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@waxeagle howdy
@GPierce good morning ser
@waxeagle Ah, my favorite spelling of "sir" none the less!
Ser and Sera, they make me happy and I don't know why
Feels less common place, I suppose
@GPierce its the one Martin uses in the SoIaF books....I've been using it more
@waxeagle Ohhh, I just like it because it was in Dragon Age
It's being used, and damnit, that's what matters!
I have a suggestion for you: If you value your time (or don't have enough of it already), do not purchase and/or play Skyrim.
@GPierce lol I probably won't...I still have Elder scrolls waiting to be played...
@waxeagle Oblivion?
Skyrim took everything good from Oblivion and mixed it with everything they fixed with Oblivion and the other improvements from the new Fallout series and made into a melting pot of awesome. It also is addicting, so be wary. Once you fight your first dragon it's all over. Your free will is gone.
@GPierce yeah that one
@waxeagle It's also divine. How did you avoid playing it all of these years?!
@GPierce lol well I wanted to play mass effect and bioshock first...then my license for windows 7 RC ran out...
and the room where my computer is is filled with junk...
@waxeagle ahhh. Simple solution: Consoles
@GPierce we have a wii...but it doesn't really count as a console...plus I prefer wasd under my fingers to a controller any dya
@waxeagle Ahhh, opposite for me. Never got hugely into PC gaming and feel more comfortable with a controller. Such is life!
And no, Wii's don't count!
@GPierce my first real intro to hard core gaming was HL-Opposing Forces on the PC...
@waxeagle oh man! i remember going to the computer lab in HS and playing Counter Strike (and not being any good at it)
@GPierce That was the year I lived in Costa Rica, I fell in with a group of serious nerds. We would have regular lan parties and stay up until obscene hours playing HL or AoE...My first intro to computer gaming (I'd played some stuff growing up, but this was serious).
I got really good at sniping...mostly cuz I couldn't hang with the guys on the ground
@waxeagle I'm sure it was a blast though!
@waxeagle Ugh, you are the bane of FPS dudes everywhere
@GPierce oh it was...it made the transition into a new situation really awesome
As much as I'm not an FPS guy, that even sounds fun to me!
@GPierce it was. I hadn't played any FPS games before at all (well except for a bit of wolfenstien way back). Having a group of friends was a huge boon...I'd not had that in years and getting it pretty much as soon as I stepped into a new situation was incredible

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