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Q: Which modern philosophers profess an atheist personalism?

Frank HubenyThomas D. Williams and Jan Olof Bengtsson describe the origin of personalism in the following way: Personalism in the sense of a distinct philosophy or worldview focusing on the full, accumulated import of the concept of the person, however, emerged only in the context of the broad critical r...

McTaggart specifically used the labels of personalism and atheism, but you can also count most existentialists, starting with Heidegger. Or even Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
@Conifold It looks like McTaggart would fit the description based on the article.
To affirm the reality of a creative God would mean to affirm the reality of time, and this McTaggart will not do. Priceless.
I reduced my comments. In France, see Mounier's book. What was a good Catholic to do once "Action Francaise" the French Catholic reactionary movement was condemned. They moved to the Left which was easier after the 1920s with the coming of the Depression. Mounier, Maritain, many writers, intellectuals.
I don't know Mounier's biography. I had read about him on Wikipedia. He must have converted. He was familiar with the highly influential almost unknown (except he influenced Vatican II) Maurice Blondel. We can add to the Personalists N. Berdyeav.
Crudely speaking, it was a way to make a nod toward community but retain the individual relationship with God. The individual was not lost in the masses. A neo-Thomist like Maritain, and a Russian Orthodox like Berdyeav could both travel under the flag of personalism.
I did not know about McTaggart, who was a Hegelian. My comments mainly address a very important part of 20th Century French philosophy often overlooked.
@Gordon It is good to have such a list of philosophers and your comments put Personalism in perspective. I am unfamiliar with Personalism but I'm trying to find my way around it. Thanks!
My sense is that personalism is primarily a term for a Catholic version of existentialism, so I wonder whether those who are being placed under the banner who aren't at least some stripe of Christian are being placed their against their will (like Sartre's categorization of Heidegger as an existentialist).
@virmaior McTaggart, based on the article critical of him that Conifold referenced, seems to be a personalist, but I haven't read him to know if he considers himself such.
@Gordon I added your references to the question so they won't get lost. Thanks!
I've read some McTaggart, but my knowledge of the 19th century Brithsh Hegelians isn't enough to comment on whether they called themselves personalists or what they meant by the term if they used it.
To put some context to "Gaudium et Spes", A younger Wojtyla (Later John Paul II) helped to draft it. It is my understanding that his doctoral dissertation concerned Personalism. I have not read all of this article, but in case someone is interested, this may assist.
8 hours later…
@Gordon This does seem to be a Catholic philosophical position. I've been reading Gabriel Marcel and this is one motivation for looking at Personalism. I suspect Marcel was a Personalist prior to becoming a theist. So he may be an example as well.
7 hours later…
@FrankHubeny Hi Frank. I am probably most under the influence of Mounier's book. It so happened that I had read in Berdyaev and Maritain before I encountered Mounier. It seems to me all these figures, including Marcel, are rather unique thinkers who marched loosely under this flag of Personalism.
This book French Existentialism a Christian View I merely put here as a reference in case you didn't have it. I've heard Maritain referred to by neo Thomist, existentialist, personalist. He seems to settle best in Personalism and Neo-Thomism. Just my opinion. I have only read a little in Marcel. I think he was older than some of the other figures. I consider him the original French Existentialist..but I'm no expert on Marcel.
Meant above..."as neo-Thomist...etc.

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