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Q: Germany rejected my entry to Schengen countries

Lr OfficialI was deported from Germany in 2015 and I hired a lawyer, but he didn't inform me as to when this deportation order will end. So I tried to enter Germany in January 2018. They refused to let me enter the country and now they sent me a letter that says: "You're not allowed to enter Schengen u...

You might want to edit the question to give the reasons why you were deported and the reasons why you have the ban.
you are paying a lawyer to solve a case and trying to travel to Germany again without asking/ communicating him about that????
@DJClayworth The reasons for the deportation are in this situation irrelevant and the reason for the entry ban is the deportation, which by German law is always followed by an automatic entry ban, which is usually set to 5 years.
@TomasBy The initial entry ban will have been imposed in 2015 as a consequnce of the deportation. Trying to enter Germany when an entry ban is in effect is a criminal offense, which can be punished with up to three years of imprisonment, so OP was in January 2018 (also probably) not merely refused entry, but committed a crime when trying to entering. I do of course not know the details of this case, but that offense may have attracted a new 5 year entry ban.
You might need a new lawyer, that verifies the legality of the deportation and following ban. If the 1st is rightful, then, I don't see what you can do.
I do not know why you blame your lawyer. You got the ban, so you know for how long. You hired the lawyer, but after you get the ban. So if you had no news, you really could not expect a shorter ban. Also for this second case, ask a friend to read the letter. S/he will be more neutral on interpreting the letter. [it is a well know survival bias we had when we are "attacked"]
@PierreB: Probably it is too late to verify legality (we are not starting from new situation), so there were some period to challenge decision.
If you’re already paying a lawyer - who presumably knows all the facts of your case - one wonders what more you hope to gain on an internet forum by giving no details of why you were banned.
@PierreB A new lawyer now would only be a vaste of money. Why do you suggest that? The decisions or verdicts from 2015 and January 2018 could have been appealed back then, but not now.
Looks hopeless. Getting deported from Germany in the first place is really hard to achieve. If you managed to get deported, there must have been a very significant reason, making it most unlikely that you will be able to get the ban lifted (or admitted again afterwards, anyway). There exist literally ten thousands of illegal aliens who are -- in addition to being illegal aliens -- also more or less serious criminals (among them Gefährder and Intensivtäter), and they nevertheless aren't deported. So, you must either be the most unlucky person in the world, or there is a really good reason.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo So (assuming everything is "usual") retrying in 2020 instead of 2018 might have been more successful?
Think positive: You'll be able to go to Great Britain soon.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo: a new lawyer won't solve his (probably hopeless) problem. But he's definitively interested in knowing where he stands and to come back to Germany. A new more competent lawyer is the way to go.
@PeterA.Schneider:the joke doesn't make sense. The UK was never a part of Schengen. Brexit won't change it. Despite this, being deported or banned from a third countries still don't look good on any visa application.
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo: notice too that legal bans can be challenged
@PierreB Please provide details if you are the opinion that entry bans can be challenged. A deportation is always followed by an entry ban. German law is quite clear on this, there is no 'may' or 'perhaps' in the law text. Which conditions are required to challenge this and avoid an entry ban after a deportation?
@Tor-EinarJarnbjo: a simple Google search can answer this question. I do not dispute that a deportation implies a ban, but this ban can be challenged.
@PierreB From what is written in the question, there is no practical way to challenge this entry ban now, but as I already wrote: If you believe to know better, please provide details on how that can be done instead of just repeating yourself.
@PierreB ah, good point.

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