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Q: Dragon centipede, could it work?

MephistophelesBasically, -in lieu of giant pterosaur torso fossils - we have to assume this was true for the giants, too. The 544 mm long humerus of Q. northropi translates to a predicted torso length of just c. 750 mm -Witton 75 cm?! BWHAHAHAHAAAAAAAaaaa! Man, I could just place two right next to each o...

I don’t understand what you’re asking here. Can you please clairfy?
@LiamMorris Better?
I still don't understand
No, not really. Are you asking if a dragon with many legs is plausible?
@LiamMorris Not legs, wing bones and flight muscles.
Please edit it, it's still hard to understand what are you asking
@Mranderson Is it better now? Which part was unclear?
Okay, i think i’ve worked out what you’re asking. Are you asking if you could have two pectoralis majors connected to the same set of wings? And then using the quetzalcoatlus northropi as an example of this being done? Edit: Me and @Agrajag seem to have gotten a similar impression, seeing as though we commented very similar things within 2 seconds of each other.
A sort of pectoralis major and minor but of the same size flapping the wing? A bit like mammal arm design?
@LiamMorris Kinda. Though the Quetzy is only proof that flight muscles can be that "small".
Perhaps it would help if you assumed people aren't going to click on that link and read something to understand what you're talking about.
@Muuski The important part was in the quotation. Don't bite my head off for linking my sources!
@Mephistopheles - I have to say, I read through that linked article and several other related ones too for interest's sake, and some of those would be amazing resources for anyone writing about any kind of European style dragon or wyvern and who wishes for some physical plausibility: just incredible tech resources and info; thank you! That said, your question is... so jumbled in how it's phrased as to be almost un-parseable. I really think you should rewrite it for clarity. It's why there are more than a dozen comments and not one attempted answer yet.
Do you mean something like this, only bigger?
@GerardFalla I think this question is asking for how well it would work if one essentially stuck two pterosaur bodies together (with just two wings, since they would be merged together to form supermassive wings) and used the combined musculature of those two bodies to flap the wings. But yes, this question is rather difficult to understand, so I'm not 100% certain of my interpretation. Although that link looks extremely promising as a resource, so I have to thank the OP for bringing that to my attention :)
I've been bitten by centipedes a few times... you don't write stories about these things or think about them other than to kill on sight, if they were any bigger they'd eat us.
@Palarran - that was one interpretation I got from OP's post, but given all the detail in the linked reference article about sheer and bending stressors on those bones, I'd think OP would understand you can't just scale up the muscles: clearly mention of those bones being able to stand "several bodyweight's" worth of stress - if you upscale the wings by 50%, you exceed that "several times" stress pretty considerably, which then drives a need for thicker bone walls, which decreases flying efficiency... so I wondered if OP meant multiple wings - like an insect, but in a draconic reptiloid.
If we agree that "human centipede" is workable, then "dragon centipede" should be workable too.
@GerardFalla I'm keying off the reference in the question to "those two flight muscles connect to the same wing" to rule out the four-winged case. As for the rest, I'm trying to write up an answer right now to point out such concerns.
@Alexander Do we agree that? It seems to have rhyme but no reason and a bare place in the question that does not add to the clarity, as it conjures images of heads shoved where the sun don't shine. Weird reference to use in this context don't you think? Unless the OP is not referencing the film, but the Charles Sheffield novels. VTC Unclear what the OP is asking.
Been watching the human centipede, have you?

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