Okay, let me try to type this...
So, suppose we have a monoidal simplicial category C. Then we can construct a simplicial multicategory from it, and then a simplicial category of operators. Now, if C was fibrant, and the monoidal structure preserves cofibrancy, the category of operators will also be fibrant as a simplicial category.
(in fact the multicategory would have been a fibrant simplicial multicategory in a certain model structure)
Note that this final category of operators admits a functor down to $\Delta^{op}$ which, I'm guessing, is the right kind of categorical "fibration" to apply an enriched Grothendieck construction (I'm thinking of Dai Tamaki's construction here).
Then we get a functor $\Delta^{op}\to sCat$, where by $sCat$ I mean simplicial categories and simplicial functors.
(really this is, I think, all happening 2-categorically)
Let's call that functor, I dunno $C':\Delta^{op}\to sCat$
Now, we can compose this with $op:sCat\to sCat$, which should preserve fibrancy, giving me a functor $C'^{op}:\Delta^{op}\to sCat$ which lands in fibrant simplicial categories.
And then take the coherent nerve, to get a monoidal quasicategory.
On the other hand, we could have started, back at the very beginning, with $C^{op}$, and then formed a functor $(C^{op})':\Delta^{op}\to sCat$ which is the same functor on objects, but the mapping spaces won't necessarily be Kan complexes anymore!
(because the tensor products don't necessarily preserve fibrant objects)
Do you think that $C'^{op}$ is a fibrant replacement of $(C^{op})'$?
And, so, the monoidal $\infty$-categories underlying $C'^{op}$ and $(C^{op})'$ should be equivalent, yes?
Sorry, that was kind of long winded.