-homology).
one construction of KO comes from a map BC_2 -> M_{fg} which is flat. it doesn't look flat on global sections, but locally it's flat
said another way, KO comes from building KU (which is flat) with a C_2-action. (though Landweber's theorem, and the Hopkins-Miller theorem, aren't actually strong enough to do this)
has anyone systematically worked on "profinite completion away from p" for spaces? This idea goes back to Artin-Mazur, but it hasn't been updated into model categorical or infinity categorical language.
i think most people would speculate that there's no sheaf of spectra on M_{fgl} (in some hideous topology) whose sections over Spec(Z) is HZ; but I don't know that there are any theorems along that line, particularly because the definition of "hideous topology" is up for grabs
2 hours later…
In SAG ( there's a notion of the "derived moduli stack of formal groups". It is defined as a functor of points, which sidesteps the problem of the characterizing the Hideous Topology.
So I think a lot of the djvu's are cut off in dropbox, is this dropbox doing this?

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