2 hours later…
@AdrianClough The fact that infinity connectedness is an equivalence of the stalk follows from the analogous statement for sheaves of groups (by definition and the fact that f^*\pi_i=\pi_i f^*). But sheaves of groups on continuous Z_p-sets are equivalent to groups with continuous Z_p action. This is a "classical" fact (still, should I explain this?).
For the second statement, look at the map s:BZ--> BZ_p. The formula I have written for the hypersheafification is s_s^. It is then hypercomplete because BZ is hypercomplete and the right adjoint in a geometric morphism preserve hypercompleteness (hypercompletion is a pointed functor on infinity topoi...). To see that this is actually the hypercompletion you need to use the fact that M(p) is p-torsion, so that the stalk of s_*s^*M(p) is M(p)
3 hours later…
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