To add some context to the previous comment, here is a quote from FAQ on community wiki: "Community Wiki posts work by partly transferring ownership of the post from the original author to the community. They make the post easier to edit and maintain by a wider group of users, but they do not contribute to any user's reputation." Community-wiki posts can be edited by users with 100 reputation points (without going through any review queue). — Martin Sleziak 9 hours ago
@MartinSleziak Thank you. To the best of my knowledge, this has not been a problem in any practical sense -- not yet, anyway. — Todd Trimble ♦ 6 hours ago
Some of my CW posts on meta were made CW because I hoped that other users will join in improving them.
For example, the answer to How does one type mathematical formulas on this site? and the answer to Should users be shown some basic information before posting the first question? with the suggestion for the new advice page.
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