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Q: Describing element in geodatabase using ArcPy

YoshiWith help from people on this site, I have the following code to look for all of the element types in the geodatabase and put them into a report. walk = arcpy.da.Walk(workspace, topdown=True) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk: for filename in filenames: desc = arcp...

2 hours later…
gis.stackexchange.com/questions/230553/… I posted my problem in the last answer comments.
Q: Merging all tiles from one directory using GDAL

ArneI would like to use GDAL (under Windows; OSGeo4W Shell) to merge all GeoTIFFs from one directory into a new GeoTIFF. I have tried to address them by writing c:\data\....\*.tif which however does not seem to work, using the Windows environment. I am looking for the most practicable way to perform...

2 hours later…
Any insight as to why this question is closed? gis.stackexchange.com/questions/83387/… -- Seems relevant to ask wrt to recent debates in meta.
Most likely because it was tagged with postgis and didn't contain executable code. Sad that a question with score of 23 and an accepted answer scored 26 is no longer visible to casual/new users on the site. It has been voted on to reopen twice, both failed (gis.stackexchange.com/review/reopen/164297, gis.stackexchange.com/review/reopen/177545)
Sorry, it is still visible (which is something good I suppose)....the bottom of the close message is pretty misleading: (Viewable by the post author and users with the close/reopen votes privilege)
Thanks for answering. The 'executable code' criteria strikes me as bizarre. "Reduce the number of unanswered/low quality questions by making the questions people want to ask off-topic" ~= "Reduce crime, legalise theft". Not quite but you get my point.
1 hour later…
It's a super strict interpretation of "the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself." (Part of the close reason) The expectation seems to be that any question involving code (SQL included) should have a code block that can be copy/pasted and run to produce the problem, more or less. Otherwise it's off topic (not my view, but this is what's happening).
While in some cases, being able to reproduce an error from code is absolutely necessary, in others it's not even relevant. This is another case of a guideline turned law.
2 hours later…
@RoperMaps I have reopened this Q&A. I believe it will have been closed due to the lack of code, however I feel that in this instance the problem statement is clear and the lack of code did not make the question any more or less answerable.
@EvilGenius I agree with this - "While in some cases, being able to reproduce an error from code is absolutely necessary, in others it's not even relevant"
@Midavalo Good work!
1 hour later…
Q: QGIS and PostGIS, dimensions problems

EetmyhouseI have a point-layer i Postgis v12 which is ST_point, ST_NDims = 3. When creating a new point i QGIS and then tries to save it, I get an error: Column has Z dimension but geometry does not When looking in to the object identifier the derived attributes only contains X and Y. However, the r...

2 hours later…
@EvilGenius @RoperMaps @Midavalo similar in nature to my meta Q gis.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5127/…

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