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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

@BrianBallsunStanton very true. would your route put me next to 2&3?
cause curvy charges are possible :)
thats the one I see as long as primary is 2
@GMNoob cool. like i said evil filter
also, me heart prestidigation
for stealth games: * Instantly light (or snuff out) a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
it's like I've got free water arrows!
::sneaksneak pssfft::
i hate charge rules
@GPierce lol are you of the opinion it should be straight line only?
@waxeagle i'm of the opinion that yes, straight line only. if you are charging you wouldn't be ducking and dodging. but also that for surprise round it makes no sense as you get one action and are essentially turning it into 2. but, RAW.... have at it
I don't like the way it came out, which part of the image do you want to pog to focus on?
@GPierce and I retain combat advantage :)
scribbles down future potential houserules about charging in surprise rounds
@GMNoob head
surprise just doesn't work in general
had it actually mattered cuz its a suprise rounda nyways...
and wow I can't type today
Now, charging and a bull rush on a surprise round? i can get behind that
I mean, I can see why it's anemic, but it makes me grumpy.
@GPierce question though, do you support move+charge in normal combat round?
give it a minute to update
go to the image directly dl.dropbox.com/u/6812543/darwin.png
I think the charge rules are fine. you are limited on the type of attack you can do
did you crit?
Ok, I like this one the best
@BrianBallsunStanton nope got an 18 + 9 + 2 for CA + 1 for charging :)
how can you use your dual weapon attack on a charge?
@GMNoob you can use free actions after a charge :)
thats a freeaction? nice
@GMNoob yup
if you refresh the wave your icon will look different
the two qualifiers are 1/round and on your turn and it only gets made if you hit.
@GMNoob nice
let me know if you want me to revert the image
@GMNoob no, it looks sweet
crashing pretty badly
any way we can resolve the enemies turn so I can make mine quickly before I sleep?
I know what I'm going to do
Minor: bladesong
@BrianBallsunStanton looks like Peirce dashed on us. If you want to add your turn with preferred targets we can resolve it.
... right, cool
@BrianBallsunStanton you know what I just realized? Darwin can't charge into difficult terrain...
he's got the move for it.
@BrianBallsunStanton let me look it up. I thought difficult terrain prevented charges...
wow... sorry.
@BrianBallsunStanton tis ok. its async:we move my charge up before your attack.
though friendly fire is a bitch...
but no, you should resolve yours before me.
@BrianBallsunStanton that will work. You want to roll against me in your blip?
@waxeagle no, because you'll have killed people
if you drop 2 and 3...
@BrianBallsunStanton good point
We charge heavy thug, and miss.
@BrianBallsunStanton where was NT4?
NE of heavy thug
and the difficult terrain evaporates. Can you take care of it?
@BrianBallsunStanton yeah I can.
she... trips on trash, I think
don't move offscreen, delete
what just happened?
@BrianBallsunStanton oops. Will know for next time. sry
why are we undoing moves?
no worries
okay, g'night all
because scout charges first, because we're not stupid
asynch is asynch.
@GMNoob ok. What happened was Darwin and Molly's moves conflicted badly so Darwin moves first. Molly then bases her move off of Darwin's.
you can't charge through difficult terrain?
@GMNoob I think thats correct, still looking it up
@waxeagle RAW it's allowed... Houserule-wise? The fluff and mechanics don't match, so not sure. But again, RAW, so have at it for this purpose
I don't see any rule that says that
I was playing another game and people were charging through difficult terrain left and right
okay, I'll... allow you guys to revert as necessary.
I'm so tired.
@GMNoob k. I may be remembering wrong on that one then.
g'night all
@BrianBallsunStanton g'night.
you guys decide what set of actions I do. my first roll is still a 4, so I miss anyways
only time you can't charge through difficult terrain, is if it requires an atheletics check to go trhough
like a tall boulder
Brian, can you just revert the map to the way it was?
I'm not sure all the changes you made
from now on... only move your pog or add pips according to your powers. don't mess with it anyway so we don't have to worry about reversions
This whole undoing things is very confusing,.. imagine if I wasn't here now and only saw this again tomorow
I'd have no clue whats going on
@GMNoob ok. lets revert back to @BrianBallsunStanton making the icy terrain attack since I can charge through it no problem and I have the movement to do it. NT4 is dead per his attack, the 9 squares of icy terrain should still exist. and just for fun lets ping @GPierce in here too...
or we can let Molly charge in and NT4 should be back.
doesn't matter to me.
I think it probably makes more sense if Molly charges in.
plus the map reflects that.
new rule, if you make an attack and i've already responded with damage and to hit, etc. no takesy-backsies
until i respond though, it's open game to change
otherwise it is way too confusing to try and figure out what happened
@GPierce fair enough.
@GPierce :P
just trying to keep it simple
so stick with molly's charge. helps her anyways as she is a defender, and she is now in prime position
silly response to darwin
couldn't help it
@GPierce that's what the :P was for :)
@waxeagle lol
@GPierce um if yink is going to act in the surprise round he better do it. I don't think a delayed action carries over does it?
that was to show my friend somtehing
it carries over until yinks next turn
so if someone meets yinks trigger before his next turn he can do it
@GPierce gotcha
right because its part of round 1. mn
s'all good
readied actions can be weird
@GPierce indeed. and I'm tired. stayed up too late last night.
@GPierce btw NT4 should be back on the board
aren't re keeping brian's original move?
@GMNoob no we went ahead and stuck with the charge.
sorry for the confusion
lol @GPierce love the voice over for darwin :)
@GMNoob reminds me of the classic looney toons narrator. I picture Darwin looking at the narrator and saying something to the effect of "I don't think that at all"
@waxeagle : Most definitly!
@GPierce Time for mobs yes?
@GPierce you be jenyus
added nt4 since molly charged now
they all have names and descriptors to make you feel bad about murdering them
like "karl, grandfather" or "mark, family man"
"evan, new father"
I've joined in the party
molly's ac?
and also darwins?
don't have access right now
Molly 18
Darwin 18
@GMNoob doesnt support d10
d20 / 2 it is then
@GMNoob just use the last digit on a d20 roll.
i use this if it doesn't work: wizards.com/dnd/dice/dice.htm
@waxeagle perfect
baddies went
and molly might be hurting
@GPierce question. Are you opposed to posting mob defenses in the future so we know whether we hit or not right away?
19 damage
@waxeagle certainly
did you update the map?
again, only move your characters
not yet
hold on
@GPierce May I go ahead and resolve Brian's attacks now?
@waxeagle did he say you could?
nevermind, i see it
so yes, resolve it
@GPierce he said someone could. I just volunteered. Although actually I want to move Darwin first.
yes, he said we could
yeah, resolve it
i see he left contingency
try to do your rolling here, but if that fails, then just do it elsewhere
hmm, does wave have a dice app?
specifically have a wave only for rolling
that'd be nice
now, I wanted to move 2 squares left of the cat, and then shift 2 behind the leader and garotte him. Is that allowed?
@GPierce I tried a couple and it didn't work well.
@GMNoob you can only shift 1 unless you have a power that says otherwise
and that counts as your movement to shift
again, unless you have a power that says otherwise
garrote allows me to shift 2 before the atack
garrote requires a target that I am hidden from
roll a stealth to see if you are still hidden
new round, new stealth check
alright, gotta go
talk to y'all later
d20 d20
28 stealth
assumed: 12 = 1, 23 = 2, 45= 3 56=3 78=4?
@GMNoob the stealth is part of the move action, you still have your minor
to use my extra 1d10 damage, and hidden strike or not...
I think I shall.
How does Yink make a creature helpless?
@GMNoob helpless? usually thats unconcious or asleep. why?
cause she gets special abilities against helpless targets
wondering if she has some thing that helps with that
@GMNoob maybe restrained. Id have to look it up.
it says a DM can declare a mob helpless if sufficently bound
@GMNoob looks good to me.
just found a better one
btw. Since the battle field has changed fairly dramatically do we want to put a hold on @BrianBallsunStanton's turn or act for him adjusting where needed?
I'm tempted to say lets wait for him to get back since Sean isn't around so far.
let me read what he asked to do
Brian seemed to want his turn to be resolved
@GMNoob can you upload it here? I can't see most host sites :(
can you update the map with your shift?
@GMNoob I know, and he is in position to hack up the guy he wanted to, just no flank. Not sure what the base on the rolls was.
@GMNoob I decided not to shift.
boo his
@waxeagle ok last attempt before I just pick one
@GMNoob nice
which one is better?
@GMNoob I can only see first one and last one. I think I like first one better
nm you only posted two...
first and last are the only 2 options :)
I like the first one
Ok, pog made, and yeah, lets let brian re-pick his action
none of what he wants to do makes sense anymore :)
@GMNoob right. That's kind of what I'm thinking. If sean shows up and acts in the next hour or two things might be different, but I don't see a point in rushing our actions.
@GMNoob you are offline for 25 hours starting in what...a couple of hours?
yup, ok I'm going to be gone for the next day. If my turn comes up again, just continue the garrote
yeah, starting in 2 hours. but I'm leaving now cause I need to do some things :)
@GMNoob k. if that action is still suitable we will continue as such.
If I was molly, I'd likely shift diagonal, kill off the minion and then do something cool :)
shift so as to flank the minion
@waxeagle do you know where Brian put molly's new sheet?
I guess we need to tell sean to heal molly!
is the best place he hasn't uploaded a PDF. I will look at changes and get a PDF up
is the PDF I uploaded this morning, I think its mostly right, but some may be off a bit
thanks, yeah he didn't bake the powers, so I can't read the iplay4e
@GMNoob yeah, the offline char builder doesn't include them in the dnd4e file. I will update the online one so they are there later
2 hours later…
Whenever one of you graphics whizes has time Animus needs a cat too apparently.
or we can just use the same cat token...probably better
2 hours later…
good... morning all
so, @GPierce do we want to just puppet ol' brother into something?
But yeah, the feat support for longsword is unimpressive, especially without eladrin feats
and rapier is just... cooler
@waxeagle maybe comfusing
@BrianBallsunStanton agreed
@waxeagle I set up a iplay4e campaign if you want to upload characters to it: (<iframe src="http://iplay4e.appspot.com/view?xsl=combatbar&key=agdpcGxheTRlchELEghDYW1wY‌​Wlnbhj_4PgEDA" style="width:970px;border:none; height:100px; padding:0;" frameborder="no"></iframe>)
one second
invite me to it?
@BrianBallsunStanton can you not click the link and do so?
you must extend invitation
I can see, but not interact with
in the campaign page, click "add players"
invited everyone
feel free to upload char sheets there too
what in the world?
i added y'all as players
except it's not... showing...
oookay, try adding our uploaded players
cause... I don't have access for some reason
@waxeagle goddamnit... dragon 403 has level-0 rules
testing this out with a random campaign
@GPierce lol
@BrianBallsunStanton I don't seem to either
@waxeagle if they are anything like mine, i'm going to be suspicious
@waxeagle very, very odd
you should be authorized for one of my random campaigns
@GPierce they totally monitor our chatz :)
@waxeagle i'm a genius
i knew it
also, dragon is very, very light this month
i thought they were doing character compendium stuff this month
okay, attempt 2, can you add, on one line, [email protected]?
there we go
note to self: iplay4e hates it if you add more than one person at a time
why offer it if it doesn
t work???
no idea
isn't the bladesinger a defender?
no, I'm a squishy squishy striker
@GPierce technically "controller" but striker truly
i have no idea why i was convinced it was a defender
is there an arcane defender? i'm drawing a blank
@GPierce swordmage
@waxeagle oh, ew
i remember now
that class should have been cool
but wow did it suck
i like gishy classes and that just failed
bladesinger looks promsing though
@GPierce if they didn't gimp the dailies so badly
it was kind of a total cop out
@waxeagle i don't know if i agree about them being gimped
different character building
apparently they are still effective even with the vastly different power concept
@GPierce yeah, i sort of get it, but a multi attack daily would have been awesome.
@waxeagle man, watching people go crazy about it on forums before it even came out was hilarious though. it was remenicent of edition wars: "i've not played it, but damnit i'm going to be negative and have a bad opinion about something i don't have any experience with! rabble rabble rabble!"
anyways, what are we doing about brother animus?
because, judgment before knowledge/experience is always wise
@BrianBallsunStanton go ahead and play him. sean's been on a plane/at a convention the past few days when we all started gearing up
not convention, sorry, symposium
time to go find his sheet
should be in docs
gtg gents, be on later
sun. domain.
a drow. has the sun. domain.
oh, that's easy
step 1, start on front lines, because he's melee
wander into flank
I just cannot roll for shit
time for breakfast
@GPierce note change in my blips. Realized 2nd hit didn't actually strike Karl.
@waxeagle will note later
thanks for the heads up
looks like the gm is up
for what we are about to recieve... may we be truely... thankful?
painful, thankful, etc
i'll get to it either later this afternoon, later tonight, or early tomorrow
i'm about to head to the vet
i hardly call that fun
kitty getting shots and deworming is not fun
3 hours later…
@BrianBallsunStanton Molly should be at like 20 HP correct?
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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