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how do you chose what books to read when your studying a new topic in mathematics
Well, there are a lot of styles of exlaining something.
In the case of mathematics, it seems that the authors background make the difference.
Some guys from logic can explain for example, real analiysis in a completely different way.
how do you get your books?
I donwload them on libgen
@GustavoBandeira as a matter of a fact I am trying to learn mathematical logic lol
Was what I was thinking of reading
I don't really know any logic
It is nice to look various books and use what most fits your head.
I have already looked at several
There's something I can recommend you.
This is a nice guide.
He wrote it for both philosophy and mathematics.
There are a lot of book recomendations.
From my experience reading mathematics, it seems that there are the concepts and there are the ways of expressing it - those differ a lot.
Some people choose weird ways of expression.
I want a book for someone familiar with no logic, but a book that everyone who studies logic is familiar with.
I have not really studied any formal mathematics like linear algebra etc
I've read a little of this one:
I"ve even made some questions.
I want something axiomatic and mathematical though, like somthing that devies precises definitions and so on, not something so philosophy based, I don't want to dwell on the meaning or choosing of primitives
Q: Doubts on the truth table of $\models$

Gustavo BandeiraI'm reading Shawn Hedman's A First Course in Logic: An Introduction to Model Theory, Proof Theory, Computability, and Complexity: Definition 1.18 Formula $G$ is a consequence of formula $F$ if for every assignment $A$, if $A\models F$ then $A\models G$. We denote this by $F\models G$. ...

Peter Smith guides have this approach.
He cites a lot of books on mathematical logic.
There is too much stuff out there, I don't know anything, how do I chose what to read
I don't know any mathematical logic
Look various books.
@GustavoBandeira How can I get these books like on pdf or somthing
This is the most complete place for downloading books I know.
@GustavoBandeira Can I see the book that you showed me
I guess you can download it there.
Do you know de Morgan's theorems?
I"ve already seen a lot of ways of expressing it.
no I don't know any propositional logic or anything
Looking various forms of expression may help to convey an idea.
I think thats what that is right
Did you get the book?
If you like/want to study analysis, there's a really nice book: Analysis by it's history.
Do Halmos or Lang have some book on mathematical logic?
They are very good expositors of mathematics.
Did you find the answers to your last question satisfactory?
which question?
yes, it was from epstein's book, but I am trying to read the one you showed me now
Oh, there's one last tip: I find the approach of searching for best books useless.
I usually encourage to look some books and try to use what best fits your mind, and then (if you have energy) look other books for checking if there's something there you didn't notice in the others.
I started making music while I was 15.
I've seen the question: "What's the best DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)?"
The funny part was that they couldn't even make one sound with this best DAW.
People usually respond to such questions not as "this is the best" but with "this is the best for me" or "this is the best, according to some vacuous consensus"
There's no guarantee that the best for me or the most used book in the world is going to be useful for you.
yes usually I would put the words good/best in quotes to try and indicate the reader can sort of make sense of the words, but I am not assigning a precise definition to it.
When you don't know much about a topic its hard to not be vague I think, but most of us share similar connotations and ideas regarding words like 'good' or 'best'

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