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@ngn when i get to matrix chat, how do i find what u speak of?
@juanez does "sentinel value" means a placeholder/dummy value? like @ngn said a ` :: empty (symbol to :: ) ? if so, its gonna appear in count (#) and in other enumarations, whats the best way to deal with that?
i screwed up the () it should be "( empty symbol to :: )"
@ngn its the The APL Farm on matrix ?
@meyt4r yes, the APL farm, which is mentioned in the description
aaahh.. thanks
over there you should be able to ping ngn
@ngn "based on mercantility and secrecy", aaa... now i understand your aversion from documentation and keeping the acronyms in your head. u blend in nicely with their culture. ;)
though as usual sir, solute you for the software, and especially for the advancement of public freedom. i can't see us going very far as civilization if we keep this secrecy stuff in the age of the information highway.
8 hours later…
@meyt4r if you use rlwrap ./k repl.k, you can type \ to get some in-repl docs with examples. there are more wordy docs in the wiki. i don't see the point of documenting the code, as i don't have collaborators and the only people who might be interested in it are developers of other k-s and other array languages. we keep in touch with them in chat anyway.

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