@GMNoob we are going to dress up like sehanine worshipers and walk into the temple, either just before, or during the guard change. Molly can't be told what we are doing, but she will go along with the plan once its in motion, Yink seems like she is brash enough to intiate just walking in the front door :)
if not, then Darwin (being a crazy halfling tourist) will happily suggest it
i printed off a few 1inch grids on various colored paper (green, brown, yellow, blue) to use for varying terrains (forest, dirt roads/dirt period, sand, water)
you could also attempt to blow up the maps from the pdf, but i'm not sure if that'd work
@GPierce yeah, but just being able to say "I need monster named x" and search/import bang ok, he is there with all his updated stats, and oh, look I can grab his compendium entry too...