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Wow Bloody Blades is just...wow
@waxeagle What's this?
@GPierce L9 daily for the gladiator theme
2W burst 2 with 2 really, really nice effects
the second of which is a stance that activates an str mod aura...
@waxeagle nice
picking that up, and also retraining extended reach to glowering threat...
@waxeagle what do they each do, in a nutshell?
8 hours later…
@GPierce extended reach extends reach by 1 for next melee attack, moderately useful, but sort of a corner case when I have Come and Get it in the arsenal now. Glowering Threat is an encounter that gives everyone in a busrt 2 a -5 to hit anyone but me. Stack with my mark and means a -7 attack penalty...
*note: extended reach power is -> Full Extension
@waxeagle Nice, how long do the effects last? EOTE or EONT?
EOTE would be way OP because its an encounter
But my gosh Bloody Blades is a nice daily, can't wait to bust it out. It also means I don't have to be as careful with my Rain of Steel use
So my every-other-Weds group is thinking about giving Lair Assault a shot
@waxeagle Yup! Didn't realize it was only an Enc
@GPierce haven't seen it, and most of the pages seem to be on wizards...
@GPierce yeah, its solid, although its one to be careful with because everyone will hit you...
@waxeagle Well, that is the point of your role!
@waxeagle oh yeah, forgot about your wall of blocked thing. sounds like the island of misfit toys
@GPierce yeah...well 2/3 of the hits is fine...3/3 is not OK
Basically LA is hi-op customization in a deadly dungeon crawl where teamwork, tactics, and synergy are vital
@GPierce I found a page, it looks..WOW
it looks like it might be something we look at for a December session...the trouble with playing with college students is they have to leave town for 3 weeks...
@waxeagle Yeah, fun, rights?
As a thought exercise it'll be cool, espcially building all of the team with my group together will make it so synergetic it will be insane
@GPierce yeah, single intiative, 20 rounds...super opp'd sounds like my kind of game
@waxeagle not normally mine, but as a one-shot? hell yeah
thus far we are thinking for a party of 5: 2 leaders
@GPierce sounds like a plan, I'd make them a WL and a Bard with a basic attack opped striker
(is the bard the other basic attack granting machine?)
@waxeagle maybe? not really worked with them much
i suggested a heal-bot paccy Cleric and a Warlord
@GPierce be a good combo. You need solid healing if its 20 rounds with an evil DM.
what level is it designed at?
For Control I suggested a Arcanist focused on slow/immobilized
@waxeagle This new season is level 8
@GPierce Sounds about right.
@waxeagle That's what I was thinking. BraveLord would likely be a no-go. Perhaps TacLord might be a better fit
@GPierce Good level..
@GPierce yeah bravelord is a really bad idea. can't have your leaders going down early in a fight...
BraveLord, sadly, would be too swingy/too much of a liability for what this is
Either a Tac or Inspiring Lord seems smart. Shifty or Bonuses.... That's the question
@GPierce probably bonuses...need to get the striker and defender hitting and hitting hard
@waxeagle yeah, i suppose worries about oh-shit moments are there, but not as vital
@GPierce if you go with a rogue/thief as your striker I wouldn't worry, they are already very mobile. The defender on the other hand...
Are the materials for LA avaialble online somewhere or do you have to get them from someone who has run it?
Not certain about availability. Building pareters are in the cb though
@GPierce gotcha. I didn't see a link on the wizards site (thank you smart phone :P) to the materials, it would be awesome if they are available after the season is over...or even in season...
I wish the same were true about encounters stuff, but alas it will never see the light of day
@GPierce that is a serious issue IMO...
I concur. If try released a bound book of each years encounter seasons I'd likely buy it. Or make it available for free for subscribers
@GPierce releasing it as subscriber content after the season would make a lot of sense to me
its not like they are losing any money and they are increasing the value of the subscription.
Precisely. It's a free product by nature anyhow
@GPierce exactly, they already put the resources into developing it, its basically free to post as a pDF
There are ways to get them but they are not legal... Which is odd as it is a free product
@GPierce have you seen the maps for LA? are they really open?
wondering if a range heavy party would work well in something like that...
@waxeagle no clue, yet to have seen it
@GPierce k...thinking that in a party with limited healing resources it would be helpful to stay out of range..
I am curious though, about maps, type of monsters or at least a theme for LA
although a 2 leader party would probably limit that..
@waxeagle That's the idea, lots of heals, lots of buffing
@GPierce having to survive a super long single encounter would certainly make encounters much more valuable...dailies would be slightly less valuable
@waxeagle we are talking about a lot of dailies with focus on EOTE-focus
@GPierce sick
it certainly does influence power selection. You definitely only take 1 stance/polymorph power...favor moveable encounter long zones
@waxeagle precisely. very fitting for what LA is, at that
and at level 8 you have at least 2 dailies (depending on theme selction and all)
for def: warden might be ideal, hard to take down
striker: a little harder... straight rogue would be nice with a good def/wl
but being dependent on CA is something that always makes me a little wary
@GPierce earth
Dwarven Earth warden with a shield and a craghammer...
he jumps into Form of Winter's Herald first thing in the encounter and no one gets away from him...ever
you direct all slides into his aura and then give them some bursty goodness
Honestly, this is a case where I would strongly consider a barb as the striker
@waxeagle that's what i was thinking. a true beast of a defender
@GPierce Con of 22 and there isn't a harder character to take down in the game
I guess it might have to be a str 20, con 20...but still
@waxeagle too bad revenant stats don't align, it'd be nigh unkillable then
@GPierce yeah...actually warforged in this case would be a good choice...automatically getting 10 on death saves seems useful..
@waxeagle revs have something similar there
and you can do a str/con warforged...
@waxeagle where is this for warforged? we tried to find it last session and couldn't... didn't show up on the compedium
warforged resilience. "you have a +2 racial to saving throws against ongoing damage. Also, when you make a death saving throw you can take the beter result of your die roll or 10."
@waxeagle awesome. our figheter will be happy to know that
question: why dwarf warden?
@GPierce feat support (dwarven weapon prof and some awesome save stuff), plus minor action second wind..plus the stats line up...
a dwarven warden with a mordenkrad/craghammer, there is feat to deal extra damage when you slow and wardens can slow at will...
@waxeagle very nice. i see what you are putting down
@GPierce so basically you set your self up, in a location, create burst 2 difficult terrain. Now, no one can shift away so they have to provoke and opportunity attack. Guess what, you have a feat that slows on an AoO as well. Now you are slowing both at will and with an AoO so no one gets away.
at most they get 1 square..
and they eat an AoO to get there
@waxeagle very nice
can you get to all of these needed feats by level 8 though?
(Crippling Crush Con mod damage on slow/immob, Sudden Roots Slows until end of enemy's turn on an OA)
yeah its only 3, Dwarven Weapon training, Crippling crush, and Sudden Roots
it gives you one more feat slot to play with
maybe hammer expertise
or toughness...
its a bit feat intensive, but you become uber sticky and painful to be around
particularly for 1 encounter/day which is all you need here
but the warden has a couple of other difficult terrain/slow kind of shenanigans
@waxeagle exactly what we are looking for
i might ask you for some advince when it comes time to actually build
@GPierce sure
The other option is if you can figure out how to prone at will with a warden...
stay dwarf, get a huge axe and take the headsman chop feat
thats harder because they don't prone at will...and they already have to be prone for headsman chop to work...
I really like wardens and I sort of want to play one full time...
bladesinger has some prone-making stuff, but i just don't see that being as high-op as needed
@GPierce not a chance...
synergy is super important in a game like this...L8 is tough though because a lot of the awesome cheese kicks in at paragon..
@waxeagle i'm actually glad about this. some cheese is good, but also a lot of reliance on skill, teamwork, and synergy.. lots of cheese deemphasizes this
@GPierce this is true. Its part of the reason the radiant cheese looks so appealing...its something everyone can get in on
@waxeagle i think there is a definite balance so taht way there is still a challenge, combat doesn't become broken, and still the idea of the team is crucial
@GPierce definitely. You want everyone to have fun...even the DM
@waxeagle exactly. which is why i have mixed feelings on some cheese. but in this case, LA is very much DM vs the Players. not good for a regular setting/game, but for this it's perfect
@GPierce yes, even some instructions to the DM to go for the TPK...which is awesome
@waxeagle oh i agree. i think it'd be a blast! tpk? rebuild, try again!
@GPierce yeah I like the concept a lot.
1 hour later…
you've been chatty, did I miss anything good?
@GMNoob lol, just talking about Lair Assault

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