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A: Determining optimal bandwidth needs for the office

Yosef GunsburgSNMP is very handy for this type of monitoring. For just one router, you can download the free version of PRTG and set it up to monitor the interface's bandwidth. On your router you are going to need to enable SNMP access. To do so, enter snmp-server community [name of your choice] RO in global-...

It's very hard with SNMP to see actual peak-rate, as it's averaged data. Optimally we'd see all data send with at least millisecond precision or greater, then we could calculate peak-demand.
@ytti yes, but if you aren't hitting your peak consistently over time, then you may not need all the extra bandwidth. If you hit 20Mbps for a few seconds, but average 2Mbps, the peak is not characteristic of your traffic flow and overall link saturation.
If you hit 20Mbps for few seconds, and you downgrade link to 2Mbps, you'll be dropping frames at those few seconds. And you'll experience high latency in other smaller peaks.
@ytti say you have a user downloading a 100MB file. It will peak during the download, but will not drop frames if you scale the link down. With less bandwidth, the L4 protocols will take care of those issues with windowing.
Only way to scale down the transfer is to drop frames, that is how TCP works :)
It will never scale up in the first place :)
Only way to avoid it scaling up, is to have maximum TCP window small enough.
per default TCP Window will scale to 64kB
And it will quickly scale back
Wait, that's the default?
and your bandwidth is then limited to Window/RTT
If your delay is 10ms, that is 64kB/10ms = 51.2Mbps
but usually all operating systems have 'window scaling' turned on
What I'm getting at is that if you have a 100Mbps link, and someone decides to download 600MB, the link will be saturated for the file transfer, but that doesn't mean you need a 100M connection
which will allow TCP Window to scale almost abitrarily
how'd you get 51.2?
(64*8)/0.01/1000 = 51.2Mbps
64 we multiply by 8, to get bits
then we divide that by 10ms, i.e. 0.01s
then we have bandwidth in kbps
we divide that by 1000 to get Mbps
anyhow it's of course debatable when you need faster connection and when not
and it really depends on the type of traffic
if you only burst over rate for say 10ms, then you can queue it
but then you'd need to implement QoS
so that when you do drop packets, you're not dropping VoIP, but you're dropping the bulk trasnfer
if you see file transfers (user based) taking up the link for a couple seconds here and there
but only way to get TCP to reduce its window size, is to drop packets, thats absolutely normal and expected way TCP finds congestion
vs. sql transactions
couple seconds is VERY long time
for a file trans?
if you don't do QoS, all traffic is impacted for the duration
if you need to drop packets at the link, you need to make sure, you're actually dropping the highspeed TCP transfer
good point
if you congest your link, you need QoS
so if OP wants to downgrade his link to a rate where he starts dropping packets, he also needs to implement QoS
I wouldn't suggest going lower than 10M
or then he could measure what is actual peak-rate, and downgrade there, where he is not yet dropping anything, then he can live without QoS
ACK, TCP is aggressive
it will take all bandwidth there is available
so if LAN is 100M or 1GE
yea. every user download will congest
but right now OP is claiming there is no congestion (or maybe is looking to see if there is)
Oh... Up there you were referring to the BDP?
That always makes me craaazy.
Yes, rate is determined by window and RTT
RTT * BW = Window
so we can solve BW from that by: Window/RTT = BW
Optimizing TCP is fun...
or we can solve RTT by Window/BW = RTT
so if we know 2 of those variables, we can calculate the 3rd
Ah, I see
so if you really want to limit TCP from growing, you could force the operating system to use really small tcp windows
Many implementations throw the window through the roof anyways
but that would be manual configuration, as the operating system which is installed (windows7, 8, OSX, linux) all support not only 64kB windows, but window scaling
They start with a scaled window
yes, all modern OS
so you're not even limited to the 64kB anymore
I know a university that does it
they set the multiplier
it's on by default in every modern OS
no need to manually configure
Windows 95 didn't have TCP window scaling turned on by default yet
i'm not sure about Windows XP
but Windows7 definitely has it turned on
So that sets the window to a large value?
from the start?
yes, it's an option you signal at TCP handshake
which is just single integer, telling what number you use to multiply the reported TCP window size
yup. so Win7 for example will set that up
(so to know actual tcp window size, you need to see the transfer from the start, doing capture in the middle of the transfer, and you don't know what was the window scaling factor)
but even 64kB is quite large low latency links, like fibre
as 1ms == 100km, RTT
so you could get >50Mbps on 10ms, i..e 1000km!
= 51.2
~ 50Mbps
well no 64kBps, but 64kB
it's not per second, it's window size
window / rtt = bw
window == 64kB, i.e. 64*8 == 512kilobits
delay == 10ms, i.e 0.01s
512kilobits / 0.01s = 51200kbps
51200kbps / 1000 = 51.2Mbps
(Math escapes me :))
it's one division :)
the math isn't the problem to most, it's the unit conversions that seem to be problematic to people
especially to people from US, don't always seem to be familiar with SI units
I remember trying to figure out BDP and RTT and window scaling TCP extensions...
Drove me in circles
High speed satellite link, high latency
Long fats
yeah satellite links can easily have more than 600ms latency
so you need really large window to get decent bandwidth
as RTT*BW = Window
if we wan to run 50Mbps on 600ms satellite link
it's 0.6s * (50/8) = 3.75MB
over 60 times higher window that you can even get without window scaling option!
yea, the conversion throws me off every time
Mb MB Kb KB seconds, msec
you'd think I'd get the hang eventually ;)
geostat orbit is about 36000km, we need to multiple that by 4 (we go to the orbit, then come back, then go to the orbit, then come back). So we get 144000km which we divide by c (speed of light) and we get 480ms
that is absolutely minimum delay you could ever hope to get for geostat orbit

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