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@AaronMazel-Gee i think there's something to be said about basically building any such thing out of this kind of functor
I'm pretty sure @DenisNardin understands this a lot better than I do.
@JonBeardsley you mean, like, descent? i suppose this is all local on BGL_1(R), after all
a/k/a the canonical presentation of a presheaf as a colimit of representables, i guess
ah i can't remember right now. i'm feeling very unsettled about all of this. i think i just found a relatively significant flaw in some of the stuff i've been (trying) to write down
@AaronMazel-Gee right, something like... the "representable" presheaves here all look like $\Omega X$ or something.
Let's see, actually I think this is pertinent to the issue I'm having...
a representable presheaf on a space Y looks like the space of paths based at the representing point, i.e. it's contractible
ermmmm, but it takes every point to $\Omega Y$ I thought?
(assuming the space is path connected?)
what does, hom_Y(-,y)?
well, a clearer answer is that hom_Y(z,y) = {paths in Y from z to y}
so yes, but noncanonically
well of course.
but I'm also fine assuming that our space $Y$ is connected, maybe even has a unique 0-simplex
and then this is the generator of the cat of presheaves on Y
(under colimitS)
that is, the functor $y\mapsto \Omega Y$
which corresponds to the path loop fibration
in Top_{/Y}
or $\ast\to Y$
does this mean that $y\mapsto \Sigma^\infty_+\Omega Y$ is the generator of $Fun(Y,Spectra)$?
By something along the lines of $Stab(Fun(Y,Top))\simeq Fun(Y,Spectra)$
and presumably stabilization preserves colimits?
given a point $y \in Y$, the presheaf determined by $X \to Y$ assigns $y \mapsto \lim(\{y\} \rightarrow Y \leftarrow X) =: X_y$, the fiber. any presheaf is a colimit of representables, indexed by the corresponding total space, i.e. pairs $(y,\alpha \in X_y)$, i.e. just $X$ itself. the diagram of interest takes such a point to the corresponding representable $h_y$, which is just the functor $X \to Y$. so in the end, the presheaf determined by $X \to Y$ is just
the colimit of the composite $X \to Y \xrightarrow{\mathrm{Yo}} \mathrm{PShv}(Y)$
so in that sense, if you have a colimit-preserving functor, such as apparently the thom spectrum functor (?), then its behavior is entirely determined by what happens on the constant maps
the thom spectrum functor is colimit preserving
i think that's what i meant to say
sooooo, are we in agreement then? i think?
i used this fact to prove that thom spectra are comodules
yup! i was just trying to say what i was trying to say a little more precisely
(and that comodules are closed under colimits)
i'm just effing terrible at saying these things precisely.
13 hours later…
i think it's good practice to say things as precisely as possible
("good practice" as in "it makes you better at it" -- i'm not trying to be prescriptive here)

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