for json parsing), and added fresh ideas (eg "deep where"), but it's still mostly a k6 clone. 11:15
@meyt4r k6. ngn/k is an attempt to recreate through legal means a free (as in both beer&speech) interpreter that resembles the k5-k6 design. the two were very close, so for simplicity let's call them just k6. i dropped some features (eg date&time types), picked others from newer versions (eg
unfortunately information about k online is scarce. the whole culture around this language is based on mercantility and secrecy. i don't even have a k5 or k6 interpreter to test against; i used to have an early k5 but lost it in a broken hdd long ago. there's an effort to organise what's publicly known at k.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
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