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Q: How to install public key in host windows server 2012

xChaaxMy user from another server gave his public key to me and asked me to install this public key into my server so he can connect to my server. Did some research and I have to create a directory called .ssh and paste my user public key in a Notepad and save this text file into the .ssh directory. My...

If the user is already a user on your server (has password authentication working), he/she can setup the public key on his/her own.
What OS are you using?
... can do this on their own ... using ssh-copy-id for instance.
I’m using windows server 2012 @Dave X
As a client or as a server?
As a server @Martin Prikryl
But that may completely change the question. Do you even use OpenSSH on the Windows Server?
Previously we as a client we connect to host using winscp. Now as a host. I think there is OpenSSH in my server.
"think" is not enough. You have to know -- And you have to know a lot about how it was installed, otherwise we cannot help you.
Upon checking OpenSSH was installed in my server. Your answer is more to unix right?
My answer is about OpenSSH. Only the part about permissions is not valid for Windows. The rest still stands. As long as your Windows build of OpenSSH behaves reasonably. What build is that?
Windows server 2012 build 9200. How to create authorized_keys file and what format is that ?
I was asking for build of the OpenSSH, not Windows. And I've mean the "build" (how it was created, there are many builds of OpenSSH for Windows), not "build number'" -- Basically I'm asking where did you get your version of OpenSSH from?
Basically choose apps from windows settings. Then add a feature and choose OpenSSH client to install..
On Windows 2012? There's no "Settings" or "Apps" on Windows 2012 --- OpenSSH client? We are talking about server here!
On windows server 2012 the OpenSSH is in this path C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH. I'm not really understand is this not consider OpenSSH. I'm stuck on how to create authorized_keys and what is the file format for authorized_keys.
I've shown you the format in my answer. How to create that format depends on what format is the key you have now. You never told us.
The format of public key is same exactly as u shown in your answer.
So why do you ask about format for authorized_keys file???
It’s unclear for me, the public key ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQB/nAmOjTme... must be save in authorized_keys right ? So I want to know if I dont have this file, how can I create this file, is the format authorized_keys.text ?
No the file name is authorized_keys - no extension. The file is plain ASCII text file. You better use *nix line endings. Though maybe the Windows build of OpenSSH can handle Windows line endings. But I'm not sure.

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