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Q: Why is Drogon so much better in battle than Rhaegal and Viserion?

Alec AViserion is felled by one spear. Rhaegal is felled by 3 arrows. Drogon cannot be hit once, even with dozens of scorpions aimed at him. Why are the other dragons so easy to hit with projectiles, yet Drogon isn't? Is it plot armor, or is there another reason?

A combination of plot armour, having Dany ride him and control him directly and the fact that he's the bigger, more bad ass one.
Shouldn't bigger = easier to hit?
It’s a bit unfair to say Viserion was killed by “just one spear”. It was a magic spear thrown by the god of darkness, cold, and death.
Isn't this a bit like asking "Why is Michael Jordan much better at basketball than his brothers Larry and James?"?
@s3raph86 What god? the one who got killed because a skinny teenager stabbed him in the tummy out of nowhere? Some god.
@Aegon Stabbed with the dagger infused with the blood magic of an ancient dead civilization you mean?
@s3raph86 The people who made that civilisation and dagger must be gods then, not that weird pointy dude. PS Valyrians aren't dead, they live on in Free Cities and Targaryens.
In 8x04, the scorptions were handled by Nighthawk while in 8x05, they were handled by Stormtroopers.
The Scorpions were expected. The Lannister army no longer had the element of surprise as they did when Euron flanked them. And some plot armor seems likely as well.
@miva2 Plus Dany used proper tactics this time: sun behind her, dive bombing, rapidly changing course to prevent the scorpions from getting a fix on her fighte-- I mean, dragon. It's like she finally went to Dragon Flight School, or as we call it, Top Dragon.
@Aegon mortals can kill gods. Plus Arya was an elite commando who spent more than a season training for this. Equipped with an ancient magical weapon specifically designed to kill such god of death, too. And a whole plan designed to lure the NK into a trap (ok, Jon and Dany were somewhere else doing nothing useful, because they are dumb). And also, a big dose of luck!
@AndresF. Well........I am very very veryyyyy skeptical about the whole way the order of Black and White was shown as some sort of Ninja school and Arya as a super soldier (Which is the root of my beef with what they did), I doubt Valyrians had others in mind since the Others had gone 4000 years before Valyria was even founded. Don't know how they lead NK to a trap since apparently nobody did anything, Don't know what NK wanted, don't know really what happened anyways cus darkness and great writing.
@AndresF. "mortals can kill gods" which is why the scene is so silly - why would he walk into the midst of it all to kill a guy personally, amongst an army brandishing weapons made of what can kill him?
@Aegon But that's a problem with the source material, not the show. Dragonglass can kill the Others (or so it's suspected by fans, can't remember if it's been confirmed). Agreed, GRRM sometimes drops the ball ;)
@RobertGrant It's not silly. The NK was lured into a trap. And why shouldn't he be confident? The Army of the Living seemed so incompetent and in almost complete disarray. He wanted to perform a decapitating strike against his main objective, Bran. Furthermore, real-world folklore shows the gods are arrogant and make mistakes all the goddamn time.
@AndresF. Oh it is confirmed. Sam killed one White Walker with a dragonglass knife.
@AndresF. he should totally be confident in his army, given everyone it kills is also in his army. But to stop being a perfect strategist who can be roasted by a dragon to just being another grunt to kill, for no reason (it's not as though he wanted something from Bran, other than to kill him), is not great. Sure, we can explain anything. But it's tortuous.
@RobertGrant Gods don't always do what's logical, especially if they are feeling overconfident. And why shouldn't he? All evidence shows he can singlehandedly kill anything. Maybe he wanted to strike the killing blow.
@AndresF. sure, we can explain anything. But I wouldn't say that a) we can apply "gods" to things that can be killed with something half the opposing army's weapons are made of, nor that b) "gods" in any other pantheon are relevant here .
@RobertGrant I don't follow why we cannot say this. There's precedence in other fiction, so this isn't silly. There's evidence in GRRM's books. At most you can say "I don't like this trope (or similar tropes in Greek myth, or many other myths)". And in real life, commanders and troops do all sorts of nonsensical mistakes, so there's that too!

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