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Q: Corrupted Cisco Router IOS

Ender28I purchased some used hardware for CCNA/CCNP purposes, and I have a router that has a corrupted Cisco IOS. I have 2 other routers that have a good file. I'm trying to figure out the best way to transfer that file w/out a USB drive, partially because I want to practice doing so w/out a USB drive,...

Couldn't you use a large flash drive with a small FAT32 partition?
I tried that, but the router didn't seem to like it. Was using MiniTool Partition Wizard.
Here's what I got when I tried to use a 7.5GB SAN Disk USB, 2 partitions *May 22 21:18:48.115: %USB_HOST_STACK-6-USB_DEVICE_CONNECTED: A Full speed USB device has been inserted in port 0. *May 22 21:18:48.755: %USBFLASH-5-CHANGE: usbflash0 has been inserted! *May 22 21:18:53.239: %USB_HOST_STACK-6-USB_FLASH_READY_TEST_TIME: USB flash 'Ready' test time over 4 seconds. *May 22 21:18:53.239: %USB_HOST_STACK-3-USB_FLASH_READY_TEST_FAILED: USB flash failed to pass 'Ready' test. *May 22 21:18:53.239: %USBFLASH-3-DEVSTARTSTOP: usbflash0 MSCD_StartStop failure in usbflash_mscd_scsi_listener!
I would suggest trying with only a single 256MB partition
OK, tried that. Split to 256MB, deleted the second partition (7.2GB), and converted the remaining to FAT16 (as it turns out, I was wrong about FAT32). Still doesn't like it (same error as initial). I'm not sure why, every tutorial out there says that it should recognize it as long as it's formatted correctly
Figured it out after a deeper dive:
Of course, now it doesn't like something else: rommon 5 > boot usbflash0:c1841-spservicesk9-mz.124-3a.bin program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0x3d180 loadprog: bad file magic number: 0x0 boot: cannot load "usbflash0:c1841-spservicesk9-mz.124-3a.bin"
Perhaps try a different flash drive?
Tried a different flash drive, the router can now see the drive on usbflash0, but can't load the OS. This morning I popped the compact flash out of the router and it looks like it's a 3rd party compact flash. The others are Cisco flash cards. Dunno if that makes a difference.
2 hours later…
Use tftp, it's much easier
Pumpkin tftp is free. Have a known working router send the image to the pumkintftp server. Then have the bad router (in recovery mode) retrieve the image from the tftp server
If it doesn't pass the checksum with a known good image (image must be from the same model and revision) then it probably has some sort of Mobo failure.
Well...that worked, but then it didn't:

loadprog: bad file magic number: 0x0
boot: cannot load "flash:c1841-spservicesk9-mz.124-3a.bin"
I guess that's a bad router, then...that's disappointing
Try with a Cisco cf-flash if that's how you are storing it. See if it makes a difference
@Tim_Stewart If I just pull the cisco flash from one of the working routers and load it onto the non-working router, that should validate whether or not it's a hardware issue, correct?
@Tim_Stewart Welp, it's a hardware issue. That card works fine on other routers, and other router cards don't work on this router. Thanks for the assistance, at least I learned about a TFTP program :)
Sorry to hear it. At least it was a good exercise in Cisco administration. BTW, if you haven't already checked it out, GNS3 is very good for virtual labs. I consider it priceless for exam practice

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