re: developing a K "mindset", a very good resource is the archives of old kdb and k listboxes and forums. Them may be available on For instance… but I think list boxes were more interesting.
@ngn i don't accept. i will write one, one day.. being able to place a dictionary somewhere and get a property dialog, or a table (for a table), a coulple of buttons calling k functions. that should be doable. than i want to be able to write simple gui programs in plain k with minimal overhead.
counting sort is the obvious way to get an O(n) integer sort, but you can do much better, e.g. radix sort, which is for all intents and purposes O(n) but doesn't use 16GB RAM
@dzaima in practice it could pay off to make an extra pass over the input to determine min and max. if they are not too far apart, radix sort could require fewer iterations. that's what i did in ngn/k.
@ngn I intend to just find things that work well in the first place, proper performant impls come later (who knows how later), when i have an actual impl to put them in